Cities of Vladimir Region - list, history, attractions and interesting facts

The Vladimir region is rich in unusual, interesting places. There are museums and architecture, impressive beautiful landscapes. Seven cities of the Vladimir region are included in the Small Golden Ring of Russia.

Cities of Vladimir Region


The Small Golden Ring includes:

  1. Vladimir
  2. Suzdal.
  3. Goose-crystal.
  4. Murom.
  5. Alexandrov.
  6. Yuryev-Polsky.
  7. Gorokhovets.

Each city of the Vladimir region has an architectural heritage. They can be seen in Alexandrov, in Pokrov, and in Rainbow. Some assets are located even in the villages.

Alexandrov. History

The city of Alexandrov, Vladimir region, is known for events related to Ivan the Terrible. However, it was not this king who founded it, but Vasily the Third, who received in 1513 a magnificent palace outside the city. It included palace buildings, residential chambers, a vast territory surrounded by ramparts and moats. This whole system was not inferior to the Moscow Kremlin.

City Alexandrov Vladimir region

This city of the Vladimir region has become a historically significant place. Ivan the Terrible lived here for more than seventeen years of his life. Various negotiations with foreigners took place here. In this city, the king kills his son. After this incident, Ivan the Terrible never returned to the Alexander Sloboda.

The city has well preserved many buildings. Among them:

  • Alexander Kremlin.
  • The estate of the merchant Pervushin.
  • Cathedral of the Nativity. It was built in 1696, and in 1847 it was completely rebuilt with the money of the merchant Baranov. In 1929, the cathedral was closed. He is currently working, services are underway and restoration work is ongoing.

The city of the Vladimir region has museums, monuments, churches. Among all the existing treasures, the residence of Ivan the Terrible is very popular. On its territory there are exhibitions, there is a house temple. The refectory chamber of the seventeenth century has been preserved in the Kremlin. The Assumption and Pokrovskaya churches built in the sixteenth century are also located here. In the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir Region, there is a museum showing the life of the nineteenth century. This can be seen in the estate of the merchant Pervushin. At first glance, everything here is simple, modest, but each thing is in its place, each element brings its own charm.

City of Pokrov Vladimir Region


The city of Vladimir is a historically significant settlement founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomakh. Initially, it was a huge, powerful fortress located on the edge of the cave forests.

With the coming to power of Yuri Dolgoruky, in 1157, Vladimir became the new princely court. The church of St. George was built on the territory of the fortress.

Over the centuries, the city rebuilt, expanded. In 1238, the Tatars burned him. After this incident, Vladimir was restored, but he became the usual city of the Moscow state.

There are more than twenty architectural monuments in the city, among which:

  1. Assumption Cathedral. This is a whole complex of buildings from different eras. According to legend, the first was built in 1158. A large number of Rublev's frescoes made in different years are stored in this place. There are frescoes of 1408.
  2. Golden Gate. They were built in 1158-1164. This architectural heritage played the role of a military and travel tower-fortress. There were five gates in Vladimir, but only one has survived to this day. At the end of the eighteenth century, a redevelopment of the city was carried out. Because of her, all the moats around the fortress were hidden. Now at the gate is a museum of military prowess dedicated to the assault of Vladimir Khan Batu.
  3. Dmitrievsky Cathedral. It was laid in 1194. The building is unusual for that time due to sculptural decorations. In Russian architecture, such a performance was extremely rare. At the cathedral, each facade is decorated with statues, in the center of which is King Solomon.
  4. Church of St. George the Victorious. The church was originally built in 1157, but it burned down. The new building was built only in 1796. The church is active, and is a national monument. A chapel was added to the church in honor of Prince Vladimir. In 1930, the temple was closed. In the eighties, there was a center for choral singing in this place, but now the church is functioning again. Inside it is a very beautiful painting, made in the century before last.
  5. Trinity Church built in 1740.

The city has a monument to Alexander Nevsky and many other interesting places: a chocolate workshop, a museum of spoons, museums of the history of a local prison, a museum of optical illusions.

City Rainbow Vladimir region

City of Pokrov. Some more history

The history of the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region, begins in the sixteenth century. When in its place was the Pokrovskaya desert. The monastery grew rapidly, a settlement grew around it. An interesting fact is that Pokrov is the only city in Russia whose population has always only grown.

Since 1997, the first chocolate factory opened in the city. From that moment began his "tasty" story.

The main property of the Intercession is the Holy Vvedensky Island Monastery. It is a quiet, peaceful place. He is acting.

City Rainbow. Young but rather large

The city of Raduzhny, Vladimir Region, is one of the youngest settlements. It appeared due to the creation of the Rainbow Design Bureau, which was engaged in laser testing, energy development and military-industrial developments.

First, they began to build buildings for employees of the bureau. After this, residential buildings began to appear. In 1972, the first residential building was built in the town. So, in the wetland one of the most comfortable cities in the region has grown. Only the best graduates of prestigious universities of the USSR worked and lived here. In 1991, Rainbow received the status of a city.

Vladimir region, towns and cities

New city Rainbow

The village is closed, but, despite this, life in it is in full swing. There are several schools, kindergartens, a health camp for children, a cadet school, hospital, clinic, swimming pool, library, art school. On the territory of the town there are many large enterprises in which people develop unique projects.

Every year, talented people come from all the towns, cities of the Vladimir region and from other regions to Rainbow to take part in the annual Rainbow Strings festival. This is a great opportunity to show your talent.

In the Vladimir region there are many other, unusual cities and towns, each of which has its own, unusual history.


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