How to color eyebrows at home: step-by-step recommendations

Some women believe that eyebrow care does not require special skills. However, this is not at all true. Beautifully designed, well-groomed eyebrows set the tone for makeup and can even completely change the look of your face. The attractiveness of the entire female image depends on their color and shape. That is why the design of eyebrows in beauty salons is now at the peak of its popularity. This service is in great demand. But not everyone can afford frequent trips to salons, it will be much more profitable to learn self-coloring. Fortunately, how to color eyebrows at home can be found on the Internet.

How to color eyebrows

Pencils and eyebrow shadows have long been irrelevant. They stain eyebrows for only a few hours, and then spread and spread over the skin. It’s almost impossible to wake up beautiful using these cosmetics - all the paint will remain on the pillow. That is why, when it comes to permanent makeup, many girls prefer more persistent dyes. These include dye and henna for eyebrows. About how to color eyebrows at home step by step, we will tell you today. Using the paint only once, you can enjoy beautiful eyebrows from one to two weeks, depending on the method of coloring.

eyebrow dye

Before dyeing eyebrows at home, it is necessary to conduct a special test that will determine the presence of allergies to the components of the coloring matter. To do this, apply a little paint or henna on the inside of the hand, and then wait about 15 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, you can safely proceed to coloring eyebrows.

How to choose a paint color

Eyebrow tinting is a very important procedure for every girl. Much depends on the choice of color, therefore, before dwelling on the first shade you like, you need to carefully consider your face in daylight and without makeup. If the palette of the used paint is at hand, you just need to bring it to your face and choose the appropriate option. If there are no options for a possible shade, you should determine it yourself.

Thinking about how to color eyebrows at home, you first need to decide on the color. For the brown-haired woman, the most successful will be the choice of one that is a tone lighter than her own hair. For red and brown hair, a brown color with a warm shade will be more suitable. Blondes are suitable for dark gray or light brown eyebrows. Women with very dark hair will look spectacular with both brown and black eyebrows.

how to choose eyebrow color

Having decided on the tone, you can safely go to the cosmetic store for paint or henna. It is very important to purchase a coloring product intended only for eyebrows, and not for eyelashes, body or hair. Due to the abundance of all kinds of colors, you can easily get confused and buy ordinary henna instead of the one that is suitable specifically for eyebrows.

Shaping before staining

Before dyeing eyebrows at home, they need to be shaped, plucking all the excess with tweezers. This should be done several hours before the alleged staining. During this time, the skin will calm down and will not respond to the dye with irritation or redness.

The shape of the eyebrows affects the image no less than their color. The wider the eyebrows, the younger the face will look, but here it is very important not to overdo it. To determine the shape suitable for the face, you need to pick up any pencil, brush or pen. Then you should attach it to your face according to the scheme shown in the photo. Thanks to these simple movements, you can create perfect eyebrows that are not inferior to those that make out in beauty salons.

how to color eyebrows at home

Tools for home dyeing

Before dyeing eyebrows at home, you will have to take care of the necessary equipment. To get beautiful eyebrows, dye alone will not be enough. In addition to henna or paint, you will need other tools:

  1. A thin brush with a beveled end for a clear outline.
  2. Small plastic container for coloring matter.
  3. Spatula for mixing.
  4. Disposable gloves.
  5. Cream or white cosmetic pencil.
  6. Cotton pads and sticks.

Such an inventory can be found in every girl’s house, but most often half of these devices comes with paint or henna. Particular attention should be paid to eyebrow brushes. Its presence will provide 80% of successful staining. Using regular cotton swabs for applying paint, you can easily go beyond the limits of the form, as well as apply the paint unevenly. Therefore, the purchase of a good brush made of artificial material should be added to the shopping list even when going for paint. A natural brush will quickly deteriorate under the influence of a coloring pigment, so you need to choose an option from a hard synthetic pile.

how to color eyebrows at home

Stain preparation

When all the tools are in place, and the eyebrows are plucked, you can start procedures that will facilitate staining and increase its resistance. Before you dye your eyebrows with henna at home, you need to remove all makeup. You can cleanse your face with the usual gel or foam. Then you should well exfoliate the skin of the eyebrows with any scrub. Thanks to this, henna on the skin will last up to 3 weeks, and paint - up to 10 days.

To stain successfully, you need to take a white pencil and outline the edges of the eyebrows in an arc. This method will help to more evenly stain the skin and not go beyond the desired shape. At the first dyeing, as well as self-shaping eyebrows, the whole process may seem time-consuming, but after several sessions it turns out that painting at home is not so difficult.

