Trade margin and its consequences

The last few years in our country there has been a rapid growth of business. Every year, the number of entrepreneurs is growing exponentially, increasing not only the investment climate in our country, but also tax payments to the budget. Naturally, each entrepreneur is fighting for his own benefit, and it is precisely the trade margin that is the main source of income for his enterprise. There is a practice in which some businessmen deliberately set the price above the established norms. Trade margin is the difference between the cost of goods at a wholesale warehouse or manufacturing enterprise and the retail price .

trade margin
Ready-made solutions for fixing prices for goods sold depending on products are already available to today's entrepreneurs. If you are entering the market for the first time with a new product, then you need to know that the trade margin is calculated from the quality indicators of the consumer properties of the product and market conditions. Also in the calculations it is necessary to lay taxes and excises. Only after carrying out all the calculations you can find out how much the trade margin should be in order for your company to generate income.

Novice entrepreneurs believe that lowering the price will lead them to crowds of customers and even allow them to divert customers from competitors, but this is not so. Statistics is a stubborn thing, which shows that often the consumer chooses not only the price, but also the quality of the product, the level of service, the situation and many other factors affecting its priorities. As experienced businessmen say, at the initial stage, the trade margin should be at the average market plus or minus 5%. This will not scare away most customers at a cost and will allow them to build up their regular customers over time. It should also be noted that the state regulates the prices of some consumer goods, and if these criteria are exceeded, you will be fined.

trade margin is
Calculating these indicators will be quite simple, because when you submit information to the tax balance sheet it will show what the trade margin is. Postings on these indicators are carried out on the credit of account 42 and the debit of account 41. It should be noted that during the first checks, some entrepreneurs receive substantial fines for violating established requirements. The most popular excuse in this situation is the lack of knowledge of regulatory documents and government decrees regarding the sale of consumer goods.

Trading margin posting
The trade margin is, first of all, the β€œbread” of any businessman engaged in retail sales. By purchasing a product, each consumer realizes that he is overpaying. Increasingly, we hear stories from the TV screen or from friends that some people β€œdress” abroad. Such purchases allow you to pay back not only shopping trips, but even the cost of air tickets. Statistics show that only 5% of our citizens "dress" in this way. The rest prefer to go to the nearest market and overpay 2-3 times for the same thing, but save yourself from long flights with inconvenience.


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