Let's talk about verbs: “to lay down” or “to lay” - how to do it right?

For some reason, there are two stumbling blocks in the Russian language - these are the words: “lay” and “lay down”. Let's try to figure out how to speak correctly, at the same time remembering the specific forms of the verb. Yes, yes, it’s they who will help us understand: “to lay down” or “to lay” - how is it right?

On the perfect and imperfect form of the verb

lay or lay as it is right

In our language, each verb refers to a perfect form (which answers the question “what to do?”) Or imperfect (which answers the question “what to do?”). They form species pairs, and the root of the verbs included there is usually one:

(what to do?) to learn - (what to do?) to learn ,

(what to do?) to hang - (what to do?) to hang , etc.

But you understand that in Russian everything doesn’t just happen that way, there are certainly exceptions:

(what to do?) to take - (what to do?) to take ,

(what to do?) search - (what to do?) find,

(what to do?) to catch - (what to do?) to catch .

For the Russian-speaking, they are not particularly difficult, except for a pair of rather "tricky" representatives of this part of the speech: " put" and " put" . How to say: “put” or “lay”? For some reason, many instead of a legal imperfect form of the verb try to use a nonexistent one. There is no word “lie” in Russian!

So, " lay down "or" to put "- how is it right?

put or lay down how to

The fact is that in most discussions on this topic the answer is unequivocal: “You can’t use a root without a prefix!” It is proposed to remember the following words that have a given root and the right to exist: lay, lay, lay out, attach, shift, lay , etc. And without a prefix: I lay, lay, lay, lay, etc.

But this is only partially true. The fact is that if you reason like that, you will have to say: “lay out” or “lay”, although everyone knows the correct form of these verbs: lay out, lay .

It is the knowledge that the root -law is an accessory of the perfect form of the verb will help to use it correctly. The verbs that we cited above belong to an imperfect form, and this form can only be conveyed by a variant of the verb: to put .

"Putting" or "laying down" - how right?

correctly put or lay down

But many heard the words of the song: "The snow falls and melts and melts ..." How is it, here is an imperfect form of the verb, and the root is false? The fact is that our mysterious couple: to put and lay - again offers difficulties. If we have a return form (that is, one that ends with - sya ), then the root -log- is used in it. For instance: " She lies in a clean bed. " .

Although there is a reflexive form of the verb “put”: “Here everything is put in one pile.” How to be? So to “ lay down” or “lay” - how to say it correctly in a returnable form? It turns out that we must remember the pledge of this verb. In the first sentence, the verb is the real voice (the snow falls itself, it lies itself). And in the second case - this is a passive voice: everything is put by someone.

So, before pronouncing ending with "lay" or "put", what should one do right? It is necessary to remember that the object does something (that means, the root is false) or perform an action with it (that means, the root is false).

And finally

There is another, probably easier way to figure out how to speak correctly in each case. To do this, remember that the root - lies - is used in the meaning of something located on top of the surface. After all, the word "bed" is a surface for lying. And the root - the treasure - usually means what is inside. Remember, we dig a treasure from the bowels of the earth. So, when you want to talk about what will be on top, you use the root - lies -. And if about what will be inside, then it will sound - treasure -. Like this!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10450/

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