Grapefruit Seed Extract: Properties, Applications, Reviews

Grapefruit is a tropical fruit with a unique taste and many beneficial properties. Its peel and seeds contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, due to which the mentioned fruit is used not only in cooking, but also in pharmaceuticals. For example, plant essential oil helps with colds and flu, and grapefruit seed extract (application, reviews of the product will be described later) has a powerful antiseptic effect, therefore it is often used to combat fungi and mold, as well as disinfect water.

Chemical composition

liquid grapefruit seed extract

Before considering reviews of grapefruit seed extract, let's look at how valuable this citrus fruit has. Its movr (seeds) contains a large amount of antioxidants that help to eliminate toxins from the human body, as well as increase its protective functions. The fruit is rich in hesperidin and vitamin C, which normalizes the functioning of the immune system, so a person who regularly takes grapefruit seed extract is much less likely to get sick even during the height of the epidemic.

Thanks to tocopherol, sterols, citric acid, free radicals and lemonoids, citrus has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which makes it a very effective and universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

In what cases is appointed?

useful properties of grapefruit

Let's dwell on this in more detail. In the treatment of many pathologies of various origins, one of the most effective means is grapefruit seed extract. The use of the drug is possible in the following cases:

  • bacterial, viral and fungal diseases in the initial stages of development;
  • various problems with the respiratory tract, acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, bronchitis, inflammation of the inner ear;
  • herpes;
  • candidiasis of the epidermis and nail plates;
  • skin diseases;
  • seborrhea, scaly lichen;
  • digestive upset;
  • allergic rashes;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • damage to the peridental tissue;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • inflammation of the soft tissues of the larynx.

In addition to all of the above, Citrosept grapefruit seed extract (drug reviews will be presented at the end of the article) doctors recommend taking for the prevention of myocardial infarction and general cleansing of the body of toxic substances and pathogenic microflora.

The value of the drug for the digestive system

Grapefruit seed extract is very effective for intestinal infections. Reviews of patients confirm that with its help you can quickly get rid of many diseases of the digestive system caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it is used in the following cases:

  • constipation
  • stomach upset;
  • loose stools;
  • parasites;
  • increased gas formation;
  • dysentery;
  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • allergic to any food.
gse liquid concentrate with grapefruit seed extract

As shown by the results of numerous clinical studies, GSE liquid concentrate with grapefruit seed extract helps to quickly cure diseases of the genitourinary system of viral etiology in the early stages. According to official information, it has an overwhelming effect on more than 800 known viruses and bacteria, 100 fungal strains and many intestinal parasites.

Fighting High Cholesterol

So what do you need to know about this? Grapefruit seed extract is indicated for use in people with diabetes. This drug contains naringinin, which contributes to the normalization of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, and also reduces the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases. In addition, this substance normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates digestion, improves the digestibility of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes weight loss, which, in turn, favorably affects the functioning of many internal organs. Therefore, if you have problems with obesity, then, for example, the same "Citrosept" will be an excellent substitute for strict diets, exhausting sports and medications intended for weight loss.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment

This aspect should be given special attention. Grapefruit seeds contain lemonoids, which suppress the activity of certain types of malignant tumors. Many doctors prescribe an extract to their patients (as part of complex therapy) who have been diagnosed with cancer of the breast, stomach, colon, lung and oral cavity. Phytonutrients supposedly not only slow down the growth of carcinomas and their further development, but also induce them to self-destruction. At the same time, there is absolutely no effect on healthy tissues, therefore, therapy is effective and safe.

Therapy of pathologies of the respiratory system

the benefits of grapefruit oil

Grapefruit seed extract "Citrosept" (50ml bottle, cap. And spray - these are the main forms of release) is widely used in otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of many diseases of the respiratory tract, ear and nose. So, the drug is often prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • cold;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • sore throat and tonsils;
  • otitis.

For any of the diseases listed above, you can use the nasal spray with Nutribiotic grapefruit seed extract. Despite its natural composition, it is not recommended to start using the product without first consulting a specialist, since the dosage and duration of treatment depend on the type of disease and the intensity of its course. It is not recommended to start using the drug on its own, because therapy can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Oral care

The drug "Citrosept", produced in the form of a liquid, is very effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the oral cavity.

