TED is ... Definition, Features, Characterization

Today, TED-style performances are very popular all over the world. They are gaining millions of views on YouTube. In this article, we will consider what kind of program it is - TED and whether we need it, we will analyze the features of TED conferences and try to find out why they became so famous.


TED is an American nonprofit organization engaged in the dissemination of ideas in the format of 18-minute lectures. This is a project designed to bring together enthusiasts from all over the world and provide them with the opportunity to share their ideas with the world.

TED - what does it mean?

The name TED comes from the first letters of the words Technology, Entertainment and Design (Technology, Entertainment and Design), as it was to these three topics that the first conference was devoted.

TED talks


The current project manager, Chris Anderson, has articulated the project’s motto as “Ideas worth spreading.” In fact, all TED’s activities are aimed at achieving one goal: the dissemination of great ideas. For this, conferences are held, videos are made publicly available, the TED Prize is awarded for the most significant ideas, the global TEDx community is formed, educational videos are shot and much more.

The organization positions itself as a world community, it invites people from all spheres and cultures who want to understand this world more deeply. TED believes in the ability of ideas to change people's lives, their attitude to the world, and ultimately the whole world.

The official TED.com website has many videos from the most inspired and curious people who are ready to share ideas with each other and with the world.

Speech at the TED Conference

History and Development

It all started in 1984, when in the city of Monterey, USA, a trial version of a CD, an electronic book, and the latest 3D graphics from Lucasfilm were presented to the public. Then the abbreviation TED appeared, and this name has remained unchanged since then.

The second conference took place only 6 years later, in 1990, when the world became truly ready for such events. Unlike the first, the second TED conference was a success and has since become annual. Since 1990, it has united progressive and most influential speakers from around the world in a wide variety of disciplines. They are united by curiosity and openness to new knowledge, as well as a desire to unravel the secrets of our world.

In the 1980s the founders of TED themselves invited speakers, today everyone can submit an application and take part in the event.

Over time, the conference became closely within the framework of the initial three topics, therefore, scientists, philosophers, musicians, businessmen, religious leaders, philanthropists and many others began to be invited to perform. Today, the conference covers almost all topics - from science to world problems - in more than 100 languages. For most participants, a speech at the TED conference is the highlight of the year.

TED in numbers

In July 2006, the first six lectures of TED Talks were uploaded. In September of that year, more than a million people watched them. Videos of this format have become so popular that in 2007 the official TED website was re-launched and provided free access to almost all performances.

By 2009, TED's performances reached 100 million views. Thanks to TED, many speakers have become popular on the Internet, such as Jill Bolte Taylor and Sir Ken Robinson.

In the fall of 2012, TED Talks celebrated 1 billion video views. They are gaining popularity on the Internet, every second there are 17 views of TED videos.

Lecture on meditation

Other components

As it develops, the TED project has been overgrown with additional programs, such as:

  • TEDGlobal, conferences that take place in different countries;
  • TED Prize, awarded annually for best ideas;
  • TED Talks audio and video podcasts featuring the very best live shows available for free online viewing;
  • TEDx - TED-style events organized under license in other countries;
  • TED Translator program, which translates lectures into more than 100 languages;
  • TED-Ed educational program containing short instructional video tutorials;
  • TED Radio Hour

Lectures TED. What is it? Features and characteristics

TED events are different from other similar events. Firstly, TED presentations are lectures that last from 11 to 18 minutes, not longer. This is due to the psychological nature of man, since only during the first 20 minutes is it possible to completely retain people's attention.

Secondly, all TED members are united by one idea - to change the world for the better. But at the same time, they do not just speak, they do it. Speakers by their example show how words and deeds can be combined. Each performance becomes an event, it is discussed, it is heard by millions of viewers around the world. The ideal speaker for TED is a person who has many qualities, he is a scientist, businessman, and even a movie star. He must thus build his performance in order to keep the attention of the audience until the last minute. He must have charisma, thanks to which he will present his achievements to the public in a favorable light.

Thirdly, the conference is available to everyone. Everyone can watch performances for free on the official website or on the YouTube website and also become part of this wonderful event.

What is TED talking about?

On the official Ted.com website, you can find a list of the 25 most popular performances. The most viewed are lectures on a person’s personality, education, self-development and creativity, on the limitless possibilities of a person.

The most popular speech for the entire existence of the project is a lecture by British expert Kenneth Robinson on how schools suppress creativity in children. This video was watched by more than 12 million people, which indicates that they share the opinion of C. Robinson that the schools need to develop the creative potential of children.

Ken Robinson on the school system

Over the entire life of the project, many well-known people of our time became its speakers, including 42nd US President Bill Clinton, various Nobel laureates, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, Bill Gates and many others.

Bill Gates on TED

TED in Russia

TED-style conferences are held in other countries. To conduct an event, you only need to obtain a TEDx license. In Russia, the TED format is only gaining popularity, along with Belarus and Kazakhstan. The first TEDx event in Russia was held in Perm in 2009.

Similar conferences are held in other Russian cities, as well as universities, which allows students to feel like famous speakers and share their ideas on improving their city, country and the future of the whole world.

Thus, TED is a project that unites countries and peoples in changing the world for the better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10427/

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