Eyebrow tinting

Having prepared your face for the procedure, you can proceed to the most important process - staining. How to dye eyebrows with paint at home is most often written in the instructions in the box. Here's how to do it:

  1. First you need to mix the paint in the prepared container, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Then apply the product on the eyebrows with a thick layer, carefully staining each hair, without leaving any gaps on the skin.
  3. Apply the paint simultaneously on both eyebrows. First - to the ends, then - to the middle, and at the very end - to the base. Thanks to this technique, you can achieve a smooth transition of color.
  4. The more layers are applied, the richer the final result will be.
  5. Before dyeing eyebrows with paint at home, it is important to remember that the substance should not be kept on the skin for more than 15 minutes.
  6. Applying henna for eyebrow dyeing, you can safely leave it for 1 hour to get a deeper color.

Self-painting is a simple procedure. The main thing is to choose the right shape for the eyebrows and not lose the right choice of paint. Recently, an increasing number of girls have preferred henna staining. It does not harm the hairs, but, on the contrary, contributes to their enhanced growth. You won’t get this effect from ordinary paint. Resistance plays an important role. Henna will stay on the hairs for up to 4 weeks, and on the skin - from 2 to 3, depending on its type. Before dyeing eyebrows with henna at home, you need to make sure that she can color well not only the hairs, but also the skin. To do this, you can do a small test on the inner bend of the elbow. On oily skin of the face, henna will last less than on dry skin.

how to color eyebrows at home step by step

Cons of eyebrow paint

Almost all salons use natural dyes to color eyebrows. Paint has remained in the past due to its many drawbacks compared to henna:

  • Cost. Despite its popularity, henna is cheaper than paint, so many people prefer it, even if the effect of their use is the same.
  • Contraindications Paint can become an allergen, form redness and peeling on the skin.
  • Side effects. If you dilute the paint incorrectly or overexpose it on the skin, you can earn a burn, dermatitis or other skin diseases. There will be no such aggressive effect from henna, even if you leave it overnight.

All the disadvantages of using paint put it in second place among the best dyeing products for eyebrows. Coloring eyebrows with henna at home (the step-by-step process is described above) is much easier and safer for health.

Eyebrow care after the procedure

In order for colored eyebrows to please longer, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for caring for them:

  • For the first couple of days, refrain from washing your eyebrows with special products.
  • Periodically pluck out excess hair that will appear outside the shape.
  • Do not rub your eyebrows.
  • After staining with henna, you need to periodically lubricate the eyebrows with oil.
  • Try to comb hairs more often.

About how to properly color the eyebrows at home, says any instruction from the packaging of the dye. But not one will have information on how to save the result. Following these simple recommendations, you can enjoy colored eyebrows from 2 to 4 weeks. The washing off of the coloring composition will occur gradually and almost imperceptibly.

how to dye eyebrows at home

What to do if the first staining failed

There are also cases when the first independent coloring of eyebrows does not please with its result. Most often this happens due to improper selection of the shape of the eyebrows or the wrong choice of color. Once in this situation, you should know what will help to wash off the pigment in the shortest possible time.

Pretty quickly the eyebrow dye will be washed off with a special product, which is usually sold in the same cosmetic store. A few movements with a cotton pad - and fresh paint is washed off, as if it was not on the skin. If the eyebrows were stained with henna, a special solution is unlikely to help. The natural composition of henna quickly eats into the skin and is difficult to wash off. Sometimes it may take several days for it to completely disappear from the skin of the eyebrows. The following tools will help:

  • laundry soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • scrub;
  • vegetable oils;
  • lemon juice.

Reviews about self-dyeing eyebrows

Judging by the numerous reviews, every second girl dyes her eyebrows at home. The first procedures do not give a salon result, but each time the execution technique is improving, and the eyebrows are becoming more ideal. From a financial point of view, home painting eyebrows is a very profitable procedure. In the cabin, the cost of coloring varies depending on the city. The price fluctuates around 500-1000 rubles. The cost of one set of henna is 450 rubles. Enough of such a set of at least 10 stains. Coloring eyebrows at home from the photo is very easy. Therefore, every girl can try to do it.

how to color eyebrows at home

Learning how to color your eyebrows yourself, you can not only save well, but also get the perfect shape of the eyebrows without leaving your home. This is especially true for young mothers who have no one to leave their baby with. Having allocated just half an hour of time, you can put your eyebrows in order and not depend on the record of the master in the salon. Girls who disappear all day at work also prefer home dyeing. During the action of the paint, you can do household chores without missing a single minute of free time.


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