How to learn to communicate

We all communicate in our ordinary lives, only someone has a large circle of friends and acquaintances, while someone spends all holidays alone at home. The thing is that some people know how to communicate and be interesting, and some just do not know how to express their opinion and generally connect two words.

In this case, a reasonable question arises: "How to learn to communicate?"

Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the general cultural and cognitive level of a person, because if he knows little and is almost not interested in anything, he is unlikely to be an interesting conversationalist and will be able to maintain a conversation. For those who decide to find the answer to the question of how to learn how to communicate, it is necessary first of all to read more, be interested in news and in general everything that happens in the world. Nobody says that you should know in detail about everything that happens in the politics of the Third World countries, but the main news today is that the Pope abdicated the throne, you should still be able to present or maintain a conversation, if in a company someone will touch on a similar topic.

You must show genuine interest in other people. You must admit that if you remain indifferent to the majority of what has been said and you don’t care at all that the other person’s favorite dog is very sick, then you’ll become very indifferent to your friend and he won’t even remember that he didn’t call you or call you at the cafe with friends.

In order to learn how to communicate, you need to be able to recognize the virtues of another person, be able to praise him and let people feel their uniqueness and significance.

We all know how to conceal sin, we like to criticize others, but to truly understand and not condemn people, we still need to learn, but this is the path that will lead you to our cherished goal - to understand how to learn to communicate.

Remember the cartoon about the tiger cub who sings the song “the world will become brighter with a smile”? So this cartoon little animal is right, it’s enough to be friendly and smile, and, as they say, people will reach for you.

Know how to listen to your interlocutor, this encourages a person to talk more about themselves. Show tolerance and respect for the opinion of your opponent. Expressions like "this is wrong," "what do you understand," "you say nonsense," will only alienate the person you are talking to and offend him.

Very often we evaluate a person by measuring him on our own, but who said that we are the standard and are right in everything? But condemning other views on life, we humiliate the man himself, and yet he is simply different, not like us.

Try to take the place of another person. If you sincerely try to look at things with a different look, even if your point of view does not change, your attempts will be appreciated.

Do not skimp on praise. Remember, being in search of an answer to the question of how to learn to communicate, you must first be able to recognize the dignity of another person, be able not just to hear, but to listen to someone else's opinion.

Communication on the Internet, when the person you are talking on is on the other side of the screen, is slightly different, because he does not see you, he does not hear your voice intonation, he does not see your gestures. Well, this is a great way to learn how to manage your emotions and not respond with lightning speed, but allow yourself to weigh the pros and cons of any answer. For guys, this is a great way to learn how to tell girls not trivial compliments, as well as to respond competently and witty, for women it is an opportunity to flirt and interest the opposite sex.

For those who are looking for a way to communicate on the Internet, there are a huge number of all kinds of chat rooms and dating sites where you can easily find an interlocutor of common interests. First of all, it’s worth finding a new hobby, a hobby or engaging in any sport, this is good for your health and there will be a topic for conversation.

Communicate with each other and remember that it is very important to maintain a positive mood in the soul and be a friendly person.


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