Darsonval for the face: reviews with photos

In the field of cosmetology, many devices are used, with which you can solve various skin problems. One of those is darsonval. This device helps restore skin elasticity, fights acne, eliminates the first wrinkles, refreshes the skin, and reduces pores. Darsonval for the face, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, can be used at home.

Current action

darsonvalization of the face

The benefit of darsonval is that the current that passes through it narrows the blood vessels and increases the level of white blood cells. As a result, the purulent deposits are resorbed and the lymph is diluted. The spark ability of the current has a positive effect on the condition of a person who suffers from migraine and hypertension.

The device can be used in a contact and non-contact manner. Both methods provide a pronounced bactericidal effect. To achieve positive results, you need to undergo a full darsonvalization course, consisting of 10-20 procedures. Upon contact exposure, the nozzle moves over the skin, creating a kind of “quiet discharge”. This therapeutic direction is indicated for aging skin, cellulite, hair loss, varicose veins.

The non-contact method involves moving the device above the skin at a distance of 1-10 mm. A "spark discharge" is created that leads to a feeling of slight tingling. This option darsonvalization is appropriate in the treatment of neuralgia, serious diseases.

Operating principle

darsonval in cosmetology

The principle of operation of the apparatus is based on high frequencies of a weak pulse current. With darsonval, you can:

  • enhance microcirculation of lymphoid tissue;
  • dry the inflammation on the face;
  • improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • activate hair growth and strengthen follicles.

The main advantage of the device is its functionality. The device has the following features:

  • heals hair and activates their growth;
  • fights acne and acne;
  • used for the prevention of skin diseases.

How effective is darsonvalization?

If we consider the reviews of darsonval, for the face and hair used, it follows that the effect is observed after a full course of procedures. Everyone's reaction to the effects of current may be different, therefore, before proceeding with darsonvalization, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications.

In the responses of those who underwent a course of procedures using darsonval, it is said that the skin of the face noticeably tightened, wrinkles disappeared, the pores became less noticeable.

Massage Description

It is possible to carry out manipulations using the device both at home and in the cabin. Previously, darsonval was used to accelerate the process of skin repair, elimination of edema, venous mesh. Over time, this device has found its application in the field of cosmetology.

Darsonval skin massage will help get rid of acne, post-acne. The procedure is also indicated for skin tightening. An apparatus for hair growth is no less effective. In addition, it can be used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen, fungal skin diseases.

In reviews of darsonval (it is not difficult to use it for a person at home) it is also indicated that its use gives a positive effect in alopecia.


Despite the fact that darsonvalization helps to solve a number of problems with the skin and hair, it has certain contraindications. You should refrain from such a procedure:

  • with tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • arrhythmias and cardiovascular failure;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • increased facial hair growth;
  • oncological diseases.

Darsonvalization is also contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and those who have a pacemaker.

The greatest danger of the procedure is that it accompanies the growth of malignant neoplasms or the transition of benign tumors to malignant. Often, a person does not have the slightest suspicion about such a pathology. A completed darsonvalization course can cause active tumor growth, therefore, before proceeding to the procedure, you need to undergo a full diagnostic examination.

Apparatus and technique

darsonval with nozzles

Darsonval is on sale in different forms. For the face, one type of massager can be used, for the treatment of diseases - another.

For home use, pulsed darsonval for the face is usually used. Reviews about this device in most cases are positive. Its advantages include affordable price, compact size and high efficiency.

As for cosmetology rooms, in them you can often see the device with a stationary power supply. It is advisable to select a device after consulting a cosmetologist. Before embarking on a course of restorative procedures, it is advisable to undergo a full examination of the body.

The reviews on the darsonval apparatus (it is used often enough for the face) says that the method of using it is quite simple. Each device is accompanied by instructions, which describe in detail the scheme of its use. First, a specific nozzle is selected, followed by skin preparation. To do this, you can apply a cleansing mask or scrub to your face. Then the skin must be sprinkled with talcum powder. When the preparatory phase is completed, the massage process follows. You need to drive the nozzle along the massage lines. Linger at one point for a long time should not be.

Thus, you can use darsonval for the face from wrinkles. Reviews of the procedure suggest that the greater the power of the device, the less the session will last. The duration of the procedure is on average 15-20 minutes.

