Natalia Puzenko grapes: description of the variety, tips for growing

The plantation of N. Puzenko, who lives in Volgograd, has become a real benchmark for many winegrowers in the countries of the former Soviet Union. At the moment, Natalya, together with her husband, is growing more than 200 of the most popular and high-quality varieties of this culture at her site. The family, among other things, has its own website where you can order seedlings from its nursery. Puzenko grapes are distinguished simply by excellent varietal qualities and are grown with the exact observance of all the required technologies.

Favorite Varieties

Natalya Puzenko grows really good varieties of grapes . Of the varieties cultivated by it, one can distinguish, for example:

  1. Gift to Irina. This table variety of Vishnevetsky selection was obtained by crossing the hybrid form of Kesha 1 and Glasha with Elegant.

  2. Tason. This nutmeg variety, which has gained immense popularity among gardeners from the countries of the former CIS, is characterized by frost resistance and early ripening of fruits.

  3. Realis Pink Sidilis. This grape belongs to the group of very early grapes and can withstand a drop in air temperature in winter to -30 ° C.

Bunches of grapes

Grapes and other, equally interesting and popular varieties are sold in N. Puzenko's nursery. One of the favorite varieties of this famous gardener is the Muscat Super-Red (XVII-10-26), bred in Moldova. Russian winegrowers order seedlings of this variety very often. Further in the article, we will consider what features this variety differs in and how to properly care for it.

Muscat Superior Red: General Description

On the site of Natalia Puzenko grape seedlings of this variety can be bought by any gardener. Bushes of this variety grow relatively small. At the same time, shoots develop very quickly. The color of the vines of Muscat Superior Red are bright brown. The leaves of this variety are distinguished by medium size and round shape.

About 60-70% ripen from all shoots formed on the bushes of this variety. Moreover, on all such vines subsequently clusters are formed. On each shoot, in most cases, 1-2 hands develop.

To diseases, this variety is considered quite resistant. However, its disadvantage is that it is often infected with such a common grape disease as mildew.

Varietal characteristics

Muscat Red belongs, as can already be judged by its name, to a group of early table varieties. Its berries ripen already 95-100 days after the leaves open. That is why this variety is very much appreciated by wine growers in relatively cold regions, for example, in the middle zone of Russia and the Urals. Clusters of this variety manage to ripen even in a short summer.

Grape Care in the Spring

Among other things, this variety is considered quite frost-resistant. It is allowed to grow it in the northern regions. It is for such areas that N. Puzenko recommends this grape. And the point here is not even the increased frost resistance of Muscat Red. In the northern regions, sheltering this grape is a must. The fact is that this variety produces relatively small clusters and berries. For the southern regions N. Puzenko recommends still more heat-loving varieties with large fruits.

Bunches and berries

The main advantage of Muscat of the Superfluous N. Puzenko considers simply the excellent taste of its fruits. Berries of this variety contain about 15% sugar and only 5% acids. They taste very sweet. But even this, according to N. Puzenko, is their main advantage. Juicy fleshy dense pulp of berries of this variety has a distinct muscat taste. According to Natalia, in this regard, no other grape variety can be compared with the Muscat of the Overwhelming.

The advantages of fruits of this variety, among other things, include the fact that they are not affected by wasps. The clusters of Muscat superearly have a weight that is not too large - about 600 g. At the same time, as the bush ages, the berries and brush varieties increase in size. The color ripe fruits of this variety are dark purple.

Growing tips from Natalia Puzenko: how to protect against mildew

Natalya Puzenko gives recommendations on her site and channel on pruning, planting and, of course, combating various diseases. On the channel of this specialist there are, for example, videos dedicated to mildew. Muscat Sverhranny, as already mentioned, like many other varieties, is infected quite often with this disease. Natalia Puzenko gives recommendations including the fight against this infection. This experienced grower recommends processing vines with mildew, of course, primarily with systemic drugs. Indeed, mildew spores develop into a fungus not on the surface of the leaf, but in its thickness. Therefore, contact means in this case will simply be practically useless.

Natalya Puzenko

To combat mildew N. Pusenko recommends using, for example, such drugs:

  • "Colis" or "Strobi" (active ingredient kresoxime methyl);

  • "Acidan", "Benefis" (metalaxyl);

  • Rapid Gold (mefenoxam).

How to protect grapes from mildew? Puzenko Natalia advises the use of systemic drugs in combination with contact, for example, copper-containing. In this case, the last variety of products will protect the leaves from the penetration of spores, killing them immediately upon contact with the plates, and systemic compounds will kill the already developed fungus.

How to cover

Early nutmeg, as already mentioned, is supposed to be artificially protected from low temperatures in winter. N. Puzenko recommends sheltering grapes on his website using a special film with medium or large cells. Material with threads threaded inside for this purpose, according to this gardener, does not fit too well. Under such a film, the grapes freeze. Under the dense black material of this type, the bushes, on the contrary, can be very hot. And so they can simply vypretit spring.

Grape Shaping: Pruning Tips

Experienced gardeners who have already managed to try out the Muscat Extra-Supernal in their plots recommend cutting such vines into 6-8 eyes. In this case, it is advisable to leave no more than 40-60 eyes on each bush.

Grape pruning

On the site of N. Puzenko, of course, there are recommendations regarding the formation of grapes and their pruning. When performing this operation, including on the landings of the Muscat of the Supreme, this specialist advises:

  • place all sections on one side of the sleeve or horn;

  • do not leave stumps with the complete removal of annual shoots, etc.

Pruner pruning pruner Natalya Puzenko advises to turn a narrow blade to the removed part of the vine.

Watering grapes

Muscat Red grapes, like most other varieties, tolerate drought very well. However, without irrigation, this variety, of course, will bear fruit worse. The first watering of the Super Muscat should be done before the eyes come to life. Usually this procedure is carried out in April. The second time the grapes are watered 20 days before flowering.

During flowering, the soil under the grapes is not moistened. The most active period of moisture consumption in this culture begins during the loading of berries. Watering the grapes in the summer during ripening should be quite intense. At this time, half the seasonal norm of water is poured under the vines with fairly short intervals.

Grape harvest

Watering grapes in the summer during ripening in this way is a necessary procedure. However, it is not recommended to moisten the soil under this crop after softening the berries. At this time, watering is stopped. Otherwise, grape berries may crack.


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