Alexander Palienko: biography and photos. Esoterics, psychology, self-knowledge

Alexander Palienko is a well-known trainer, lecturer, consultant on self-knowledge and psychics. He is the creator of several unique techniques in the field of psychology aimed at healing the human soul.

alexander palienko

Alexander Palienko: biography

He was born in 1969 in an ordinary family. A good son of his parents and a diligent student always dreamed of helping people. In 1991, he began to develop psychic abilities. A talented person - he is talented in all areas.

Alexander Palienko, whose biography remains a mystery, was not endowed with some amazing powers from birth. He studied a lot, read, thought and analyzed in order to take the first steps towards the realization of his dreams.

Difficulties on the way

alexander palienko biography

A young specialist in the psychic field practiced his skills for several years - he healed people. It would seem that everything was going well, only Alexander began to notice that ailments are returning to people back, they only manifest themselves in a different way.

Then it was decided to drop the psychic and help people with prayers. The effect of recovery was not visible so quickly, but the result lasted longer. And again to attack - everything returned to its circles. He began to analyze his actions and try to understand. Alexander Palienko did not immediately succeed. The vicious circle did not give him rest, he could not accept that the diseases were returning in another manifestation.

The analysis led to causal relationships with which the young specialist began to work. He highlighted the fundamental parameters that make a person healthy and happy, and began to work with self-knowledge.

On the way to happiness

The young man identified three main points that will help a person know himself and achieve what he wants:

  • understanding of the universe;
  • understanding of why a person lives;
  • self love.

Individual meetings were held in an amazing way. Alexander talked with people, trying to understand from what angle they perceive everything that is happening around. He gave useful tips and advice and taught to love yourself. Without this feeling, people are deceiving themselves, and to achieve some results will not work. Alexander Palienko became very popular. The lectures were very successful because people left him updated, happy, and changed their attitude towards life. Now he is conducting seminars in order to help everyone who wants to find the reality that they have always dreamed of.

Surrounding reality

palienko alexander quotes

Man is the master of his destiny. The future is shaped by actions. Every action, every step has an impact on the perception of reality. If you know yourself and change some aspects of life, this will help to solve much more problems than it seems at first glance.

This is what Alexander Palienko does. The author’s quotes touch the living, allow a person to understand the “ABCs” of life, evaluate priorities and exist according to their own rules, and not those that are recognized by others. The most important thing is to learn to live in harmony with oneself.

Alexander Palienko: 7 rules of life

The man is the author of a unique technique. Through analysis and self-knowledge, he managed to develop 7 basic rules by which to build your life. When you follow them, the surrounding reality changes, eyes open, and reality is perceived in a completely different way.

1. Cheating yourself

The first thing to learn is not to fool yourself. A person should not be shy of emotions, they must be expressed. If you do not show sincere feelings, then success and health will be difficult to achieve.

In no case should you be afraid of your negative qualities. If a person is angry, then this must be admitted. So it will be much easier to prove to yourself that inside there is a force that will help to cope with the negative manifestations of your essence.

Sounding the state in which a person is is liberation. It is also important to be careful with strangers. If a person talks about his achievements, you need to add something that will switch attention from the main topic.

Very often, as soon as the phrase “I am happy” is uttered, a circumstance immediately appears that makes the individual less happy. You can dilute it as follows: "I am happy, but really dream of a beautiful house and a good car." Attention will be switched to the second part of the sentence, and others will not be able to "jinx" the main advantage.

2. Positive words

Alexander Palienko 7 rules of life

The second rule, which Alexander Palienko recommends never to forget, is positive emotions. Thoughts materialize, therefore, in the lexicon of a person there should be as many pleasant, positive words as possible. Praise yourself, say something nice to your loved one, good will definitely come back to you through the boomerang system.

If you surround yourself with such emotions, then over time they will begin to occur in reality. A person writes a life scenario independently, you only need to learn how to do it right.

3. You always need to look good around

Whatever misfortune may have occurred in life, one must try to find something good in it. For example, fired from work. Of course, it will be very difficult to rebuild now, especially in the case when a person has worked in one place for many years. In this situation, there is another side to the coin.

If this happened, then it should have happened. Now there is a great opportunity to discover new talents in yourself, learn something new, improve professional skills or just take some time for yourself. This is a very important psychological preparation, it has a significant impact on the further fate of the individual.

4. No to denial

alexander palienko vicious circle

A very simple example can be given. It is raining outside, which ruined all the plans of man. What does he say in that case? He claims that bad weather spoiled everything, starts to get nervous and angry at everyone around. As a result, the head begins to hurt, the mood worsens, and nothing is wanted. The phrase needs to be changed. For example, a person may say that he would very much like the sun to shine. It is worth agreeing that the meaning remains the same, but it sounds different. As a result, the mood will be different and nothing will hurt.

The human brain perceives negations very sharply and reacts negatively to them. You need to try to feed your creation with sentences where there is no word “no,” then in life everything will turn out completely differently.

5. Acknowledgment

Being able to give thanks is very important. Alexander Palienko places particular emphasis on this theory. Some people are sure that they are pursued by a series of failures, and the white streak will never come. They scold themselves, blame everyone around them and do not try to change anything.

Gratitude will help, no matter how strange it may sound. After something bad, good always happens, that's how life works. If failure has occurred, then it is worthwhile to mentally thank the Universe for creating a difficult situation. A person will pass it and then a white stripe will surely come. For this, once again you need to express mental gratitude.

6. Do not blame others

alexander palienko lectures

You can never blame a person behind him, it will certainly come back to you in the form of a disease or some kind of trouble. The individual should be taught to discuss someone as if he is nearby.

Alexander Palienko believes that we should communicate with other people as we would like to communicate with us. Such behavior will relieve anger from within, help you to know yourself, and cope with negative emotions. In addition, a kind of “vacuum” is formed inside, filled with kindness. They will start to treat you better, problems will be solved faster, and life will be filled only with positive events. It really works.

7. Reality management

The rules listed above were basic, and the latter will help to learn how to independently create building material for your life.

It is important to understand two things:

  • everything will be as a person wants;
  • everything will turn out even better than planned.

Optimistic thinking is the main aspect for realizing your dream. When a person constantly repeats to himself what he wants, then energy begins to be released. This stream is aimed at realizing the desired. It is important to believe in yourself and think that everything will work out.

If this is not done, then anger and resentment will begin to accumulate, which over time develops into failures, quarrels, losses and illnesses. Practicing thinking is very simple. For example, in the morning a person wakes up and wants to drink tea. You need to program yourself to go and make a delicious drink that will cheer up and give pleasure. Next, a man goes and makes himself tea. The desired is realized in reality. It may seem like a trifle, but just such trifles can help you learn to visualize your dreams and bring them to life.

self-knowledge lessons

Self-knowledge lessons help everyone, most importantly, approach them with all seriousness. It is necessary to constantly expand the range of our capabilities - to rejoice at the good, to proudly accept failures. Everyone can change for the better - thoughts materialize. Alexander Palienko devoted a lot of time to developing a methodology that will help people. He succeeded, and by his example, he will prove to everyone that everything is in the hands of man.


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