Tincture of fly agaric on alcohol: application, healing properties, reviews. Amanita tincture for joint treatment

There are many medicines that have been used by folk medicine men for centuries and are completely rejected by official medicine. One of them is tincture from fly agaric on alcohol. The use of this somewhat exotic remedy was long ago practiced by the Chukchi, Yakuts, Evenks, and the Mordovians and Mari even ate fly agarics, calling them food of the gods. However, among Europeans, the fly agaric is considered a deadly poisonous mushroom, so they are afraid of it, they scare children. And some tourists, having seen a pretty mushroom in a forest glade with a red hat decorated with white specks, certainly trample it underfoot. In this article we will tell you how good fly agarics are, why they do not need to be destroyed, and what unique potion can be prepared from them.

fly agaric tincture for alcohol

What is fly agaric

Most of us, without hesitation, will answer: this is a poisonous mushroom on a thin leg with a red cap in a white speck. That's right, but not quite. In fact, fly agaric is a whole group of agaric mushrooms. Among them are absolutely safe, conditionally edible and poisonous. The hat they can have with or without dots, and its color is red, yellow, brown, beige and even green. But for therapeutic purposes, only tincture of red mushroom is used. By the way, the mushroom got its name because it is used to poison flies and other annoying insects. How? Very simple. They collect mushrooms in the forest, separate the hats from the legs, break them into pieces and put them in milk or in water (milk is more effective because it has an attractive smell). Insects, having drunk such a treat, almost immediately fall asleep and drown. Any mushrooms of any age, even old and wormy ones, are suitable for bullying flies. But if you need tincture from fly agaric to alcohol, the use of which is planned for people, it is necessary to collect only fresh mushrooms, without the slightest flaws in the form of rot, rottenness and other things. As mentioned above, fly agaric, in principle, is not very poisonous. To die from him, you need to eat at least a dozen of his hats at a time. But the substances entering its pulp can cause irritation on the skin. Therefore, all the manipulations in the manufacture of tinctures are preferably performed with gloves.

how to make tincture from fly agaric on alcohol

Chemical composition

To understand how the fly agaric tincture works for alcohol, the use of which is carried out both externally and internally, you need to find out what scientists have found in this forest beauty.

In the pulp of hats found:

  1. Ibotenic acid , which is the most toxic component. In dried mushrooms, it turns into muscimol, which is 10 times stronger than its original source. Both of these substances have powerful neurotoxic and psychoactive effects. When using them in small doses, a condition similar to the action of drugs occurs, hallucinations of all kinds, a feeling of euphoria, cheerfulness or, on the contrary, aggressiveness, intense excitement appear. If the dose is even slightly exceeded, the person has seizures, as in epilepsy, hysteria, ataxia, convulsions.
  2. Muscarin . In small doses, it is a neurotransmitter, dilates blood vessels, slows heart contractions. In case of an overdose, muscarine causes poisoning with the classic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, and a decrease in blood pressure. At very high doses, it is muscarine that leads to suffocation, loss of consciousness and death.
  3. Muscazone Appears in fly agaric when decaying ibotenic acid in the sun. Muscazone also causes psychoactive reactions, and in addition, enhances the toxicity of muscarine.

An interesting fact is that in mushrooms that have been kept dry for more than 7 years, no toxic substances are found.

fly agaric tincture for joint treatment

The properties

After reading the chemical composition, many will be surprised, what can help from fly agaric tincture help? The healing properties of the drug are as follows:

  • antitumor;
  • anthelmintic;
  • bactericidal;
  • painkillers.

If you happen to get injured in the forest, you can put crushed pieces of pulp of red mushroom on the wound and fix it with something. The wound will stop hurting and will quickly drag on.

Tincture of red mushroom helps with diabetes, menopause, sclerosis, joint problems, epilepsy, radiculitis, impotence, dermatitis, herpes, headache (you need to smear tincture of whiskey), boils, acne, toothache, cough (you need to put compresses) and dozens of other ailments.

