The strongest man in Russia: name, achievements, history and interesting facts

In our article we want to talk about strong people. Yes Yes. It is about them. After all, the strong people of Russia have not yet transferred.

How to determine the strongest?

How to determine who is the strongest? Finding such a person is not so simple. After all, you need not make a mistake and determine the real leader. And for this, various international championships are held.

We have our own competition in our country, which determines who the strongest person is - the championship of Russia. He gathers a lot of spectators and fans. You understand that this spectacle is particularly emotional. People from the most remote corners of the country and even from neighboring countries come to it .

Elbrus Nigmatullin

The strongest man in Russia is Elbrus Nigmatullin. He took this pedestal for quite some time . The strongman himself is from Bashkiria. He began to demonstrate his outstanding strength and capabilities in childhood. At ten years old, he could calmly pull himself forty times, which is beyond the power of an ordinary adult man. However, Elbrus is famous throughout Russia not only as the most powerful person in the Russian Federation. He is known both as a politician and as an actor. E. Nigmatullina was called the strongest for four consecutive years. In his track record has accumulated more than one world record. For example, in 2006, a strong man stretched ten meters along the Moscow River the steamer Ivan Kalita, whose weight is one hundred eighty-six tons.

the strongest man in Russia

In addition, the strongman is a master of sports in powerlifting and armwrestling, as well as the champion of the country in these sports and six -ath.

But in 2010, Elbrus did not take part in the competitions for the title “The Strongest Man in Russia”. His place was taken by Sergey Kharlamov.

Who is on the list of the strongest people in the country?

Rating of the most powerful people in modern Russia

We will start our list from tenth place and gradually reach the leader who takes the first place.

Before moving on to strong men, we want to note by what parameters, in fact, human strength is currently determined. For many athletes and coaches, deadlift is the most important indicator. What it is? This, in fact, is the weight that a strong man is able to lift from the ground. This is the strength of the athlete. Therefore, in our ranking only those strong men are listed whose records were fixed at official competitions, and not at home or in training.

Who are these strong people in Russia?

The most powerful and hardy people in Russia:

strong people of Russia

10. Livshits Oleg (375 kilograms). He is the winner of many international and national competitions, the world champion in deadlift, as well as the winner of the Russian championship bench press.

9. Kalinichenko Vladimir (377.5 kilograms). He is a master of sports in powerlifting, as well as the country's champion in eventing and a multiple prize winner in power extreme competitions.

8. Sarychev Kirill (380 kilograms) - an athlete of the international class (master of sports) in powerlifting, as well as push-ups lying down. He is the absolute world champion in the junior squad, the champion of the Russian Federation and Europe. He set the country's absolute record in a lying position without equipment - three hundred twenty-six kilograms.

7. Serebryakov Alexey (380 kilograms). He is the winner of the Russian Cup in such a sport as powerlifting in 2001, and the champion of Russia in the same year. And he also became the world champion among juniors in 2000.

rating of the most powerful people in modern Russia

6. Klyushev Alexander (385 kilograms). We can safely say about him that he is one of the strongest people on our planet. This athlete has a large number of records in competitions such as power extreme. He is not only a world-class master of sports in powerlifting, but also the European champion in this form. And, finally, he has the title "The Strongest Man in Russia" in the extreme sports in 2008, 2009 and 2011.

The five strongest

5. Belyaev Andrey (395 kilograms) - multiple champion of the Russian Federation in powerlifting, world champion according to the WPC.

4. Andrey Malanichev (400 kilograms) - multiple champion of the Russian Federation in powerlifting and a master of sports, winner of many international-class tournaments, winner of the (five-time) Titan Cup.

list of the most powerful people in the history of Russia

3. Vladimir Bondarenko (400 kilograms) is simply a true legend of world-class powerlifting. He joined the gold national team of the Russian Federation, which did not lose for eight years. Since 2007, unfortunately, he has not been competing.

2. Pozdeev Konstantin (400 kilograms). He became the absolute champion of the world, Russia and Europe in deadlift in the weight category up to one hundred and ten kilograms. He is also the champion of Russia, the world and Europe in powerlifting (IPF version) and a master of sports of international class.

competition is the strongest man in Russia

1. And finally, who is the strongest man in Russia? The first place in the ranking is occupied by Mikhail Koklyaev (417.5 kilograms). It is difficult to imagine, but this athlete is an eight-time national champion in weightlifting (weight category - more than 105 kilograms). He set an absolute record for Russia in deadlift, which amounted to 417.5 kilograms. In addition, he is a master of sports of international level in weightlifting, as well as powerlifting.

These are such extraordinary most powerful, agile and hardy people of Russia.

Historical excursion

Our country has always been famous for strong men. In Russia there was and is a certain cult of physical strength. This has happened since ancient times. Remember who were the heroes of the first epics and legends? Of course, heroes. There were enough strong men in the history of the country. There is even a list of the most powerful people in the history of Russia. Seven famous people are highlighted in it, which are worth telling in more detail.

