To besiege is ... Interpretation of the word

Do you know what lexical meaning the verb "besiege" has? This word can be used in various contexts. He has several interpretations that you can easily find in Ozhegov’s dictionary. Consider what meanings the verb "besiege" may have.

Make something fall or fall

The value can be illustrated by the example of such a situation. Do you want to bake bread. They made a dough and knead the dough. But it began to creep out of the vessel. Therefore, you decided to besiege him.

  • Do not forget that the dough must be precipitated, otherwise it will come out of the tub.
  • The hostess forgot to lay the dough, she chatted with a neighbor.
    Set the dough down

Surround anything with troops

To besiege is to carry out a military action, which is aimed at encircling an enemy city or other object. Your goal is to make enemies surrender.

  • The military command decided to besiege the fortress.
  • If the enemy decides to besiege us, we will be forced to capitulate.

Make settle

If there are solid particles in the liquid, they can sink to the bottom. This can be done artificially using special devices.

  • You need to precipitate particles in order to conduct the experiment correctly.
  • To precipitate the dregs, you need to bring the water to rest.

Abruptly stop

To besiege is to make a stop. The second shade of meaning is to make one move back.

  • The rider besieged the horse.
  • Upset a horse, otherwise it will pull you to a precipice.
    Saddle a horse

To push back

If unreasonable claims are made against you, you can besiege the offender with the words. That is, put it in place.

  • They began to scold us, but we quickly besieged the attackers.
  • To besiege the boor, do not raise your voice.

Burden with requests or petitions

Some people love to ask for something. For them, orders to besiege someone is a sweet deal.

  • My parents besieged me with errands.
  • The official was besieged by complaints and slander.

You should use the verb "besiege" according to context. Otherwise, distort the meaning of your statement.


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