Company "DAS-group": reviews. "DAS-group": employee reviews about the company

For specialists planning to work on a rotational basis, it is important to collect as much information as possible about the employing company in advance. It is very disappointing, having arrived in a foreign city, to find out that telephone agreements are not respected, working conditions are unbearable, and the salary is much less than promised. A lot of valuable information about what can be expected from cooperation with a particular employer, give feedback. Das-Group is an outsourcing company, very famous in the business world of Moscow and St. Petersburg. This company regularly publishes hundreds of new vacancies on job sites. Let us consider in more detail what opinions are expressed about the company by those who have already worked on its projects.

reviews das groups

About company

Outsourcing company DAS Group Professional, established in 2003, provides services to legal entities for the rental of personnel. The enterprise itself calls its field of activity “outstaffing” (from English out staff), which means “personnel outside the company”.

The business of Das-Group LLC is based on the fact that manufacturing and trading companies often require a large number of employees to perform temporary work. As a rule, helpers are needed for a period of seasonal increase in demand for products, for the duration of illness or leave of one of the permanent employees, or for the implementation of a specific project.

Recruiting is a rather time-consuming task, requiring large investments of time and effort. In addition, recruiting new employees for even a short term is not always beneficial. Some entrepreneurs therefore prefer to do without hired personnel.

It is much more convenient to delegate the solution to the personnel issue of an outsourcing company, such as, for example, DAS-Group Professional. The feedback from customers using the services of this company is encouraging. Among the regular customers of Das-Group LLC are such well-known companies as:

  • Gamma OJSC (Moscow),
  • LLC "Lary" (Tula),
  • Best Western Logistics LLC (Moscow),
  • Frigate LLC (Moscow),
  • KetLogistic LLC (Moscow).

Judging by the letters of thanks, which can be found on the official website of Das-Group LLC, the outsourcing company is trying to provide its customers with hardworking and responsible employees.

Specialists of various profiles are always ready to serve customers:

  1. To perform official duties in production and construction: conveyor workers, milling machines, joiners, pickers, builders, auxiliary workers.
  2. In the field of trade: sellers, cashiers, merchandisers, packers, sticker workers, advertising agents.
  3. In stock: storekeepers, movers, drivers.
  4. For auxiliary (non-core) work in any areas: courier, secretary, agent, assistant, promoter, cleaner.

In addition, Das-Group Professional LLC will find and accept any other specialist in its staff if the client needs his services.

An outsourcing company hires a large number of employees in a short time and conducts the necessary training in advance. The staff is selected in accordance with the requirements of the customer. So, for example, if you need movers with great physical strength, LLC Das-Group is looking for just such. To work on the conveyor at night and on weekends, an outsourcing company selects candidates who are ready for the appropriate mode of operation. Every detail is taken into account when concluding the contract.

das groups employee reviews

Company employees work in many cities of Russia: Tula, Podolsk, Saransk, Chelyabinsk. A large volume of business operations is performed by a branch of Das-Group LLC (St. Petersburg). Reviews about him are often good.

The company also provides services for the protection of facilities, accounting and legal support of enterprises.

Das-Group Professional is an attractive employer, according to Superjob. In 2015, the company became the winner of the "Best Taxpayer of the Year" award established by the Entrepreneurship Development Support Fund of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the competition, Das-Group LLC was awarded the Distinguished Exemplary Taxpayer insignia.

Outsourcing company work scheme

Das-Group clients receive at their disposal employees who are trained and ready to work. At the same time, employees remain on the staff of an outsourcing company. The customer is relieved of the need to maintain or expand the personnel service, keep accounting and tax records, and understand the complex issues of labor legislation.

Several types of service agreements may be concluded with a client company:

  1. Time-based staff leasing agreement. An outsourcing company provides the customer with specialists of the required qualifications. The client at the same time pays for the working hours of each employee, calculated in hours. The amount of remuneration does not depend on what employees did during the agreed part of the day and what results they achieved. This form of contract is usually used when “renting” promoters, cashiers, packers, movers, workers.
  2. Piece-rate contract. An outsourcing company receives a reward if its specialists have completed a specific order.
  3. Contract with monthly payment. This form of cooperation is practiced in the provision of services for accounting or legal support, as well as for the protection of premises.

