How to use a tachograph. How to use a tachograph with a washer

By the nature of their activity, almost all motorists are faced with a huge amount of auxiliary equipment, for example, a tachograph. However, when purchasing certain devices, they often have no idea how the equipment works for motorists. We decided to correct this situation and talk in more detail about how to use the tachograph.

how to use a tachograph

What it is?

A tachograph is a small mobile device that processes certain electrical impulses that come from a speed sensor. In this case, the signaling occurs in the case of car movement. Generally speaking, the tachograph plays the role of a kind of fixator that controls the speed with which the machine moves at one time or another. He is also able to capture and record the mode of work and rest of the owner of the vehicle. This is a kind of flight recorder.

What are the devices

Before answering the main question, how to use the tachograph, it is necessary to clarify what this equipment is like. As a rule, round devices and radio format are distinguished. In this case, round tachographs are usually attached directly to the main opening of the speedometer. Devices with radio format are installed in the "socket" of the car radio.

how to use a tachograph with a washer

If we talk about the types of tachographs, then there are analog, or electronic-mechanical, as well as digital.

What is an analog recorder

Externally, such a system has common features of both a radio and a speedometer. It has a round dial, on which there are watches and a speedometer. If you do not know how to use the tachograph correctly, we will help you with this. In this case, if you decide to purchase an analog type device, you need to know what data is on the equipment. So, on the front panel of the device is the following information:

  • current machine speed;
  • the time passed and the path of the car;
  • device operation modes;
  • indicators for determining the fact of speeding, used to install the chart disk;
  • operating mode switches for the first and second driver.

What do the light signals on the recorder mean?

The bottom of the device has a special backlight or light type signals. Moreover, the indicator located on the left is able to give signals not only when the cover on the front panel is not closed, but also in case of a detected equipment malfunction. The sensor located on the right side lights up if the driver exceeds the set maximum speed. This is how an analog tachograph works. How to use it, we will describe further.

how to use a tachograph card

General features of digital tachographs

Digital models are considered a real breakthrough in the entire history of the production of these devices. They are the most perfect and relevant than others. What is so remarkable about them? This equipment has a high-precision protective system, which is an excellent prevention of unauthorized entry and manipulation of the device.

Digital tachographs work, as a rule, in combination with a driver card. It is thanks to this that the device allows not only to record the rest time, downtime and movement of the driver, but also to save this information in the equipmentā€™s memory. By the way, if for some reason one of the dishonest motorists wants to hack or bypass the system, then this information will be recorded on the map. About how to use a digital tachograph, we will describe below.

In addition, the information stored in the memory of the driverā€™s activity can not only be viewed, but even printed out. To do this, the data is transferred to a special database, downloaded and printed using a printer.

how to use the tachograph

The device itself has options for speedometer and clock. It is equipped with a pair of slots used as compartments for the display and cards, and is usually connected with a protective sensor to the gearbox.

What cards are used for working with a digital tachograph

For the full operation of the device, you must use the following types of cards:

  • inspectors;
  • car owner;
  • organization card (the operator of freight transportation is fixed in it);
  • a card from a calibration center or workshop.

And of course, before using the tachograph, the driver needs to know what rights are given to the owners of these cards. In this case, the driver, the inspector, and other authorized persons can access the deviceā€™s memory card at the right time, and then view or download information for a specific period of time.

What are digital tachographs

Digital devices may comply with the Russian safety rules of September 10, 2009 (this applies to domestic brands to a greater extent). Moreover, this equipment is used in tandem with Russian cards.

how to use a digital tachograph

Digital devices can also be imported and comply with European safety regulations. To a greater extent, such tachographs are used to control the operation of vehicles that often operate on international flights. And, of course, only European cards are suitable for these devices. This is what you must remember for all those drivers who do not know how to use the tachograph.

How to work with an analog tachograph

For example, you were lucky enough to get an analog tachograph. What to do next? To begin with, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions, and then inspect the chart disks of the device and compare for the coincidence of their model with the model of the product itself.

In the next step, you will need to manually paint the clean side of the aforementioned disk located in its inner part. It is simply called a tahoshayba. It is removable and, after filling, is inserted back into the flight recorder. How to use a tachograph with a washer?

Pay attention to the center of the disk and blank graphs with certain icons in front of them. So, for example, opposite a semicircle with a flat top resembling the driverā€™s head, you must specify the full name car owner. Near the point with an arrow showing the direction to the right, it is necessary to note the exact name of the place (from the point of view of geography), in which the technical map was installed. Etc.

how to use the tachograph to the driver

If you have filled in all the necessary fields, we will answer the question of how to use the tachograph further. To begin with, all other fields and zones on the deviceā€™s drive are filled automatically when the car enthusiast moves, works or rests. Therefore, there is no need to enter data there.

For example, if the car was driving first and then stopped, then on the disk you will see broken lines going up and then down. They look like a cardiogram, which is converted into a continuous line running along the entire circumference. At the same time, 1 mm of such an infinite line is equivalent to 1 km of the rally. The distance between the next data circle is 0.5 mm, which corresponds to 0.5 km of the rally.

And then you need to install the disk back into the recorder panel. How to do this, as well as how to use the tachograph with a washer, we will talk further.

Installation process

In order for the device to work in full, you need to insert a tacho washer into it. To do this, open the cover panel located on the front of the device and carefully insert the disk into the slots. Slide it in and firmly close the cover of your panel. Then put on the panel such an icon as two crossed hammers, which will mark the beginning of your work.

In the process of movement, your device will automatically switch to a mode indicating the start of driving and displayed as a circle with a dot in the middle (this is a kind of steering wheel image). If, in the process of driving, the driver decided to stop and rest, then he needs to switch the device to the appropriate position (the pointer should be turned to the side of the icon, similar to the inverted letter "h" or high chair). Unfortunately, not many people know how to use a tachograph card.

analog tachograph how to use

If the driver starts to move after rest, then he needs to switch back to the hammer mode. If the second driver is involved in the operation of vehicles, then from the moment of its operation the first tacho washer is removed and the second one is replaced. Now the whole procedure of work, movement and rest will be repeated, as in the first case.

How to use a tachograph with a chip

A digital device, as a rule, works together with a driver card equipped with a chip. On it, in turn, all the necessary data about the driver are indicated. In order to use such a device, you must first insert this card. Do not forget to first turn her electronic chip up. In this case, the card should be fully inserted, in confirmation of which you will hear a dull click. If everything is done correctly, on the monitor screen you can see the contacts of the card holder.

Next, you need to specify the coordinates of the place, country and city where the driverā€™s car is located at the time the device is launched. The main advantage of such equipment is to minimize manual tuning. All operations, including fixing rest or work of the driver, are carried out automatically. And the mode set by the device can be seen on the monitor screen. At the end of the shift, the driver must remove his card from the device and turn off the equipment.

What you need to know about the driver card

A driverā€™s card is a unique document that can store information about the driverā€™s movement and work for 28 days from the moment of its activation in the tachograph. Inspectors and traffic police representatives have the right to get data from the map. They may be interested in the activities of the car owner in the last 28 days.


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