Useful pumpkin: how much to cook and how to cook

A vegetable containing many useful elements is a pumpkin. "How much to cook such a treasure so as not to destroy vitamins, but to get a tasty dish?" - you ask. This is a difficult question. If the cooking time is minimized, then no one in the family will take advantage of the pumpkin; it will be tasteless. If digested, the amount of vitamins will be significantly reduced. You can, of course, eat it raw,

pumpkin how much to cook
just not everyone loves.

How long to cook pumpkin

The benefits of ginger vegetable not only in vitamins. It contains potassium, trace elements. Therefore, there is no doubt that heat treatment will leave a lot of useful in the pumpkin, and destroy the harmful. So, having determined what you will cook, peel and cut as much vegetable as you need. Boil a pumpkin for half an hour. Putting it better in boiling water. Be sure to draw so much water that it covers all the pieces, otherwise you may run into the problem of a partially undercooked vegetable. Salt water before throwing pieces into it. Fire should not be strong. Make sure that the water does not boil like Vesuvius, but calmly boils (releases bubbles on the surface).

how much time to cook pumpkin
Useful Tips

The heat treatment time will depend on what the pumpkin is. How much to cook hard or soft, determine as follows: add (subtract) ten seconds for each piece, if your vegetable is different from the standard. Thus, a tough pumpkin is boiled for up to forty minutes. This rarely happens. Often comes across a vegetable that cooks much faster. To determine whether the product is ready, simply: just like potatoes, try a fork. The softness of the piece indicates its readiness. In this case, remove it from the heat so as not to get a tasteless porridge. If the consistency of the vegetable is dense, then cook longer. Otherwise, in a dish, his taste will clog everything else.

how much to cook pumpkin
Baked pumpkin

How much to cook the product, we determined. But when the pumpkin is fully placed in the oven, it is not so easy to understand. The fact is that the plug will not help. They bake a pumpkin in a peel, which is not so easy to pierce. Therefore, usually in this case, the heat treatment is carried out for at least half an hour. If the recipe includes meat, then up to an hour and a half. But this is not important. Since in the absence of water when baking a vegetable, its whole pulp does not spill over the pan, but retains its structure and natural aroma.

Pumpkin porridge

A simple recipe for a delicious breakfast will certainly help you learn how to cook culinary masterpieces from this vegetable. For this dish you will need rice, cottage cheese and pumpkin. How much to cook such an incredible combination of products? Yes, as much. You need to cut the vegetables into slices, add rice (two tablespoons), cottage cheese and pour water to cover all the products. Add salt and sugar when it boils. Turn down the fire. After half an hour try it - very tasty. It is recommended that sweeteners add sugar, raisins or whatever they like to the dish. Sugar-free breakfast is good with ginger (good for figure). If you are engaged in getting rid of kilograms, then the cottage cheese is recommended to be low-fat, and replace the rice with millet.


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