Sports exercises: overview, types, implementation requirements

In the frantic rhythm and bustle of today, few people think about maintaining health. Only when an ailment arrives and begins to bring down, then thoughts about the wrong lifestyle and carelessly lived time appear. But daily physical activity is the key to maintaining health. Sports exercises maintain the tone of the body, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and help adjust body shape. Depending on the goals of the training, physical exercises are classified into types, which will be discussed in this article.

General information

Physical (sports) exercises are a combination of elementary movements, the purpose of which is to educate and develop physical qualities. Their occurrence is based on the borrowing of human movements and actions from labor, military, domestic activities: jumping, throwing, running, swimming, walking.

sport exercises

Physical exercise involves the implementation of a specific motor action, involving certain muscles during its repeated repetition. Each exercise can have several options. So, by changing the position of the feet, grabbing the hands and alternating intensity, you can change the stimulating muscle.

Physical education can be developed both at home, and together with fitness specialists, who, based on the goals and individual characteristics of the person, will select sports exercises. The selection of exercises to perform at home is also better coordinated with a knowledgeable person.


According to the type of muscle contraction, physical actions distinguish the following:

  • Static, during which the body and its parts do not move in space, which causes isometric muscle contraction. Such exercises include the bar, holding the bar, a corner for the press. Their advantage is that they do not require sports equipment to perform.
  • Dynamic, differ from the previous type in the abundance of movements with full amplitude and movement in space of the whole body and its parts. These are swings with legs and arms, squats, running, push-ups, walking. They develop muscle strength and promote weight loss.
    sports exercises selection of exercises

Sports exercises on the strength of muscle contraction are divided into:

  • Power, such as push-ups, weight lifting, squats and lunges. Their goal is to increase muscle strength. Muscle tension during power work is extreme, so the speed of such exercises is low.
  • Aerobic, or cardio exercises, are based on an increase in heart rate. Large muscle groups (back, legs, chest) are involved in their implementation, which requires high energy costs, so this type of exercise is suitable for weight loss.
  • For stretching, during which the muscles relax and stretch.

Where to start classes?

  1. Formulate the goal of the training. This can be health promotion, endurance development, muscle building, improving flexibility or losing weight.
  2. Determine the initial level of physical condition, because the intensity of the load depends on it. There are special tests that help you find out a person’s physical condition regarding properties such as endurance, flexibility, speed, strength, and dexterity.
  3. Create a training session in which the types of sports exercises will correspond to the previously stated indicators (points 1, 2), that is, they will be suitable for the level of training and coincide with the goals of the training.
  4. Observe and analyze the results of sports activities. For example, to control the parameters of the figure and weight, and after a set of exercises to improve health, pass special tests in a month that will answer the question of how much the state of health has improved.

Health Exercise

In general, any physical activity in conjunction with a healthy diet, good sleep is a powerful foundation for maintaining health. In medicine, for the prevention and treatment of ailments, physiotherapy exercises (LFK) are used. In the exercise therapy technique, there is a general strengthening complex, the action of which is aimed at supporting all muscle groups.

General developmental exercises include lunges, bends, turns, squats, and circular rotations for joints. The complex begins with rotational movements in the ankle and wrist joints, then the load is directed to the muscles of the legs and hands, after which the muscles of the body are brought into action. Rotations of the head increase blood circulation, as a result, the tone of the nervous system increases.

sports exercises at home

Walking involves 2/3 of the muscles, this stimulates the work of organs that provide muscle contraction. As a result, the activity of the nervous system improves, the work of the endocrine system is stimulated, as the production of hormones that ease the load on the muscles begins. The work of the respiratory system and heart is also enhanced.

Weight Loss Workout

A complex consisting of aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises is considered optimal in the fight against excess weight. You can do sports exercises at home for weight loss. The following is an example workout. To achieve the result of this program, you need to practice 4 times a week.

sports exercises for children

  1. Run in place for 4 minutes with high hips. At the same time, it is necessary to perform an exercise with high intensity for 20 seconds, then take a break for 10 seconds.
  2. Alternating squats with push-ups. At home, in the absence of a squat bar, you should prepare 2 one and a half liter plastic bottles with sand. 15 squats, a break of 10-20 seconds and then 10 push-ups. There are only three such repetitions, between which the rest is no more than one minute.
  3. Jumping over an obstacle according to the principle of the first exercise (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest).
  4. The elbow strap is one minute.
  5. Side bar for one minute on each side.

Muscle Building Exercise Overview

There are basic exercises, performing which a bodybuilder of any physique can increase muscle mass. These are squats, bench press and deadlift. During their study, weights are used, therefore, a complex aimed at building muscle should be performed in the gym, where the instructor will be able to insure the athlete.

types of sports exercises

Each exercise is performed three times in 8-12 repetitions.

  • Examination of the chest: bench press on a horizontal and inclined bench; raising hands from a bench with dumbbells, push-ups on the uneven bars.
  • Exercises on the shoulder girdle: standing barbell press, pull with a narrow grip of the barbell to the chin and raising the arms with standing dumbbells.
  • Muscle load: hyperextension, deadlift, pull-ups.
  • Press: lifting legs in the hang on the horizontal bar, twisting, bending the torso on an inclined bench.
  • Hips: lunges, bending the legs in the simulator, squats with weights, leg press, lifting on socks, standing with a barbell.

Flexibility development

If you exclude sports exercises for stretching from your workout , then over time the risk of getting injuries with any kind of physical activity increases . Here are some examples of muscle flexibility exercises .

exercise review

  • Legs shoulder-width apart, straight arms raised above head. It is necessary in this position to first tilt the housing to the left, then to the right. Lower your hands, take another breath, lifting them up, and repeat the exercise, tilting the body forward to parallel with the floor.
  • Put your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and lower the body down, while trying to touch the floor with your hands, and then with your elbows. After some time delay, slowly return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise to each leg.

Children's sports exercises: morning exercises

Morning exercise helps to create a good mood and charge the child with positive energy for the whole day. It is the responsibility of the parents to interest the baby in starting his day with charging. In order for sports exercises for children to be a joy, it is best for the whole family to perform a simple complex with fun music daily.

children's sports exercises

Charging begins with a minute walk on the spot. Then you should inhale and exhale, raise your hands above your head and slowly lower them through the sides. Perform squats 10 times; tilts the case forward, backward, on the sides and push-ups from the floor 3-5 times. Now it is necessary to restore breathing for 30 seconds and proceed to swinging arms, legs, jumping in place. Gymnastics ends with a minute run in a circle and slow walking.

The benefits of sports training

  • Normalization of weight.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation, providing the intensity of metabolic processes.
  • The development of valuable qualities of character: courage, determination, hard work and perseverance.
  • Improving respiratory and cardiovascular activity.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset and correcting the curvature of the spinal column.
  • The development of flexibility of ligaments, joints.
  • Instilling discipline.


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