How long to cook potatoes in their skins: useful tips

Jacketed potato is the simplest dish possible, even a child can cope with, because its preparation does not imply any culinary abilities. What kind of dish is this? This is the most common potato, which is subjected to heat treatment as a whole, together with the peel. This option will appeal to those who do not like to peel potatoes. How to cook potatoes in their skins?

jacket potato with vegetables

Let's take a closer look?

Potatoes boiled in a peel are a multifunctional product, because they use it as a full-fledged garnish for fish or meat, and as a main component for some salads. As a full-fledged dish, jacket potatoes are served in unpeeled form, and the peel is removed by hand directly during the meal. Over time, they even came up with special forks that are designed to peel potatoes. Potatoes with peel are also used; it is important only to thoroughly rinse the tubers before cooking. Jacketed peeled potatoes are used to make everyone’s favorite salads, such as olivier and herring under a fur coat. But in the European countries for centuries such a dish was considered a symbol of poverty. Often during cooking, the peel of the potato begins to crack, and because of this, the potato breaks up, which already does not look very presentable. Now it remains to figure out how to cook potatoes, so that the integrity of the skin is maintained.


But the question of how it is more beneficial to eat potatoes, with or without peel, still causes controversy. On the one hand, the peel protects the potatoes from the loss of all the necessary vitamins and useful elements during the cooking process. It turns out that the jacket potato retains more useful components. On the other hand, harmful chemicals can also accumulate under the skin. And only when we peel potatoes, we get rid of them. Therefore, if you are sure that your root crops are grown in an environmentally friendly way, then such a dish will bring you maximum benefit.

unpeeled potatoes

Cook jacket potatoes in a pan

The simplest and most frequently used method that our grandmothers used was cooking unpeeled potatoes in their skins in a saucepan. How to cook potatoes in their skins?

  • Choose a medium-sized potato and in no case use young potatoes, they have too thin a peel that simply peels off the tuber during the cooking process and it simply boils apart.
  • Rinse each fruit under running water. It is important that the potatoes are as clean as possible. If the tubers are too dirty, then dip them in cold water for 15 minutes, then wipe them with a hard sponge on all sides in order to get rid of the dirt 100 percent.
  • For cooking, we need a medium-sized pan, dip the washed potatoes into it and pour it with cold water so that the water level is two fingers above the tubers.
  • Salt the potatoes, usually half a teaspoon per liter of water. Thus, the potatoes will not break apart, and the peel will not crack;
  • The cooking process usually takes about twenty minutes: the first five are on high heat, and the rest of the time is on low heat.
  • How long does it take to cook potatoes in their skins? In order to understand whether the dish is ready or not, you should pierce the root vegetables with a toothpick or the most ordinary fork. If they easily penetrate the potatoes, it means that it is already soft and ready to serve.
  • The last step is to carefully drain the water from the pan, for this you just need to gently hold the lid and get rid of excess fluid. As a side dish, such potatoes are served cooled, so experts recommend sending the tubers into cold water for a couple of minutes.

Thus, it is possible with minimal time to prepare a side dish for any meat or fish dish. The calorie content of the jacket potato is 77 kcal per 100 grams.

boiled potatoes

Cooking jacket potatoes with a slow cooker

Modern housewives rarely do without a multicooker in their arsenal of kitchen appliances. This device is also suitable for cooking potatoes in their skins. Only in order to cope with this task, you need to follow some recommendations of professionals in their field. The recipe for a potato in the jacket for a multicooker is as follows:

  • The first point remains unchanged - your task is to get rid of the dirt on the potatoes and thoroughly rinse the roots with running water.
  • The peeled potatoes should be placed in a special container for cooking tubers.
  • Pour potatoes with water so that they completely cover the tubers with liquid. The water temperature should be about 12-15 degrees.
  • In order to prevent digestion, add a teaspoon of salt to the container, so the tubers will not fall apart, and the skin will not crack.
  • The cooking time depends on the size of the tubers and the capabilities of your slow cooker. Therefore, before you start cooking, carefully read the instructions for the device. How long does it take to cook potatoes in their skins? On average, the cooking process takes about 25 minutes. You should choose the mode of "steaming." If the root crops are large enough, you should increase the cooking time to 30-35 minutes.
  • After the multicooker fulfills its mission, drain the water from the container and carefully condemn the potatoes so that it can be served to the table.

Jacketed potatoes prepared in this way can be served as an independent side dish, or they can be peeled and used to make your favorite salads. How to cook potatoes for salad? Usually about twenty minutes.

potatoes with sour cream

How long does it take to cook jacket potatoes?

In the matter of cooking this dish, it is the cooking time that is very important. It is very important not to overexpose the potatoes in order to maintain the integrity of both tubers and peel. Therefore, many housewives often wonder how much to cook potatoes to get the desired result. You think how long it takes to cook potatoes in their skins? Experts advise based on the following parameters:

  • The size of root crops.
  • The variety of potatoes used.
  • For what purposes the product will be used (as an independent side dish or as an ingredient for salad).

Only on the basis of these factors can we determine the right time to prepare the perfect potato in the peel.

potato use

Cooking Duration Options

How long does it take to cook potatoes in their skins? So what are the options:

  • medium-sized root vegetables should be cooked for about twenty minutes on low heat;
  • fifteen minutes is enough for a small potato;
  • for large tubers, the ideal cooking time is half an hour.

If you are cooking potatoes in their skins using a slow cooker, then another five minutes should be added to the above time frames.

potatoes with avocado

To summarize

Also, such a dish can be cooked in the microwave, it only takes ten minutes. Another rule that cannot be forgotten is salt. To prevent the potatoes from boiling, pour a teaspoon of salt into the water before cooking, as well as choose the potato variety with the lowest starch content for cooking. Jacket potatoes are best served with butter, green onions. Especially tasty is the combination of potatoes with salted herring.


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