Why is hookah bitter? How to eliminate the causes?

Many people, having once tasted a hookah, are disappointed and compare it with flavored cigarettes. But in reality this is not true. The smoke from the hookah is real, but clean and soft, it goes through several degrees of purification. If the hookah man did everything right, then the process will bring pleasure, not disgust. But when a smoker thinks about why the hookah is bitter, then something is going wrong.

What should be a hookah?

First of all, the key to success is a good hookah and high-quality raw materials. When choosing a smoking unit, you need to pay attention to the hose: it must be with good traction. If the design is not tight, and there are extraneous odors, it is better to refuse the use of such a hookah. The shaft length should be sufficient, mini-devices are not suitable in order to fully enjoy the process.

why hookah is bitter

It is necessary to carefully check all the joints of the hookah, there should not be any gaps. It is also worth checking that the unit is stable, this will help to avoid a fall. It is better to choose a hookah with a clay bowl.

How to choose tobacco?

To make smoking a pleasure, hookah tobacco must be selected very carefully. Saving on quality as such an important component is not worth it. When laying tobacco, you need to check its moisture content. If there is a lot of glycerin, it is worth squeezing the excess with a paper towel. But you should not make it very dry, because it is thanks to the juice that the smoke becomes aromatic. After that, you need to remove all the large sticks from tobacco. Some hookah lovers prefer to make a mix of different types of raw materials. Then the taste of smoke is much more refined.

To store tobacco for hookah, you also need to properly, so that it does not deteriorate. It is better to keep it in a cool place with little humidity. Tobacco has the ability to absorb extraneous odors, so you do not need to put it in the immediate vicinity of chemicals.

Cleanliness is the key to pleasure

The smoker should make it a rule that after each event, the unit should be thoroughly cleaned. In order not to puzzle over why the hookah is bitter, the smoking device should always be kept clean. If the mouthpiece, tube or flask is clogged with soot and tar, an unpleasant bitter aftertaste may appear.

Common reasons why hookah can be bitter

There can be a lot of factors that cause bitterness while smoking a hookah. Most often this is due to the fact that tobacco begins to burn. This means that they laid it absolutely wrong. It is necessary to check whether the raw material touches the foil, this should not be.

You should not put a lot of coal, so in the case when bitterness appears, the plate can be removed.

Another reason why the hookah is bitter can be a poor-quality liquid. The milk or wine that is poured into the flask must be of good quality. It is advisable that they be cool, you can add a few ice cubes. Cold liquid filters smoke better. Coal needs to be purchased in specialized stores.

tobacco for hookah

How to punch holes?

Experienced hookah workers know that properly punching holes is very important. The central hole should be made with a toothpick, and the rest with a needle. Tobacco should not lie in a pile, it must be loosened. In the middle you need to put a minimum amount, then the puff will go easier. Care should be taken to ensure that coal does not get on tobacco. It should never be red. If the heating is uneven, bitterness may appear.

It is better to take a foil rather dense, the size of a landscape sheet. It must be folded four times.

bitter electronic hookah

The subtleties of cooking

In order not to have to find out why the hookah is bitter, you need to hammer the bowl according to the rules. Concentrate heat and avoid getting ash on the floor will help wind protection. It is made of foil. You need to tear off a small piece and fold it in half with the long side. The lower part must be doubled and wrap the cup, leaving a small side. All irregularities must be folded up and the foil pressed firmly.

So that the draft is good, and the hookah is not bitter, you need to check whether the structure is sealed. If necessary, paper towels can be used as a sealant. Correct coloring is the first step to pleasure, it ensures the continuity of the process. So that glycerin does not overheat, you need to carefully monitor the temperature in the cup and learn how to handle the valve correctly.

Beginners are very worried when, despite all measures, the hookah is still bitter. What to do in this case? It is necessary to exhale the air inside the hose and, breathing in a little, again to collect smoke and exhale again. In this case, the valve must be in working condition. If such actions have not yielded results, it is necessary to lower the temperature slightly by removing or parting the coals.

hookah is bitter what to do

Electronic hookah

Some lovers of smoke fragrant smoke prefer a traditional electronic hookah. It is considered safe and does not require special cooking skills. But sometimes smokers are worried why the electronic hookah is bitter. This may be because the cartridge is already running low. To solve the problem, just buy a new one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10413/

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