Additional information in the summary: examples. How to write a resume

Experts say that a correctly written resume is half the success in finding a good job. There is no reason to disagree with them, because the questionnaire is often evaluated before personal communication with its author, and only on the basis of the information received is a decision on an invitation to an interview made. What to write, besides my educational and labor biography, and do I need additional information in my resume? Examples of good profiles for job seekers - especially for you in our article.

For each vacancy - your resume

Additional information in a summary of examples
If you are planning to write a formal concise version of your own biography, focus on the desired position. You can be a diversified person and interested in everything, but most likely, the employer will not be interested in a candidate for an economic specialty who grows cacti at night and has many sports awards. Accordingly, to mention in the questionnaire is only those personal achievements and activities that are somehow related to the work you are interested in. Before considering the additional information section in detail, let us recall what a standard resume looks like. Its main function is to shorten the interview and provide the employer with the most relevant information about the applicant. What to write?

How to create a resume: sample fill

How to create a resume sample
The first section is a reference, this is ā€œBasic Informationā€. Indicate in it should be full name, date of birth, actual address of residence and contact details. Example: ā€œPetrov Vasily Ivanovich; April 25, 1971; Voronezh, st. Kirova, d. 15, apt. 43; 8 (906) 956 44 45. " You can also add an email address and a home phone number.

The next section is ā€œEducationā€, the most important thing in it is a university, but if you consider your profession to be a vocation and studied for your chosen specialty first at a lyceum or college, you can indicate all places of study. Standard version: ā€œVoronezh State University; faculty: economic; specialty: economist, 1991-1995. " Further, it is pertinent to indicate that you attended advanced training courses or studied languages ā€‹ā€‹separately (if you really know well, and not only have a diploma).

The most important section is ā€œWork Experienceā€. Not sure how to write a resume? A sample of filling out this section is especially for you: ā€œ02.1996 - 05.1999 - LLCā€œ Zarya ā€, organization profile: wholesale of clothing and textile products. Position: Senior Sales Manager; duties: control of settlements, drawing up contracts, contacts with small wholesale and retail trade organizations. ā€ In a similar style, you should describe all other places of employment or only the last 5 if you have changed many places of work. It is not necessary to describe in detail your responsibilities for a resume for each job. Try to briefly highlight the most important thing for each post. The employer is interested in what you did and what you can do.

The next section is ā€œMore Information.ā€ Let's try to find out what can and should be written in it, and what is better to refuse.

Family status

Additional information in the summary what to write
Many women joke that it is doubly difficult for them to get a job: if you say that you have a child, they refuse, because this is fraught with frequent sick leave; if you write that there are no children, they refuse again, because this means that you will soon go on maternity leave. Nevertheless, withholding your social status from the employer, who, if successful, will still see the passport, is at least illogical. In the section ā€œGeneral Informationā€ or ā€œAdditional Informationā€ it is appropriate to write in one line about the presence of a registered marriage or its absence, as well as about children. For example: ā€œMarried, has 2 children.ā€

Computer literacy

What additional information to indicate in the resume
Today, the vast majority of specialties in one way or another connected with the computer. Take a closer look, even sellers in stores monitor the availability of goods using modern gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate your close acquaintance with the computer. Refuse personal ratings like ā€œconfident userā€. How then to specify additional information in the resume? Examples of the correct filling of this section should include a listing of specific programs in which the applicant is able to work. Let this column look like this: "Computer experience: knowledge of WinWord, Excel, MS-Office programs." Be sure to indicate if you have worked with any specialized software.

Knowledge of languages. Additional information in the summary: examples of filling

Standard Resume
Many modern companies maintain business relations with foreign partners. Accordingly, employees who speak foreign languages ā€‹ā€‹are doubly valued. Be sure to include in the additional information if you have the appropriate education. However, try to really assess your capabilities and level. If you have a language school diploma, but in fact you are having difficulty translating the source text, itā€™s better not to boast again. Remember: a specialistā€™s resume is a cheat sheet for a manager answering a question about what responsibilities can be assigned to a new employee. Moreover - during an interview you may be offered to talk in the specified language.

So how do you fill out the ā€œMore Informationā€ section of the resume, what should I write about language literacy? If you have completed training courses, but are not confident in your abilities, it is better to indicate the place of study in the "Education" section. An example for those who really speak a foreign language: "English: I communicate freely at the household level."

Driving license and business trips

It is useful to indicate the presence of a driverā€™s license and a personal car when applying for any job. How to add this information to the ā€œAdditional Informationā€ section of the resume? Examples: ā€œDriving license cat. ā€œBā€, experience 4 years, personal car ā€orā€œ Driving license cat. ā€œB, Cā€, 5 years experience ā€. The second option involves the absence of a personal car. It is also useful to indicate in your questionnaire your attitude to business travel. Accordingly, this paragraph is drawn up as follows: ā€œThe possibility of business trips: yes / no.

What else is worth writing in the resume?

Responsibilities for Resume
If you have any hobby related to your main professional activity, you can also brag about it. For example, you can work as an economist and sometimes publish your articles in a specialized journal or conduct master classes and open lectures for university students. What additional information should be indicated in the resume besides this? Office staff can emphasize their ability to work with office equipment. Do not do this if the profile already turned out to be long and in some places too detailed.

Re-read all written text. Is everything in it clear and is the information sufficiently concise? Evaluate the veracity of the written, remember: lying is unacceptable when looking for work, since any fraud will be revealed at the interview or after employment.


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