Megafon Optima: user reviews and specifications

The recent appearance of a large number of low-cost mobile devices is not new. In addition to the fact that they have a lot of functions that modern operating systems provide (mainly Android), they offer them at a fairly reasonable, affordable price. Due to this, a greater number of buyers with the most varied income levels have the opportunity to purchase such models for themselves and their children. One of such mobile phones is Megafon Optima. We will talk about him in this article.

How Megafon Optima is beneficial for developers

So, this model is one of the most budgetary on the market today. Of course, such a pricing policy of the developer company is not without reason. Why is a device with a lot of advantages (even when compared with direct competitors) offered so cheap?

Optima Megaphone

The answer is simple. A buyer who pays for a new Megafon Optima phone receives not only a smartphone at his disposal. Along with the device, the kit also includes the starter package of the Megafon operator, the activated Internet access function and, of course, the tariff plan (as stated on the website, this is Internet XS. Is it a lot?

If we take into account that all other developers of mobile phones simply sell their product, receiving their added value in the form of profit; and Megafon, in addition to selling the smartphone, also receives customers who use its services in the future - this is a lot. In the future, each user pays for communication services, which generates additional income.

That is why Megafon Optima, the smartphone that TCT Mobile collects and sells by the mobile operator, is so beneficial to its developers. Despite the low cost.

Model cost

Optimal performance megaphone

Now Megafon Optima can be purchased on the operator’s official website. Its cost is 3400 rubles. At the same time, the line “price” indicates that the model costs only 2700 rubles, and almost 700 will go to pay for communication services. However, according to the terms of the sellers themselves, you can pay for these same “communication services” only at the time of purchase of the device.

Why so cheap? As noted above, for the company, the benefit lies in the further payments that come from the client. In addition, the bet is that such a device (endowed with a large screen) will serve as a platform for creating an additional services market. So, the user will download games, books and applications to his “Megaphone Optima”, due to which the operator will earn even more.

Telephone set

If we talk about the device itself, or rather - about its configuration, it should be noted that it is not much different from similar models of the budget segment. This is a typical “Chinese” smartphone (not only because it was manufactured there, but also because they are usually sold under brands from the Middle Kingdom), sold at a low price.

Complete with a mobile are a charger, a cord for connecting to a laptop, headphones and a starter pack. It is noteworthy that Megafon Optima is blocked for using exclusively the cards of its “native” operator. Putting there another SIM card simply does not work.

reviews megaphone optima

Device specifications

A phone is pretty cheap - that's obvious. It is released by the Megafon operator, - this is also understood by every user. At the same time, many people are interested in the characteristics of the device in Megafon Optima; what kind of processor, camera, display, battery it contains. It should be noted that the model has a 2-core processor with a frequency of 1.3 GHz, a 3-megapixel camera, as well as a 1300 mAh battery. You can’t call it indicators of the flagship model, but for a budget smartphone, such as Megafon Optima, the characteristics given above are quite acceptable. With such a device, you can use the "top" games on the Play Market, as well as a lot of useful applications from this store. Actually, this is what the developers of the device achieve.

Competitors and analogues

If you analyze user reviews, Megafon Optima can be classified as phones like Lenovo and MTS (also, by the way, promoted according to the same scheme - with the operator’s starter pack installed). A special similarity is observed with the MTS 972, however, this phone costs an order of magnitude more expensive - about 4700 rubles.

phone megaphone optima

The parameters of the devices are similar, so the difference is, rather, in the mobile operator. Phones like Lenovo, which are in the same price segment, are better to buy for the reason that you are not limited to only one mobile operator, and therefore you can use any SIM card (or even several).

As for the products of MTS and Megafon Optima, you can select them by analyzing offers from each of the companies. For example, Megafon offers the Internet XS tariff, and MTS offers the Super Zero Region tariff (as recommended). Depending on why you need this phone - for permanent Internet or calls, and you need to proceed when making a choice.

Conclusion on the smartphone "Megaphone Optima"

What can be said about this device? In general, this is a budget solution for those who want a smartphone with all the multimedia capabilities available today. You can also mention the real customers who left their reviews. “Megaphone Optima”, according to their point of view, is a cheap device that can perform basic tasks (play music, surf the Internet and download the simplest applications). If we talk about a more complex schedule for the newest games, about the constant use of the phone to watch high-quality video, then the phone starts to behave more slowly, sometimes it becomes buggy and heats up. Insufficient battery endurance is also noted (according to those who left feedback, Megafon Optima is able to hold in active use mode for no more than 3-4 hours). Which, at the same time, is also a disadvantage.

megaphone optima smartphone

On the other hand, “Optima” has obvious advantages. In addition to the price, it is also a pleasant appearance, giving style to the owner of the phone. In addition, the device is available immediately in two color variations: black and white. Due to this, again, there is some kind of minimal, but individualization of the device.

“Megaphone Optima”, due to its qualities, can be an excellent gift for a child, given that it is not so pathetic to break it or lose it. At the same time, the phone has the basic features that characterize modern smartphones. And this means: access to the network, multimedia, a set of applications and much more.


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