Highly paid professions for girls. List of highly paid professions for girls

When choosing a profession, girls fall under the influence of certain stereotypes. So, most of them are faced with a dilemma - do you need a special education and do you need to work on an unloved, but demanded job. Therefore, many experts give recommendations on choosing highly paid professions for girls. However, such professions are not always desirable for girls.

high paying professions for girls

Highly paid professions

There are certain highly paid professions for girls. A list of them can always be found on special statistics sites. You can also conduct your own little research based on a survey of your friends. By the way, the latter method will contribute to the emergence of new acquaintances, which can be useful after receiving the appropriate education and supporting document (diploma).

Turning to online sources, you can find a whole category of “Demanded professions for girls 2014”, which includes, for example, an inspector of the human resources department. This profession can suit a confident and active girl. Travel manager is a profession that allows, in addition to getting a good salary, also to make new and useful acquaintances. We should not forget about such female professions as HR, PR-manager and environmentalist. These are those specialties, working on which, any girl can not only successfully realize her ambitions, abilities, useful and interesting projects, but also make good money.

What professions are in demand for girls?

Among the professions acceptable to women, there are still priority areas. These include tourism and banking. However, these prestigious professions for girls are not always highly paid, although recently in these areas of activity there have been positive trends regarding not only wages, but also professional growth.

Direction one - individual entrepreneur

prestigious professions for girls

This example will be successfully implemented only by courageous people. This area of ​​activity does not always require special education, but it requires the presence of business qualities and a good idea for the business. In this case, even large capital may not be required at the initial stage, but in any case, you will need a computer with Internet access.

Current market trends show that at the initial stage of owning a business without substantial capital it is best to carry out economic activities in the service sector, in which you can always get an advance payment from customers, which will allow you to have additional financial resources for the purchase, for example, of materials. However, at this stage, an important task is to justify the trust of the client, which will help create a good reputation and will lay the foundation in the formation of your own client base. It is the fulfillment of the latter conditions that contributes to the classification of individual entrepreneurship in the category of “Highly paid professions for girls”.

The second direction - creativity

popular professions for girls 2014
Another area of ​​activity, noted as prestigious professions for girls, will be given attention in this article - this is a screenwriter. A woman in this profession should be a creative person, with a stormy imagination. The scriptwriter creates works for cinema and theatrical productions, as well as for events of a mass nature. However, such a specialist must have certain knowledge in the field of drama, have creative thinking, be erudite and think non-standard. Mostly screenwriters work in theaters, on television, film studios, advertising agencies and companies involved in shows and celebrations. The profession of a screenwriter can be attributed to the category "Highly paid professions for girls" due to the size of the salary, which varies depending on the place of work. So, in an advertising agency, wages are much higher than in companies that organize holidays.

The third direction - model business

high paying professions for girls list
Model business girls should have an attractive appearance and a great figure. So, fashion models should correspond to the standards of the figure 90-60-90 and have a height of at least 175 cm. Fashion models should be beautiful, proportional, well-proportioned and photogenic.

In the category of “Highly paid professions for girls” modeling business is due to good income. However, in order to become a successful model, in addition to her extraordinary appearance, the girl must have a strong agent who will effectively organize her photography and conclude contracts for the presentation of various brands.

Fourth direction - image maker

The task of the image maker is to create an image for the client that contributes to the successful achievement of goals. In the relevant agencies, image makers organize work to promote a particular candidate in an election environment, create an image for him that voters may like. An important role in this is played by clothes, hairstyle and accessories. The highest position for an image maker is an image analyst. This employee leads a team of relevant professionals who identify and analyze facts that have influenced the success or failure of the enterprise and help build a good reputation. The image maker should have an impeccable taste and sense of style, creative thinking, he should be tactful and responsible. In order to become a good specialist, you need to get a special education in specialized educational institutions. The highest salary is with image-makers, political strategists, and with the successful completion of the election campaign, it is also possible to receive bonus ones.

what professions are in demand for girls

Fifth direction - croupier

This is an interesting direction for girls with a mathematical mindset. The croupier organizes the game in poker clubs. Its main task is to competently “sell” the game, which consists in satisfying the players (so that they remain satisfied even if they lose). The croupier is an attentive, neat and accurate person with iron endurance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10502/

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