When concluding any type of contract from the above, employees remain on the staff of the outsourcing company. The task setting and the provision of working conditions are handled by the customer company.

Das-Group LLC is ready to replace specialists during the contract period, if necessary. This is necessary in cases where employees do not observe labor discipline and do not comply with the customer’s requirements specified in the contract.

This is how the work at Das-Group is built. Employee reviews say that the most common form of transaction is personnel leasing.

The minimum cost of one hour of work of a specialist in production is 130 rubles, a specialist in the field of trade - 150 rubles.

das group professional reviews

Managers of the central office of Das-Group LLC are responsible for customer service. Employee reviews contain information that Moscow representatives of the company are simultaneously engaged in the search for employees, their hiring and registration of visitors to hostels.

The most common vacancies

LLC Das-Group regularly publishes the latest vacancies. The company is constantly in search of new personnel. The most frequently advertised tenders for the following positions:

  1. In the field of production: packer, packer, driver, loader, worker, handyman, road worker, foreman, pastry chef (apprentice confectioner, pastry chef), cook, seamstress.
  2. In the field of trade: sales manager, head of sales.
  3. In the field of finance: accountant, assistant accountant.
  4. In the field of advertising: specialist in Internet marketing.
  5. In the office: secretary.
  6. Other: posters of announcements, peddler, cleaner.

The opinion of employees about the company

You can find a wide variety of reviews about the company "Das-Group." Many message authors rate their experience with an outsourcing company very positively. They like that, being an employee of this company, you can manage your monthly income: the more the specialist agrees to work, the higher his “fees” at Das-Group LLC. Employee reviews contain a comparison of an outsourcing company with competing firms. Employees write that they had to deal with other enterprises that provide services to legal entities for the provision of personnel for rent. Among them are such companies as STS-Group JSC and Profrezerv GK. Comparing competing firms, the authors of the reviews prefer Das-Group LLC. They share their experience that monthly payments are the most at this enterprise.

However, many did not like the work at Das-Group LLC. The reviews contain information that the outsourcing company often does not fulfill its obligations regarding the terms of cooperation. It is believed that a positive assessment of the company most often put his own office employees on the orders of management.

The moderators of one of the famous forums closed the topic dedicated to Das-Group Professional LLC (reviews, employment stories), indicating the reason: the company is engaged in self-promotion. The reason for this conclusion was the fact that all messages containing praise in the address of the company came from the same email address.


In Das-Group LLC, wages depend primarily on the type and amount of work performed by an employee. Cash remuneration is transferred to a plastic card. Advance payments of 1,000 rubles are paid weekly. The employee receives the basic earnings upon completion of work after the mutual settlements between the customer and LLC Das-Group Professional are closed. Employee reviews contain information that employees often do not receive the promised remuneration on time. Delays are up to 6 months.

Problems with calculations, according to the observation of employees, most often arise when fulfilling orders of Gamma OJSC. It is for them, as employees report, that work often remains unpaid. However, it also happens that a salary still comes to the card, but a few months later than agreed, and to a lesser extent.

Some former employees of Das-Group LLC reported that they were going to write a statement to law enforcement authorities about the employer's default on his financial obligations.

Another important issue to which many reviews are devoted: Das-Group unreasonably charges fines. The reason for reducing legal payments is non-existent lateness and other misconduct. Interestingly, the company does not have documents in which the employee can see why he was charged a fine and how wages were calculated. Employees do not understand why they are being reduced salaries.

