How to enable safe mode on Windows 10: optimal solutions

It is no secret that quite often there are situations with malfunctions when, in order to restore the system’s performance or to conduct some diagnostic measures, it may be necessary to use the so-called Safe Mode. Let's see how to enable safe mode on Windows 10 on a laptop or computer. Immediately it is worth considering that the technique described below is fundamentally different from everything that was in old systems.

How to enable safe mode on Windows 10: basic methods

As it turned out, in the new "top ten" there were a lot of innovations that, to put it mildly, many users did not like. Not without interference with the system bootloader in safe mode. The fact is that the classic grandfather way of pressing the F8 key at startup does not work here. Why was it to refuse, it is not clear. However, the question of how to enable safe mode on Windows 10 has several interesting solutions compared to the old methods.

how to enable safe mode on windows 10

In this case, we are talking about using the system configuration settings, keyboard shortcuts and commands, command line, system recovery, and even changing the corresponding settings in the updated “Control Panel”. But first things first.

How to enable safe mode on Windows 10 at boot time: MSConfig utility

To begin, consider the universal method using the system configuration settings called from the "Run" menu with the msconfig command.

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 on a laptop

In the settings window that opens, go to the download tab. The boot options will be shown below. Here you just need to check the box next to the line indicating safe mode, then save the changes and reboot the system.

You should immediately pay attention that this method is good for solving the problem of how to enable safe mode (on Windows 10) when you turn on your computer or laptop. There is some inconvenience due only to the fact that at each start the system will constantly boot in safe mode. If it is not needed, you have to disable it in the same way.

Using a specific keyboard shortcut and command

The solution to the problem can also be called quite interesting: how to enable safe mode on Windows 10, which implies a reboot when the Shift key is pressed. Here it is worth considering only that such a technique is also suitable if you select safe mode in the login window.

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 at boot

To begin with, from the "Start" menu, select the shutdown section, but stop on the reboot line. Holding down the Shift key, we click on the reboot command, after which in the new dialog box we proceed to troubleshoot (diagnose) Troubleshoot and select Advanced Options first, then Boot Options. And finally, click on the restart button (Restart).

After restarting, a window will appear on the screen, which will indicate 9 options for loading the system, including safe mode.

Enabling Safe Mode from the Control Panel

Now let's see how to enable safe mode on Windows 10 using the "Control Panel".

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 when you turn it on

Here you should turn to the settings section, and then go to the update and security menu. Here we use the advanced launch options and press the restart button. Further actions are completely similar to the previous option.

Command line safe mode management

Another great way to solve the problem of how to enable safe mode (on Windows 10) is to use the command line called up via the Run menu by entering the cmd combination. In the window that appears, you should register the following combination:

how to enable safe mode on windows 10

After the operation is completed successfully, you need to reboot the system (preferably from here):

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 on a laptop

Again, downloading in safe mode will install on an ongoing basis. You can return the bootloader to its original state, as in version 8:

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 at boot

By the way, if the user has problems loading the system as such, you can use this combination:

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 when you turn it on

It is also relevant for starting safe mode during system recovery.

Starting from recovery mode

In this mode, you will need a boot disk or flash drive. We boot from removable media, go through the stage of choosing the language and regional standards, and in the window with the installation suggestion, select recovery from the bottom left corner.

how to enable safe mode on windows 10

Now we go to the diagnostics section, select additional parameters, and then - the command line, in which we enter the command indicated above the most recent. After a report on the successful completion of the process, we return to the original menu and use the continuation line. After that, the computer or laptop will reboot automatically, and a familiar window with nine boot options will appear on the screen.

How to return the usual launch

But that is not all. When considering how to enable safe mode (on Windows 10), you cannot ignore the return to the usual boot mode using the F8 key. This is done simply. In the usual command line you need to register:

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 on a laptop

A reboot follows. Now, at startup, the so-called self-test will be performed, and at the end of the process, you need to press the F8 key a couple of times or three times.

how to enable safe mode on windows 10 at boot

The familiar classic window with the corresponding menu of boot options will be displayed on the screen. But this solution is mainly intended exclusively for those users who, due to some circumstances or habits, cannot be upgraded to innovations, although, as practice shows, in general, this is not so difficult (there would be a desire).


As you can see, even though the “top ten” is distinguished by a large number of innovations, there are much more options for including safe mode in it. Well, which one to choose depends on each specific case when you need to perform a certain action.

If you approach these issues, so to speak, from a practical point of view, the most likely solution is to launch this mode once, for example, during recovery with booting from removable media. And really, well, you won’t use it all the time, because it takes more time at the start of the system. In general, the use of a safe start is recommended only in cases where there are malfunctions or failures.

Note, when choosing the option to boot from the recovery disk or flash drive, reinstalling Windows is not required (you can simply skip it). As for the other methods, they can be used or discarded. Nevertheless, information on available methods will not be superfluous. However, as they say, you can get used to everything.


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