How to roll birch sap? Harvesting birch sap for the winter

How to roll birch sap and store it until winter? We will answer this and other questions regarding the mentioned drink in the presented article.

General information

how to roll birch sap

Many people like birch sap. Someone purchases it in a store in a ready-made form, while someone procures it on their own at home. It should be especially noted that it is only necessary to deal with the preparation of such a tasty and healthy drink in the early spring, because it is at this time of year that the trees are saturated with life-giving moisture, which anyone would not mind to enjoy. But not everyone knows how to roll birch sap properly. And if you decide to preserve the spring drink in order to enjoy it in the winter, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the basic rules of its preparation. Indeed, many existing recipes for the preparations allow preserving birch sap to a maximum until July-August. In this regard, we decided to bring to your attention several simple ways of preservation, thanks to which you can drink a tasty drink during the long New Year holidays.

How to roll birch sap?

If you want to keep such a drink until the winter season, then it should be preserved in the same way as regular preparations. With the help of pasteurization, as well as the subsequent rolling of containers with metal lids, you can enjoy the birch sap for a very long time. So, we will consider several ways.

birch sap for winter

Option 1: on a lemon

According to the presented recipe, birch juice for winter requires the additional use of ingredients such as granulated sugar, citric acid and fresh lemon (1/3 of the fruit). It is necessary to take 1 liter of freshly extracted drink, pour 2 large spoons of sugar and a little citric acid into it (on the tip of a knife). After that, you need to cut the sour fruit into thin slices, and then put it in a container with birch sap, which was mixed in advance with the above ingredients. Next, the drink must be put on medium heat and allowed to boil. After boiling, the liquid must be poured into previously sterilized jars. Before rolling, in each glass container, again add 1 slice of lemon. It is advisable to leave the hermetically sealed jar on the table until completely cooled, and then send it to the refrigerator for long-term storage.

Option 2: with yeast

Harvesting birch sap for the winter according to this recipe requires the use of dry yeast. They should be taken at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter of drink. Thus, the juice must be poured into an enameled pan, and then slightly heated and diluted with dry yeast. After this, the drink should be cooled and placed in a refrigerator, where it is desirable to withstand for 4 days. After the specified time, the juice must be poured into sterilized jars and sealed tightly.

Harvesting birch sap for a couple of months

harvesting birch sap for the winter

We figured out how to roll birch sap properly. Now let's talk about how to make a tasty and healthy drink without sterilization. After all, not everyone can endure until the winter to try spring juice. Moreover, heat treatment of life-giving moisture deprives it of all vitamins. That is why experts recommend drinking fresh birch juice or making one of the most delicious drinks from it, which can delight you and your family with its incredible aroma and taste until the middle of the summer season.

Kvass from birch sap

To prepare 1.5 liters of kvass, you should take fresh birch juice, black raisins with seeds in an amount of 20 pieces, as well as 2 large tablespoons of sugar. The drink must be poured into glass bottles, and then put all the ingredients mentioned there. By the way, in addition to juice, you can add the zest of a lemon or an orange. Next, the bottles must be tightly closed and placed in the cold. Birch sap, the storage of which involves the use of a cellar or refrigerator, is recommended to be placed on shelves horizontally, that is, the dishes should be in a lying position. After 90 days, the drink will be completely ready for use. If kvass seemed sour or fresh to you, then it is allowed to pour sugar in addition to it.

birch sap storage

Summer refreshment

To make a drink, we need dried pears, apples, granulated sugar and 1 liter of birch sap. It must be poured into a large pot and add sugar. Next, you need to put dried fruits in cheesecloth, and then lower the bag into a container with a drink. After this, the pan must be closed and sent to the refrigerator or cellar. A refreshing drink from birch sap will be fully ready in about 2-3 months.

Making a delicious and healthy birch

Special lovers of birch sap never miss the opportunity to make a delicious birch juice drink. To create it, you will need about 5 liters of freshly life-giving moisture, as well as 1 liter of port, 1.5 kg of sugar and 2 lemons.

Washed fruit must be cut directly with the zest, and then put in a pan, where in the future you should add port, birch juice and granulated sugar. After this, the container must be covered and taken out in the cold. After 60 days, it is recommended to bottle the birch tree and seal them tightly. Those who do not make such a drink for the first time advise to strengthen the corks with wire so that they do not fly off. It is advisable to store filled bottles in a lying position in the cellar or refrigerator. Birch can be consumed 30 days after it is directly bottled in containers.

birch sap how to store

Birch sap vinegar

If you prefer to use only natural vinegar, then it can be made from a drink such as birch sap. How to store such a product, we will tell a little lower. For the preparation of table vinegar, you should take 2 liters of fresh juice, as well as 40 g of honey and 100 g of vodka. All of these ingredients must be mixed in a pan, and then cover with gauze and put in a warm place. After 65-95 days, the vinegar will be completely ready. It needs to be bottled and sent for storage in a refrigerator.


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