How to make tincture from fly agaric on alcohol

There are many recipes in folk medicine. Let's start with the simplest, with the help of which a medicine is prepared for rubbing and compresses. It is necessary to collect fly agaric far from industrial facilities, to separate the caps from the legs. Carefully review them, so as not to get spoiled mushroom, then wash and chop (you can in a meat grinder). Squeeze the juice thoroughly from the resulting slurry and add the same amount of alcohol to it. You can not squeeze the juice from the pulp, but put it in a jar, pour vodka so that it is 1 cm more than the mushroom mass, close the lid and leave it for 14 days where there is no sunlight. Some healers fly agaric hats do not grind, but simply cut into pieces, rammed into a jar and pour alcohol. In this case, they have to be insisted for about forty days.

fly agaric tincture for alcohol recipe

Amanita tincture for alcohol - the second recipe

It is more difficult to prepare a drug that is planned to be taken orally. To do this, fly agaric is collected and prepared in the same way as described above. Then the caps are crushed (without grinding) and compacted into small, preferably half-liter or even smaller containers. Alcohol is not added! Cans are packed in a bag made of polyethylene and buried in the ground, where they languish for 35-40 days. During this time, fermentation occurs in the pulp. At the end of the aging period, the cans are removed to the surface, removed from the bags. In the vessels there will be liquid at the bottom and a mass of mushrooms that rises up. All this is carefully filtered, and exactly the same amount of alcohol is added to the resulting fly agaric juice. Some healers advise letting the strained juice stand, and then pour it gently, leaving a precipitate, and add alcohol not 1: 1, but 1: 4. That is, juice - four parts, and alcohol - one.

Outdoor application

For hundreds of years, people have been using tincture of fly agaric to treat joints. In this case, an agent prepared by any of the above methods is suitable. Use tincture for pain not only in the joints of the limbs, but also in the spine. The therapeutic process is very simple. In the tincture, you need to moisten the swab and rub it in smooth, without much pressure movements in a sore spot. Another method of treatment is the setting of compresses, which is also quite simple. In a tincture, a rag is moistened (so that it is only wet), applied to the joint, a plastic bag is placed on top and wrapped with something warm. After about an hour, everything is removed, the skin is washed and again wrapped in heat.

fly agaric tincture for use inside

Healers with many years of experience use not only tincture of fly agaric for the treatment of joints, but also fly agaric ointments. The easiest way to make it is to grind the dry mushroom into powder and mix it with petroleum jelly. If there are no dried fly agarics, you can prepare an ointment from fresh ones, but it should be applied immediately. Mushroom caps should be grinded in a meat grinder, mixed with sour cream and make a compress from this pulp.

Inside use

From a variety of ailments, a tincture of fly agaric on alcohol helps. Ingestion is practiced to treat cancer, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and diabetes. They drink tincture all differently, because there are several schemes for its reception:

  1. Start with a drop added to any liquid, such as tea, milk. Drink three times a day, a quarter of an hour before a meal. Every day, increase the amount of tincture taken exactly a drop, gradually bringing them to 20. After that, also reduce the amount of tincture every day, exactly exactly one drop. Take a week break and repeat the course again.
  2. In the morning, before eating, take half a teaspoon of tincture, and then dissolve the mummy in the mouth (granule no more than a pea).
  3. Drink a dessert spoon of tincture before meals three times a day.

fly agaric tincture healing properties


No matter how healing tincture of fly agaric to alcohol, its use is not recommended for everyone. You can not use such a medicine in the following cases:

  • under 12 years old;
  • pregnancy;
  • the appearance after taking tinctures of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • acute heart failure;
  • internal bleeding.

Do not use tincture externally in the following cases:

  • open wounds;
  • rashes, redness on the skin in places of application of compresses, lotions;
  • an increase in soreness in a problem place.

red amanita tincture


After reading the article, perhaps many readers will believe that tincture of fly agaric is really unusually useful for dozens of diseases. Reviews about its use are mostly positive. The advantages of this medicine are:

  • subject to the correct doses, the tincture is absolutely harmless;
  • helps in the treatment of cancer;
  • eliminates helminths;
  • perfectly copes with any skin problems;
  • not addictive;
  • if not exceed the dose, has no side effects.

Deficiencies noted by respondents:

  • medical specialists do not give recommendations on the use of tinctures, and moreover, are categorically against such treatment;
  • prevailing stereotypes about the toxicity of fly agaric, which is why many patients are afraid to take tincture;
  • lack of this product in free sale;
  • the growth of fly agaric, unfortunately, is not universal.

As you can see, there are no negative reviews about the tincture of fly agaric. However, it should be remembered that before using any tool, it is necessary to carefully study all the educational materials, consult with specialists and only then make a decision, because in the end result the patient himself is responsible for his health and life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10474/

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