Estel tinting paints: color palette, selection of shades, rules for use

A huge number of girls around the world are constantly experimenting with a shade of hair. The impact of chemical components adversely affects their condition, contributes to the appearance of dryness, brittleness and damage. To safely change the shade in the cosmetic market, you can find Estel tinting paints that gently affect the entire length and can be used at home.

The essence of the procedure

Hair tinting

Toning differs from staining in that gentle procedures are used during the procedure that do not damage the structure. Ammonia is absent in the list of ingredients of these products or its amount is so minimal that it does not have time to dry hair. Estelle tinting paints are used in the following cases:

  1. Hue correction for several tones.
  2. Subtone change. For example, the need to give blond hair a cold tone.
  3. Make the natural shade more saturated and fresh.
  4. Restoration of natural color with a small amount of gray hair.
  5. Thanks to modern technologies, a large number of nutrient components are present in the compositions of cosmetics, which can restore the structure and restore an attractive appearance after lightening, highlighting or prolonged staining with ammonia paints.

The essence of this procedure is that the pigment remains on the surface and after a while is washed off from the hair. According to buyers and professional stylists, Estelle tinting paints are among the best in this cosmetic segment.


This company launches on the world market many professional coloring and care products that can be used both in beauty salons and at home. The assortment of Estelle tinting paints includes:

  • De Luxe Sens.
  • Crystal Blond.
  • "Solo Tone."
  • Mask "New Tone".

This cosmetic company occupies a leading position in various world ratings. A huge advantage of Estelle hair tinting hair colors is the color palette, which allows each customer to quickly and easily choose the right shade.

De Luxe Sens

According to the manufacturer, this Estel tinting cream-paint is designed for safe exposure to hair during the procedure. The list of ingredients does not contain ammonia, but there are useful nutrients - keratin, avocado oil, olive extract and panthenol. As a result, the hair becomes soft, shiny, smooth, and the shade is natural and uniform.

Estelle De Luxe

About 60 tones are presented in the hue palette, which facilitates the process of choosing the right one. In their assortment you can find paint for blondes (package number 10), many options for brown-haired women (3,4,5), fair-haired (6,7,8), red and many others. A huge advantage of this tool is a convenient creamy consistency, which is easily mixed with an oxidizing agent and distributed throughout the hair.

How to tint hair with Estelle paint? In the container, it is necessary to mix the coloring base and 3% oxidizer to a homogeneous mass. The procedure must be started from the roots, evenly distributing the composition along the entire length to the tips. The exposure time is 20-30 minutes, depending on the desired intensity of the shade. The paint is washed off with plenty of warm water using a mild shampoo. The effect of the Estelle tinting paint (De Luxe Sens) lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. After that, the pigment is evenly washed off from the entire surface of the hair.

Crystal Blond

In the assortment of this cosmetic company, you can find a tool that was developed for blond shades. Estelle tinting paint is designed for professional use, but some girls carry out the procedure on their own at home. The palette contains 9 shades that are created to obtain a clean and radiant color.

"Estelle Crystal Blond"

The list of ingredients does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which indicates the gentle effect of the paint on the hair structure. Instructions for use: the base must be mixed with a cream activator (1.5%) in a ratio of 1: 2 until a homogeneous consistency. Apply to hair and leave for half an hour. This paint can be used immediately after lightening to give the desired shade.

The pigment persists for a month, after which it is evenly washed off from the hair. Girls in the reviews note that after application, the shade becomes beautiful, shiny, rich and completely natural. Even with regular use, the hair is not damaged, does not dry out and split ends do not appear.

Solo Tone

This tool is a professional analogue of the famous Tonic, but thanks to modern technology, it carefully affects the structure. Of the advantages of tinting paint "Estelle" ("Solo Ton"), the following can be distinguished:

  • the list of ingredients does not contain ammonia;
  • the duration of the effect is 3-4 weeks;
  • evenly distributed and easily washed off;
  • the palette contains 18 shades;
  • The composition contains conditioning components, mango extract and sunscreens.

According to customers and professional stylists, hair tinting with Estelle paint is capable of not only quickly updating the shade, but also intensively caring for the structure. Method of application: the mixture in the package is completely ready for use and does not require connection with an oxidizing agent or activator.

Tinted Estel Balm

The paint should be evenly distributed over the hair, left for 30-40 minutes, depending on the desired intensity, and rinse with warm water. Girls give preference to this Estelle tinting paint because the coloring is quick and easy, the shade is saturated and uniform, and the hair is soft and shiny.

Mask "New Tone"

Quite often, on the shelves of cosmetic stores, you can find care products with pigments for quick dyeing. Estel hair tinting mask, according to the manufacturer, is aimed at intensive medical care after lightening, coloring with persistent pigments and highlighting. This is due to lactic acid, which is aimed at deep hydration, beeswax and vitamin E.

Toning mask "Estelle"

The following tones are presented in the shades palette of the Estel hair tinting hair mask: copper, red, brown-red, golden-copper, brown-purple, violet-red, red-copper and golden brown. According to the manufacturer, this tool is aimed at a complex effect in the form of coloring and healing of the structure.

Instructions for use: apply a plentiful amount of the mask to clean, damp hair with your hands (the manufacturer recommends that you wear protective gloves) and evenly distribute along the entire length with a non-metallic comb. For the effect of light tinting, the exposure time is 5–7 minutes; for a more saturated color, 10–15 minutes. Rinse off the Estelle tinting mask with a copious amount of warm water without the use of cleansing and care products. A huge advantage of this tool is that the pigment remains intense for a month.

Professionals Recommendations

When using Estel tinting paint at home, it is necessary to take into account not only the instructions for use, but also the advice of stylists. They argue that the mixture should be applied to carefully combed wet hair, since the pigment is firmly fixed on the structure and the result is more stable.

Toning at home

After toning the hair, you should avoid the use of deeply cleansing shampoos, which can oxidize and provoke a distortion of the shade. Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction to the coloring composition.

Rules for choosing the right shade

Professional stylists recommend choosing the desired tone before going to the cosmetic store. For fair-haired and owners of dark hair, black, all shades of chestnut, brown, red and purple cold (silver, smoky, ashy) colors should be preferred. For red girls, shades of ginger, pomegranate, cappuccino and other tones from the red palette are perfect.

Palette Estelle

Blondes with a warm tone most often acquire the following options: vanilla, caramel, rosewood, and with a cold one - silver, pearl and pearlescent colors (Metallic or Silver Lily).


Estelle tinting paints have a huge assortment and an incredibly large palette of shades. With her help, absolutely every girl can quickly and easily choose the desired shade. When used at home, it is very important to follow the instructions for use to obtain a salon result. Paints of this cosmetic company have a budget value, which attracts buyers.


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