Analysis of the English language lesson on GEF: sample, methodological developments

Open lessons in the English language also involve a detailed methodological introspection of the lesson. Such a skill is an important aspect of a teacher’s professional activities.

Self Assessment Features

The self-analysis of the lesson on GEF in the English language has a clear algorithm that the teacher uses to demonstrate the methods and pedagogical techniques that were used during the lesson.

According to new federal standards, this stage is mandatory; it affects the assessment of teacher professionalism during certification.

analysis of the English language lesson in the Federal State Educational Standard

Analysis scheme

How is the analysis of the English language lesson on GEF? A sample routing to be completed by experts contains the following:

  1. Identification of the legality of the statement of tasks and the purpose of the lesson, their relevance in thematic planning for this academic discipline.
  2. Analysis of student responses, exercises of a productive and reproductive nature, the effectiveness of the lesson.
  3. Determining the feasibility of selecting questions and tasks to consolidate new material.
  4. Identification of the relationship between conditional speech tasks and exercises of a substitutional and transformational form and reproductive activity.
  5. Identification of the sequence of tasks, improving the skills of students.
  6. Identification of the rationality of the distribution of educational time for setting goals and objectives, consideration of new material, numerous options for speech activity.
  7. Definition of the general logic of the lesson: dynamism, focus, connectivity.
  8. The teacher takes into account the individual, personal characteristics of students.
  9. The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the work , the analysis of the adequacy of the application of certain types of activities.
  10. Assessment of the personal qualities of the teacher: expressiveness, good breeding, professionalism.

Open English lessons are assessed using different methods. The choice of the scheme depends on various factors: type of lesson, class, teacher's experience.

open english lessons

Analysis tasks

What is the difference between the analysis of the English language lesson on GEF? The sample proposed below demonstrates the main difference between the new scheme and the classical form used in the traditional Soviet school. The second generation standards imply an assessment of the teacher’s ability to build individual educational paths for students .

What should include the analysis of the English language lesson on GEF? A sample form that experts fill out contains an assessment of reflection. At this stage, the children should independently evaluate their activities during the training session, to identify the degree of independent work in the lesson.

The task of the analysis is not to convict the teacher of methodological errors, but to help eliminate the problems that have been identified by experts.

self-analysis of a lesson in fgos in English

Analysis specificity

The English language map is compiled by the teacher for each class. Depending on the type of lesson, experts use different schemes to evaluate its effectiveness.

How to analyze the English language lesson on GEF? A sample of the form used to assess the professionalism of the teacher can be found in the guidelines. For example, when visiting a lesson in the formation of vocabulary of oral speech, special attention is paid to the use of functional and semantic tables.

It takes into account the number of vocabulary units at different stages of the lesson, the adequacy of the choice of semantization techniques to the level of English language proficiency of students. Experts analyze the combination of new lexical units with those that were previously learned by students. Their task also includes checking the adequacy of the teacher’s use of exercises for self-assessment.

English routing

Important aspects

If the summary of the English language lesson on the FSES is intended for a combined lesson, when checking the professionalism of the teacher, experts evaluate the identification of an extra-linguistic object, work with functional and semantic tables, the use of lexical elements for students to express their thoughts.

The lesson plan of the English language on GEF is drawn up by the teacher in the form of a table so that it is convenient to conduct self-analysis of their activities. In addition to the goals and objectives that are set for a particular training lesson, the activities of students and the teacher formed by the University of Education are detailed.

FGOS English lesson

Features of the analysis of different types of lesson

The analysis of such training sessions in the English language involves a detailed assessment of the rationality of the distribution of study time between presentation and development of the grammatical phenomenon. They determine the clarity of the wording of the educational rule, the preliminary preparation of students for the perception of a new grammatical phenomenon, the correctness of the performance of speech exercises.

In assessing the lesson in the development of speech skills, a separate place is given to the teacher observing the sequence of speech exercises. The range of tasks posed in speech exercises is assessed, as well as the quality of the formulation of the basic attitudes.

In a lesson on reading instruction, experts pay attention to composition, content, and language difficulties encountered by students in the process of working on the text.

Psychological aspect

In addition to checking the appropriateness of applying teaching methods and methods at different stages of the lesson, experts also pay attention to psychological aspects. They analyze the degree of development of speech and thinking of students, the predominance of creative or reproductive thinking. Experts give an assessment of the motivation of the children to master a foreign language, the techniques that the teacher used for this.

FGOS English lesson plan

Introspection Sample

How is the self-analysis of the lesson on GEF in English? We give an example of the algorithm established by the new educational standards.

  1. Grade 5, English.
  2. Petrova Irina Valentinovna, the highest category.
  3. The textbook “English in focus”: Vaulina Yu. E., Duli D., Podolyako O. E., Evans V.
  4. Theme of the lesson: “English-speaking countries”.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational: introduction, training and teaching the rules for the use of vocabulary on the topic, control of oral and written skills.
  • Developing: development of skills in all types of speech activity; the ability to systematize knowledge and compose your monologue; expand knowledge of countries; to develop cognitive activity.
  • Educational tasks: the formation of interest in the subject, patriotism.
  • The type of this lesson is combined.

Description of activities and results

The stages of the lesson are consistent, in time they correspond to the content of the lesson. For motivation schoolchildren presentation was used.

The lesson complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, allows you to create personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative skills of students. Elements of project activities, energy-saving technologies, ICT, a differentiated approach were used.

The lesson material is correctly selected from a scientific point of view, fully corresponds to the age characteristics of students. The theory is supported by the life experience of children, using a connection with previously studied material.

All goals and objectives have been fully implemented; in the lesson, a comfortable atmosphere was created for the self-realization of each child.


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