Guarana - what is this plant?

Guarana is a plant that looks like a climbing vine. Its habitat is the Amazon forest. Plant seeds are collected and processed. Their value lies in the chemical substance in their composition - guaranine. This component is similar in its properties and structure to caffeine. The seeds of an exotic plant also contain saponins and starch, resins and theobromine, pectin and tannins.

guarana is
The discoverers of the Americas were astonished to observe the speed of reaction and the stamina of the local population - the Indians. Soon they discovered the source of such energy. He hid in the seeds of an amazing guarana plant . This natural raw material was often used to eliminate headaches, fever, fever, spasms, and to prevent bacterial infections.

Guarana is a vine with the highest caffeine content in its seeds. The stimulating effect of its use exceeds the effect of coffee in two to five times.

guarana instruction
Guarana, the use of which is recommended for increased physical loads, helps to increase the health of the body and its endurance. In addition, the fruits of an amazing plant have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Guarana is a liana whose fruits are the only high concentration of guaranin in the world. The characteristics of this substance are similar to caffeine. However, in contrast to the latter, guaranin acts very gently on the nervous system, exerting its tonic effect for up to four to six hours.

An exotic plant helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, enhancing the process of fat breakdown. This stimulates memory and mental activity, as well as sexual function. Guarana cleanses the liver and prevents the development of an atherosclerotic disease. The extract obtained from seed processing is recommended to normalize the activity of the heart and vascular system.
With intense physical exertion, guarana promotes the removal of lactic acid from the muscles of the muscles, which provides an analgesic effect. This ability of the plant is widely used in sports medicine.

guarana application
The substances contained in guarana are absorbed slowly by the body. This makes it possible for a long period not to feel tired. Guarana extract helps to reduce appetite, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Experts recommend energy drinks, which include guarana. Instructions for use indicate an excellent tonic effect from their use. Such drinks, unlike coffee, do not irritate the gastric mucosa. They invigorate and contribute to the creation of a positive emotional state. Guarana contained in such drinks increases the process of hydrolysis of fats and the release of adrenaline.

It should be borne in mind that the use of an exotic plant requires some caution. Exceeding the dose can cause excessive excitability and insomnia. The use of guarana is not recommended for elderly people, hypertensive patients and suffering from heart pathologies. It is forbidden for women to use this plant while they are expecting a baby and breastfeeding.


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