Tsar Peter the Great

The head of the list is Tsar Peter the Great. It is difficult to call him an ordinary king. He stood out among the autocrats primarily by growth (204 centimeters). Peter possessed remarkable strength and indefatigable energy. He twisted coins with his fingers, cast-iron frying pans into a ram’s horn. The king, checking the strength of the horseshoes, could twist them. If she succumbed, then it means bad.

the strongest man in rf

Evpatiy Kolovrat

Evpatiy Kolovrat is a real historical figure, despite the epic image. The hero became famous for his strength and courage in the fight against the Mongols. He had a squad with which he entered into battles with an enemy that exceeded him in numbers. Evpatiy also defeated the most powerful Mongol warrior sent by Batu Khan himself.

how is life to the strongest man in Russia
The enemy did not succeed in defeating the Kolovrat squad until they thought of using stone-piercing guns in the war. After the death of the hero, Khan Batu ordered to give his body to the squad. He did this as a sign of respect for the courage of a warrior.

Rusakov Gregory

Grigory Rusakov (the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries) - the winner of bears and bulls. He was born in the Donbass and worked at the mine. Once he became a champion, and he was invited to work in a circus in Moscow. Since then, he has become a fighter. Having won the love of the audience and popularity in the capital, he began to go on tour in Russia, and then around the world. He became the winner of the championship in Paris and Argentina. Nicholas II freed the fighter from military service. However, his career ended in 1917, when the revolution took place. According to some reports, he continued to live in Murmansk, and according to others - in the settlement of Mikhailovka. However, the hero died somehow completely ridiculous. The reason was the fall from the truck. Rusakov wanted to break a branch on the go and fell. He was paralyzed, and a year later he died. He was known for his fights with bears, the ability to bend rails and horseshoes.

Ivan Poddubny

Poddubny Ivan was also a famous fighter. He began his career at the Beskorovayny circus. He lost his first competition and since then began to train a lot every day, sparing no energy. Very quickly, he became famous both in Russia and in Europe. His main opponent was Raul de Boucher (French).

the strongest man championship of Russia
They faced three times in the ring, and always Ivan Poddubny came out victorious, despite the dishonest methods of the Frenchman. The strong man conquered not only Europe, but also America. There he gathered a lot of spectators. However, for a long time he did not stay there and returned to his homeland.

Alexander Zass

Zass Alexander in history remained as Iron Samson. He gained fame during the First World War. He worked in a Hungarian circus and himself staged numbers in which he demonstrated miracles of strength and endurance. The strongman toured with his performances in France, Italy, England, Switzerland, England. In 1924, Zass permanently moved to England, where he was awarded the title "The Strongest Man on Earth." One of his achievements is that he developed a system of special exercises to strengthen tendons. Thanks to such trainings, the strongman was able to withstand tremendous loads.

Vasily Alekseev

Vasily Alekseev can be called, perhaps, the last strongman of the Soviet era. He lived in a small town near Rostov. With worldwide fame, he led a fairly simple lifestyle, paying close attention only to his beloved weightlifting. Foreign fans called him the Russian bear.

the most powerful dexterous and hardy people of Russia
Twice he was the champion of the Olympic Games, and the world champion - six times, and the same - the champion of Europe. For seven consecutive years he held the championship in the championships of the Union. During his sports career, he set eighty world records and eighty-one country records. An interesting fact is that Vasily Alekseev became the eternal holder of the world record for the sum of three exercises (645 kilograms). He trained with himself, setting new records. He was the first to conquer the 600 kilogram mark. Until 1992, Alekseev was engaged in coaching in weightlifting. He developed a revolutionary training system, thanks to which none of his wards received any injuries. Alekseev criticized the lifting of large loads in training, offering to bet on endurance, combining various types of training. The famous coach in Munich died in 2011.

Alexander Karelin

Karelin Alexander is perhaps the most famous Russian wrestler. He was called San Sanych. He left big sport more than fifteen years ago, back in the two thousandth year. At fourteen, he became interested in Greco-Roman wrestling. Four years later, he became the world champion among youth. Over the course of his sports career, he has collected many titles, won gold medals at the Olympics three times, won the world champion nine times and the European champion twelve times. In addition, he won gold medals thirteen times in the championships of the Union and Russia.

the most powerful and hardy people in Russia

He was even awarded four times as the best fighter of the planet with the Golden Belt. In the ninety-ninth year, Karelina invited a Japanese fighter to fight, who was reputed to be completely invincible in his homeland. So Akira Maeda decided to make a show, challenging Alexander. However, this was his mistake, because after a few minutes he became for the Russian strongman just a dummy for the throws. Although, it must be said that Karelin used only tricks from the struggle (Greco-Roman).

Instead of an afterword

And at present, the competition “The Strongest Man in Russia” is being held. Since the country has always been famous for strong men, the event is spectacular. Athletes are offered six exercises. They are all completely different. There are also relay races which participants pass with heavy loads. And there is such a test as keeping, for example, a Mercedes minibus. It's hard to guess who will become the absolute leader in such competitions.

Speaking about power records and how the most powerful person in Russia lives, you need to understand that such achievements are not easy. They are not subject to everyone. Before reaching such heights, each strongman went a long way of grueling training. Yes, and having won titles and titles, becoming a champion, none of them stops and continues to train, since there are always many new athletes around who are also striving to climb the sports Olympus. For each of them, sport has become the meaning of life.


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