Happiness for Hair: Lebel reviews

happiness for hair reviews

Now there are practically no such beauty salons that would not offer a rather expensive, but at the same time extremely effective procedure with the saying "Happiness for hair." Reviews of its effectiveness and all the benefits only confirm that the name is consistent with the results. How justified is the cost of this procedure?

What is Happiness for Hair?

Reviews often recommend this procedure. But not everyone is fully aware that this is not so much a procedure as a series of cosmetic products for hair restoration. This pleasure is quite expensive, but the results justify the price by one hundred percent. This series of products is designed specifically for the treatment of scalp and hair. Developer - A company called Takara Belmont, founded in 1921. Hair cosmetics as a separate area began to be developed around 1966 with Wella, and in 1977 they made their own brand under the name Lebel.

The content and application of funds "Happiness for hair"

The reviews indicate that, specifically, when using these products, treatment occurs at the molecular level in seven stages (seven drugs, each of which contains certain substances). In this complex there are ceramides, and proteins, and lipids, and moisturizers, and much more.

The first 4 remedies restore the cortex of each hair (inner part). The fifth and sixth remedies are aimed at restoring the lipid layer, and the seventh mask nourishes the scalp, stimulating hair growth, as well as eliminating the problems of itching and dandruff.

The composition of this series is quite interesting, since in ten procedures an effect is achieved that cannot be obtained in a year of using standard store-bought products. In this case, the brilliance, softness and obedience of the hair remains with you for a long time.

lebel happiness for hair

Phased treatment with the use of Lebel "Happiness for hair"

The first stage is working with the internal structure of the hair. It includes "Serum C" (ceramides), "Serum N" (NMF factor - hygroscopic molecules from a number of amino acids), "Serum P" (proteins), "Serum Element Fix". The latter fixes the previously obtained elements in the depths of the structure of each individual hair.

The second stage is work with the external lipid layer. With its help, the hair scales that appeared during clarification, straightening and other harmful effects are smoothed and closed. At this stage, it is proposed to use two masks from the Happiness series. Reviews say that it is thanks to these two means that it is possible to get an “advertising brilliance”. Gum Lipid 1 and Gum Lipid 2 masks contain lipids contained between the cuticle and cortex (the inside of the hair structure). Thanks to the effect of these products, all strands become flexible, soft and elastic, stopping breaking.

The third stage is one mask with the name Relaxing Slime, which in its composition contains a special polysaccharide from the horseberry plant, which acts in a special way on the scalp, significantly improving intercellular metabolism in tissues, softening the epidermis, enriching it with essential fatty acids. In addition, this product nourishes the follicles, stimulates hair growth and combats hair loss. In order to increase the effect of relaxation, it is necessary to warm up the mask in a water bath.

happiness for hair instruction
"Happiness for hair": instruction

In the application of funds there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow the sequence. In order to make everything clear to customers, the manufacturer numbered each tool. Therefore, you just need to alternately apply each of them, without rinsing, to clean hair. After applying the first six sera, you should warm up your almost restored hair for about ten minutes. After the seventh remedy, all preparations should be safely washed off with water without conditioner and shampoo.

This series "Happiness for Hair" is used, reviews of which are more than positive, once every two weeks. You can increase the frequency only if the strands are too badly damaged. For more or less normal hair, the application can be limited once a month. This series can be used before painting, which minimizes the harmful effects of dyes. In addition, the color will turn out more even.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10436/

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