Error 0x0000007b (Windows 7 at boot)

Every user knows about the blue screen of death, or BSoD (blue screen of death). Many people think that this is one mistake, meaning the termination of the operating system, which is treated only by reinstallation. However, few people know that such errors are marked differently in accordance with the cause of the system failure. A prime example of this is Windows 7's 0x0000007b at boot time.

Get to know each other

You can see the error number at the very end of the text on a blue screen. It will look like this: stop 0x0000007b. With this code, the computer tells you exactly what the cause of BSoD is. This code indicates that the Windows 7 operating system was unable to access the system partition during boot. And this means that the problems can be as follows:

  • the driver responsible for the initial loading of the OS from the hard drive is missing or damaged;
  • incompatibility or hardware problems;
  • the data in the Windows registry about the drivers responsible for loading the system is corrupted;
  • The boot sector of the driver responsible for booting the system is infected or removed by the antivirus.

As you can see, BSoD 0x0000007b in Windows7 and XP can occur for various reasons, and they are all located in different areas of the computer system. Therefore, in order to more accurately identify the cause of the malfunction and draw up the subsequent "treatment", it is necessary to consider each problem separately.

0x0000007b windows 7 at boot

Stop 0x0000007b due to hardware incompatibility

Nowadays, a lot of computers and laptops are equipped with the ability to expand various hardware (operational board, video card, hard drive). In order for the additional part to sit like a glove and not create problems, you need to check its compatibility with the motherboard. Some do not, after which a new part prevents the computer from starting, and a BSoD error stop 0x0000007b in Windows occurs.

This problem is solved as follows. First of all, the death screen should appear after connecting a new hardware component. To check for incompatibilities, pull out this part and then restart the computer. If everything is normal, then the problem is in it. If there are several connected parts (for example, the computer was assembled in parts), then you need to take out each one in turn (unless, of course, there are paired ones) until the computer starts up.

If all else fails, do not dismantle everything and throw it in the trash, because the problem of 0x0000007b Windows 7 during startup may be hidden in the system.

Driver malfunction

The problem may lie in the device drivers that are responsible for the initial loading of the operating system. For example, an old hard drive was replaced with a newly purchased one, after which a Windows 7 error 0x0000007b occurred during boot. Or the idle screw from the old computer was rearranged. At the same time, the system for some reason did not switch or install the driver on a new device.

We solve this problem like this. We return the previous hard drive to its place, after which we download the driver package by the brand of the hard drive that we want to install. Next, install a boot disk or USB flash drive with these drivers using any of the programs (Alcohol 120, UltraISO, Nlite, etc.). We put an unidentified hard drive in its future place. Having started the computer, we go into the BIOS and put the drive or flash drive in first place in the priority of bootable devices (should be in the BOOT menu). Next, run the driver installation from the disk. After installing the driver, restart the computer and work. Now the error loading Windows XP 0x0000007b and loading Windows 7 should disappear.

Problem with antivirus

It sometimes happens that an antivirus program takes an important operating system file for a virus or spyware. Then it blocks it or removes the infected object. As a result, a surprised PC user asks the question: “Error 0x0000007b, I can’t load Windows - what should I do?” In this case, reinstalling the driver can also help, but where is the guarantee that the antivirus will not remove it again?

It is best to do as follows. Turn on the computer and press F8 before loading the OS. In the list that appears, select "Last successful configuration." After the operating system has booted, you need to turn off the antivirus and roll back the system until the important file is deleted. This is done as follows: "Start - All programs - Standard - Utilities - System Restore." Next, the saved configuration by date is selected and restoration is done. When everything returns to normal, you will have to replace the antivirus program or at least add the Windows folder to the exceptions.

Trouble in the registry

Windows 7 error 0x0000007b during boot may occur when replacing an old motherboard with a new one. The problem is that Windows, which is located on the hard drive, cannot load the correct driver for the new motherboard. This problem is solved through the registry, and it is better to take care of it in advance, since without the motherboard you certainly will not be able to start the computer.

We go to the Start menu and in the search register the name of the “Run” service or click Win + R. In the line of the window that appears, enter the regedit command, after which we get into the registry editor. Here we go the following way: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM and delete (or better just rename) the MountedDevices folder. In the same System folder, go to CurrentControlSet - services, where we find the following sections: Amdsata, Amdide, Ayapi, Amdxata, Intelide, Pciide, Msahci.

bsod error stop 0x0000007b in windows

In each such section, we look for the Start document and change the value to 0. After which you can safely change the motherboard, which should work without problems.

Error diagnosis

It often happens that the download first occurs, error 0x0000007b when loading Windows, and after a fraction of a second after that, the system reboots. This does not bring anything good, since without a blue screen it is impossible to diagnose the cause of a malfunction. But this function is easily disabled.

We click on "My Computer" with the right mouse button and go to "Properties". Next, select "Advanced system settings." In the "Download and Restore" section, click "Options." A new window will open, where in the "System Failure" section, uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" column. Now during the failure, instead of rebooting, an error will be issued.

windows 7 bsod 0x0000007b is not loaded

The error can be identified by the following information:

  • INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - type of error. It is always written in the upper part of the screen in capital letters through the underscore.
  • STOP: 0x0000007b (...) - the hexadecimal error code is always at the bottom of the screen.

error loading windows xp 0x0000007b

These two signs are enough to determine what the error is and how it can be solved.

Event Viewer

To understand why Windows 7 is not loaded, BSoD 0x0000007b appeared and what to do with it, you can not only on the above information. You can determine the causes of malfunctions in the system by viewing events. Finding them is easy: "Control Panel \ Administrative Tools \ View Event Logs." Most likely, the type of event will be “Critical”, where you can see the number of failures at different time intervals: last hour, day, week. By clicking on the plus sign, you can expand the list in which general information about the error will be indicated. By double-clicking on the event, you will open a window with a detailed description of the problem, on which you can draw some conclusions.

stop 0x0000007b

If the event recording function is disabled, you should enable it. We go into the familiar properties of the computer in the advanced system settings. The window and section are the same: “Boot and Restore” and “System Failure”. We put a check mark in front of "Write events to the system log" and set "Kernel memory dump" in the record of debugging information. You can also specify the file where events will be recorded.

error loading windows xp 0x0000007b


It is worth remembering that the computer gives errors for a reason, they need to be read, because it is pointless and useless to fix it without knowing what. And this case is no exception. Any BSoD error can be identified and fixed in many ways, not just reinstalling Windows.


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