It helps a lot with the following problems:

  • gingivitis;
  • bad breath;
  • caries;
  • deep damage and inflammation of the periodontium;
  • thrush;
  • aphthous ulceration.

To reduce the likelihood of developing all these diseases, it is recommended to use the extract as a prophylactic for rinsing the mouth after brushing your teeth.

Use in cosmetology

liquid grapefruit seed extract in cosmetology

Grapefruit seed extract is a very good hair and skin care product. It contains vitamin E, flavonoids, monobasic carboxylic acid and procyanidins. All these substances contribute to the improvement of the epidermis and increase its protective functions. The drug stops the oxidative processes in the cells, so that the skin becomes softer and more elastic, the aging process slows down.

In addition, the extract is used to combat the following problems:

  • allergic rashes;
  • hives;
  • scabies;
  • inflammatory lesion of the epidermis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • acne and blackheads;
  • dandruff;
  • damage to the scalp and hair;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • herpes and cracked lips;
  • fungal infection of the skin and nails;
  • mastitis;
  • increased sweating;
  • corns;
  • insect bites;
  • prickly heat.

If you believe the reviews, a wonderful citrus remedy allows you to quickly cope with all this. In addition to all of the above, it helps to strengthen the hair roots, making them less brittle and improving growth. It can also be used in caring for intimate areas.

Grapefruit seed extract in its disinfecting properties significantly exceeds colloidal silver, iodine and chlorine, therefore it is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in modern medicine for the treatment of various skin diseases caused by viruses and fungi.

Use of the extract at home

grapefruit bones

Due to the excellent antioxidant, disinfectant and antifungal properties, many people use the product to fulfill various household needs. For example, using it you can:

  • wash floors and countertops in the kitchen;
  • fight mold;
  • disinfect the premises;
  • disinfect water;
  • to clean carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen and toilet;
  • process food before cooking;
  • wash up;
  • rinse clothes after washing;
  • treat plants in order to increase their resistance to various diseases of viral and fungal origin;
  • to clean pools;
  • extend the shelf life of cosmetic products;
  • extend the shelf life of food.

This is only a small part of everyday goals, for the implementation of which you can use an extract from grapefruit seeds. In fact, the scope of this tool is much wider.

Side effects

This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. Despite the fact that grapefruit seed extract has many useful properties, and is also widely used in modern medicine to combat a wide variety of diseases, it also has certain side effects. As is the case with any other extract from the fruits of fruit plants, taking medications made on the basis of extract from grapefruit mov can cause allergic reactions in some people. In addition, this plant is able to inhibit the production of certain enzymes in the liver and intestines.

Much less often, but still there can be such a side effect as a violation of the normal functioning of the digestive system and difficulty in removing drugs from the blood. The statin contained in grapefruit, when interacting with drugs, can lead to the development of asthenic syndrome and neuropsychic weakness.

The extract itself is safe and does not cause intoxication, since it is made exclusively from components of natural origin. As practice shows, side effects are manifested in very rare cases, however, it is recommended to abstain from taking it for women bearing a child and nursing mothers. When taken orally, the product must be diluted with water in the proportion indicated in the instructions for the drug. It is strictly forbidden to drink the extract in its pure form due to the high concentration of active substances, as this can be fraught with very serious consequences.

What do patients say about the drug?

citrocept grapefruit seed extract 50ml bottle cap

Many doctors in the treatment of patients with various diseases often prescribe grapefruit seed extract. Reviews of people who have undergone a full course of therapy claim that the drug is indeed highly effective. Combining drug therapy with the hood, you can speed up the healing process, reduce the likelihood of relapse, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to negative environmental factors and many ailments of various etiologies.


"Citrosept", created on the basis of extracts from grapefruit seeds, is a good tool that can be used to treat and prevent many ailments. However, like any other medication, it has certain contraindications, therefore, to reduce the likelihood of side effects and avoid negative consequences, it should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Therefore, it is first necessary to undergo a full examination with a specialized specialist who will select the most effective and safe therapy program.


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