Effective rollback to former stability, or How to return a laptop to factory settings

Ordinary consumers are more prone to purchase portable computer equipment with a pre-installed operating system. And such a choice is quite justified. Indeed, as a result, the user receives a ready-made technical solution. However, the owner of a licensed OS is guaranteed to be protected from all kinds of computer troubles. In any case, a problem often encountered by novice users: "How to return the laptop to factory settings?" Allowed with just a few taps. Read these few paragraphs. And you will understand how to make your laptop frisky and supple again. Recommendations and step-by-step instructions will make you a confident user. You will find out where the OS backup is located and how to avoid sometimes unjustified repair costs. In general, those who do not read will probably regret it. Although what to grieve for someone who is ignorant?

Specific introduction

How to return the laptop to factory settings?

You will not believe it, but the manufacturer has provided in advance, in principle, a simple solution to the question "how to return the laptop to factory settings." Again, everything that you read applies exclusively to laptops with a pre-installed Windows operating system. Since there are a lot of modifications of laptops, there is a certain difficulty in terms of covering the recovery process for each individual “representative” of the compact computer industry. Nevertheless, the principle remains unchanged - a rollback to the factory settings is feasible in each individual laptop model. The algorithm of actions is almost identical. Therefore, read, analyze and take action. Of course, if the situation requires it.

How to reset your laptop to factory settings: step-by-step instructions

How to restore factory settings on a laptop?

First of all, it should be understood that the process of restoring the original operating parameters of a computer is a series of complex measures, among which there is a mandatory BIOS setup and a rollback of the operating system to its original, so to speak, state. It is worth noting that the sequence of actions performed is critical. So keep that in mind.

Step # 1: BIOS as a point of stability report

To return the laptop to the factory settings, you must go into the BIOS and perform a reset. Manufacturers of portable computing electronics provide access to the basic input / output system through special buttons. An individual brand often uses its own BIOS entry scheme. Nevertheless, the Delete and F2 buttons are considered to be the most universal. Nevertheless, do not be too lazy to turn over several pages from the instruction manual supplied with the laptop ...

  • After you manage to enter the BIOS program, go to the EXIT section.
  • In the window that opens, select Load Default Settings.
  • Press Enter repeatedly to confirm your changes.
  • The computer will restart and begin to work as good as new, that is, at the factory settings.

Reset laptop to factory settings

Step # 2: Activate OS Backup

Of course, the above steps will solve the difficulty "how to restore the factory settings on the laptop", but only in part. Since the operability of a "collapsed" system, such an action will not return. Nevertheless, it is with the BIOS settings that everything begins. So...

  • There is a special section on the hard disk (as a rule, this area of ​​the drive is indicated by the letter D), which stores the original copy of the pre-installed system. Typically, the manufacturer hides the Recovery folder from the user, so as not to provoke the latter to rash actions (read - delete).
  • In order to get a practical answer to the question: “How to return the laptop to the factory settings?”, When loading the laptop directly, you need to press the appropriate button several times. Depending on the modification of the laptop, the value of such a key may vary. It is not uncommon for a manufacturer to equip a particular model with a separately displayed button, especially to activate a proprietary tool whose functionality allows you to “roll back” settings or return the system to its original state.

How to restore the factory settings of the laptop?

  • Suppose the F9 key allowed you to enter a special service menu. That, in fact, is only part of the answer to the question: "How to return the laptop to factory condition?"
  • A list of OS recovery options will be displayed on the monitor screen, from which you should use the most suitable method. In the case when the laptop has a special service tool, the recovery process is almost identical to the above, but the interface shell nevertheless creates a pleasant control experience.

Step # 3: make the right choice

Do not hope that a rollback to operating parameters (one of the control points in the backups) with the ability to save data to the HDD is a real way out of a difficult situation. Even when the computer is not quite “crazy” yet, the method of total system recovery will be more correct and reliable . That is, reinstalling the OS with the mandatory formatting process, which is provided by specialists who installed the Windows version on your laptop.

How to return the laptop to factory condition?

In this case, it is necessary to copy important user data from the hard drive to a removable storage medium, for example, a USB flash drive or an external HDD. The final action and resolving the question "how to restore factory settings on the laptop" by manipulation will be the activation of the Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery ... item or something similar (as a rule, the brand name comes first in the line). After a short period of time, your laptop will come into a state of "only from the conveyor."


It may turn out that at the time of demand the Recovery folder will be destroyed. In this case, you just can not do without a special service disk. If you have such a recovery tool, then you are in luck. Insert the disk into the drive and, following the service prompts, perform the appropriate operations.

So, you have learned how to restore the laptop to factory settings. However, the success of your further actions will depend on how correctly you can implement the described algorithm to return to the initial state of the laptop. For the most part, laptops have, so to speak, individual recovery tools, which are not difficult to manage and come down to a few clicks of the corresponding buttons. On this and finish. Let your laptop always work perfectly!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10496/

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