Mawashi - the most powerful blow. Mawash technique

Mawashi - a kick in the head, known to many athletes from different types of martial arts. It is uncomplicated in execution, and with a sufficient number of trainings and observance of the technique inflicts serious bodily harm. From this publication, you will learn about all the features of the mawashi-geri strike technique and how to make it crushing.

Features of the reception

mawash punch

First of all, let's recall that “mavashi” in Japanese means a circular motion, and “geri” means a leg. From the kamae stand, you can attack your opponent with your front (left) or back (right) legs. The trajectory of movement is diverse: parallel to the floor, from bottom to top, from top to bottom. The final goal is conditionally divided into three levels: upper (head), middle (body) and lower (below the body).

Masters of martial arts recommend mastering the technique separately for each height, as the technique is slightly different. Beginners should carefully work out all the details of the Gedan and Jedan level: proper pelvic delivery, initial leg trajectory, maintaining dynamic balance, fixation. Only after this it is necessary to proceed to the development of mawashi-geri-dzedan.

Depending on the type of equipment, the fighters beat with the rise of the foot, lower leg or pillow under the toes. Each of these attack methods can become a knockout, so choose the most convenient one for yourself. In combat performance, the mavashi-geri strike should be sharp, fast and should be guided along the shortest path.

Technical component

Mavashi-geri recalls the principle of operation of the nunchaku, where the thigh is the handle, and the lower leg and foot are the beating surface. To strike with the back foot from the left-side kamae stand, follow these steps:

  1. Make a slight right turn with your left heel to make it more convenient to perform the reception.
  2. Take out the right knee (side up in an arc), slightly twisting the body. When hitting the middle level, the thigh and lower leg should be parallel to the floor.
  3. Transfer the weight to your front leg and strike a mavash, the technique of which at this stage involves the work of the hip muscles.
  4. Upon reaching the goal, exhale vigorously, putting all the power into it. The left hand must necessarily cover the face, and the right one can remain in front, or be brought back behind the leg, helping to maintain balance and make the blow sharper.
  5. When returning from the end point, bend the lower leg as tightly as possible to the inner thigh. This will allow you to quickly hide your foot so that the opponent could not catch it.
  6. Return to the starting position along the same path as the mawash.

A kick with the front foot is applied in the same way, only to create inertia a small step is made forward by the right (or the body weight is transferred back). After that, they perform the technique according to the basic technique, according to which mawash was applied.

hit mawashi technique

Reverse mawashi

Another type of strike is hooray mawashi (reverse mawashi). The attack begins on the same principle as the previous method, with a slight difference: when the knee is raised to the maximum level, the lower leg does the opposite circular motion, and the strike is applied with the heel. If you work well on this technique, you can deliver a very unexpected and powerful blow. With proper operation of the case, it will be especially effective.

Ushiro-mawashi-geri technique

Ushiro-mawash blow is quite difficult to perform and requires good coordination, stretching, a sense of time. For high-level fighters, it can become a crown. It is necessary to earn it after mastering the basic technique of mavashi-geri. From the left-side strut to attack, you must perform the following actions:

  1. blow ushiro mawashi
    We make a U-turn from the rack, starting with the left foot.
  2. Raise the right knee up, do not forget to look towards the enemy.
  3. The leg straightens instantly, as with a yoko geri, only at the last moment does the lower leg make a powerful circular movement inward.

Ushiro-mawashi - a blow that is best done with the heel or sole of the foot. But there is one more way: take a step back with your left foot, then raise your right knee and, observing the technique described above, attack the opponent. Another type of blow is ushiro-mawashi in the fall. Reception is effective at close range. Facing the enemy, you must roll over your shoulder (in the air), falling forward with your whole body, and deliver a crushing blow.

Who delivers the best blows mawashi-geri?

In the history of mixed martial arts, the most powerful mash-geri is Mirko Filippovich, nicknamed “KroKop” for his service in Croatian special forces in the anti-terrorist police unit. He hits with a force of 2703 kilograms, being an outstanding MMA fighter and a professional heavyweight kickboxer. Previously, the athlete served in the Croatian law enforcement agencies, and in 2003-2007 he became a member of parliament.

mawashi the most powerful blow

How to learn to beat a strong mawashi-geri?

A circular kick can be mastered at home. At the initial level, you can put a chair in front of you and make mavash through it - the most powerful blow. More fun to improve your skills with a partner. Hold his hand and attack in the head (work with the shields on the legs). Another option is to tie one end of the belt to a tree and leave the other in your hand. During work, follow each movement, no need to rush anywhere. The essence of the exercise is to master the correct technique. The main thing is to do everything as often as possible, then with time the movements will reach automatism.

mawashi the most powerful blow

When you master the trajectory of the leg, proceed to the next stage - developing skills on a punching bag weighing 70-80 kilograms. Over time, you will stop thinking about the mawashi-geri technique, performing the technique correctly. Just then it is time to increase the force of the impact, performing it very smoothly and fixing at the end point for as long as possible.

Mawashi - a blow that should be not only powerful, but also quick. Ordinary taekwondo crackers will help you build speed. A good alternative would be weighting materials sold in any sports store. Do not forget to regularly perform squats (with jumping), swing legs in the gym or jogging, as all this develops healthy leg muscles.

You can practice mawashi (hit with a foot pillow) on an ordinary tree or pillar, after putting on unnecessary sneakers. During the first training session, never rush to immediately hit at full strength, otherwise you may damage your leg. Start with careful hits, gradually increasing power.

How to strengthen the shock surface?

For those who have recently started practicing martial arts, mawashi is a blow that scares to hurt one’s foot on an opponent’s block. That's right, because the shin is a very sensitive place, so the self-preservation instinct tells the person not to hit in full force. This is why newcomers attack insecurely, slowly and weakly.

best blows mawashi

In general, there are shields in the sections and there is no sense in being afraid of striking a partner during training, but if you want to strengthen a weak surface, you will need to fill the shin. You can do this yourself in two ways:

  1. First, rub your skin a little with your hands, then gently roll a thick wooden stick on it or a rolled magazine. No need to press hard, there should be practically no pain. Perform approximately 20-30 minutes 1-2 times a week.
  2. Wrap the tree trunk with thick ropes or fix pillows on it. Perform careful strokes of mavash geri with foot, lower leg. Gradually increase strength.

Mawashi-geri is one of the most powerful kicks. If it is set correctly and strong enough, they can easily knock out an opponent. Follow the recommendations of martial artists, exercise regularly - and you will surely succeed!


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