Darsonval for hair

darsonval for hair

If hair falls out and grows slowly, darsonvalization will help solve this problem. However, the procedure should be carried out taking into account certain recommendations. Before the session, it is necessary to remove metal objects from the hair in the form of hairpins, rubber bands and hoops, comb them well.

hair nozzle

For darsonvalization of the skin of the head, you need to use a special comb attachment. You need to start the movement from the forehead and end with the back of the head. You need to comb your hair back. The power of exposure should gradually increase - there should be a feeling of slight tingling. The duration of the session is 10 minutes. The entire course consists of 20-25 procedures conducted daily. After completing the course, you can observe accelerated hair growth and a noticeable density of hair.

Darsonval Anti Wrinkle

darsonval for face

In reviews of darsonval for facial skin, it is mentioned that the device can eliminate visible age-related changes - wrinkles. Before proceeding to the procedure, the skin needs to be cleaned of cosmetics and sprinkled with talcum powder or smeared with a special cream that will enhance the effect.

To regenerate the skin, it is necessary to use a mushroom nozzle. All movements should be light. You need to move from the nose to the ears, from the forehead upward, to the hairline, from the eyes to the temporal zone, from the top of the face to the chin. The eyelid area is prohibited.

The current intensity must be gradually increased. The duration of the session is 5-20 minutes. To wrinkles become less pronounced, and the skin - more elastic, you need to go through 20 procedures.


You can tighten the skin with darsonvalization in the same way, however, the electrode must be kept above the surface at a distance of 5 mm. It is worth considering that after the first procedures the opposite effect may be observed - the skin condition will worsen a little. You should not worry about this, since the process of reserve capabilities of the epidermis has been launched. Already after 5-7 procedures it will be possible to be satisfied with the first noticeable results - the skin will tighten and freshen.

Darsonval for Acne and Blackheads

Acne treatments also help. In reviews of darsonval (it is most often used for the face) it is said that the procedure is quite effective, but in order to observe positive results, it is recommended to conduct it in the cosmetologist’s office. This is because it requires precise movements, so it is not always possible to independently carry them out. First, the face is cleaned of cosmetics and dirt. Inflammatory elements are cauterized by a sharp nozzle in a strong mode of current supply. Then, using a flat nozzle in a contact way, the entire face is treated. Procedures should be performed daily or every other day. The duration of the session should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the face has a large number of inflammatory elements of large sizes, an exclusively point remote darsonvalization is used. The treatment of each acne should be carried out for 10-15 seconds. In this case, it is necessary that the device operates at full power.

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the inflammation has begun to dry out, you can proceed to contact treatment with a mushroom nozzle.

Reviews with photos about darsonval confirm the effectiveness of the completed course for the face. However, most users performed similar manipulations with a cosmetologist.

If darsonvalization is carried out in the salon, compositions with a medicinal property (serums, lotions, etc.) can be used, which are applied immediately before the massage.

It is important to note that alcohol and acids should not be present in such formulations. Darsonval can also be used to degrease the skin. To do this, the mushroom nozzle is moved along the massage lines so that one part of it touches the skin, and the second is slightly raised.

Such treatment should be carried out 7-10 minutes. The entire course consists of 10-15 sessions. This is followed by a two-week break, after which you can proceed to treat the skin from acne.

Darsonval Safety Precautions

During the procedure, it is imperative to ensure that the nozzle does not affect the area around the eyes. It is forbidden to touch electrical appliances, grounded objects at the time of the session. Otherwise, it may result in electric shock. Do darsonvalization away from other people.

Before the procedure, you must remove all jewelry from yourself. The surface of the skin should be completely dry. The thing is that moisture reduces the resistance of the skin, which means that the effect of the current will be stronger, which can harm the body. It is forbidden to use the device if the skin has injuries and open wounds.

Before connecting the device to the network, you need to study the instructions that came with it. If you deviate from recommendations regarding the use of darsonval, this can aggravate skin problems, cause burns and other unpleasant consequences.


darsonval face machine reviews

Regular use of darsonval for the face, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, will help to forget about many skin problems. Women say acne, enlarged pores, acne and sagging skin will no longer bother you after a darsonvalization course. The procedure also helps slow down premature aging. The skin begins to absorb moisture and other necessary substances more actively. To feel all these positive changes, you must use the device correctly and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10457/

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