Advocates of Das-Group LLC, whose reviews are full of laudatory words to the company, comment that the low-paid employees are to blame for themselves: fines are charged only for delays, absenteeism, appearing at work while intoxicated, and malicious idleness. To be honest, keep the labor shift, according to the participants of the forums, the employer will not only perfectly fulfill his part of the obligations under the contract, but will also award him with a prize not agreed in advance.

das group professional reviews

However, the fact that there are indeed delays in payments does not deny positive reviews. Das-Group, according to people who sympathize with this employer, often issues a “fee” 2 weeks after the promised date. This period seems quite acceptable for those who praise the company.

The size of the total monthly salary for most workers is from 10 to 26 thousand rubles, which is quite a bit for Moscow.

What else is worth mentioning? Das-Group LLC helps employees quickly issue a medical book, if required by the customer company. Initially, an employee pays for the document from his pocket. Having worked a few shifts, you can get compensation for the cost of the book, which allows you to slightly reduce the costs associated with maintaining the watch.


The operating mode is rather difficult in the Das-Group company, the reviews of employees confirm this. When settling on a vacant vacancy, you should be prepared to work regularly on the night shift and do without days off for several weeks.


The main form of work at Das-Group LLC is shift. The reviews make it clear that most of the employees hired to provide outsourcing services are from other cities. In this regard, the company provides employees with places to stay. As a rule, employees receive for temporary use a bed in a hostel from LLC Das-Group Professional. Reviews rate this fact very positively. Workers rejoice that they are provided with a place to relax. Many people like to live with colleagues, often good relations develop between neighbors. This is especially nice for single people.

das groups employee reviews

Regarding the convenience of the hostels of LLC Das-Group Professional, there are different reviews. Some employees claim that the rooms are clean, renovated, and quite comfortable. However, some employees complain that it is not too pleasant to live in a small room, where 4 people and more are huddled at the same time. Many are afraid to leave money, documents, valuables in the dormitory. The safety of personal property is becoming a serious problem.

Negative reviews also report that employees were often settled in the hostel only the day after arrival. At the same time, office managers refused to communicate - they interrupted telephone conversations. I had to look for a place to spend the night.

However, there are also positive reviews about living conditions. Often they are left by employees who were on duty outside of Moscow. For example, two people who worked for 3 days in Ryazan at the Red October Company were very pleased with the housing. They settled in a comfortable, furnished apartment.

Additional difficulties arise if two friends or spouses work together. Often they are sent to different dormitories.


In the job descriptions of LLC Das-Group it is reported that the employer provides 3 meals a day to the employee at the expense of his own resources every day. However, as follows from the content of the reviews, this arrangement is not respected.

The dormitories have shared kitchens with several electric hobs and a minimum set of dishes. Negative reviews report that the tiles are old and do not work well. It takes a long time to cook any food on them.

das group watch reviews

It is also difficult to decide where to have lunch. At many manufacturing enterprises working with Das-Group LLC, there are no canteens.


During the working day, almost all employees of Das-Group LLC wear protective clothing. The company provides it for free. In some cases, the issuance of workwear was delayed for several days.

Transportation to the duty station

Many employees claim that the corporate minibus regularly delivered them to the workplace and back every day. But there are also reviews in which it is reported that transport does not always arrive at the agreed time. At the same time, managers do not get in touch.

Some employees had to use public transport, while travel was not compensated.

Communication with managers

There are many positive reviews reporting that the managers received the visiting employee very well and solved all his problems. One of the employees shared his story that he arrived late, and the manager of Das-Group LLC patiently waited for him after the end of his working day. At seven o’clock in the evening, the newcomer was registered in the hostel and informed when to come to work.

Communication with team leaders

The immediate boss of the employee is, as a rule, the foreman. Employees speak differently about how relations have developed with top managers. Some report that mutual understanding was established immediately. But some reviews contain information that the team leaders are arrogant and rude to subordinates. Higher management, as a rule, do not interfere in the communication of younger bosses with subordinates.

das work groups reviews

It is always interesting to study the point of view of other people and find out their reviews on topical issues. Das-Group has long been working in the outsourcing services market. Thousands of people have already passed your path of reflection, doubt, attempts and experiments, successes and failures. Let their experience help make the right decision.


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