Architect-designer: description of the profession, where to study and where to work

When studying creative professions, one may come across such a specialty as an architect. He designs buildings and interiors. But at the same time, he is responsible not only for appearance, but also for functionality. Therefore, the specialty of an architect-designer cannot be fully attributed to creative professions. This is something unique, existing at the junction of several sciences.


The profession "architect-designer" is a difficult profession, which requires knowledge of various standards and rules, as well as technical parameters. All this specialist will have to apply in their work. However, despite the abundance of technical information that needs to be mastered during the training period, there is also a place for creativity.

profession architect designer

It is curious that the profession "architect-designer" is represented by a host of other specialists. They also participate in the project preparation process. Among them are the following.

  • Principal architects responsible for the project development process.
  • Landscape architects supervising the improvement of territories.
  • Urban planners who are responsible for the general plans of cities as well as villages.
  • Designers who work on the interior.

Among others, there are restorers, as well as experts and those who are somehow engaged in scientific activities in the field of architecture.

Personal qualities

The presence of some characteristics will make it possible to achieve great success and build a successful career as an architect-designer.

  • Perseverance. When working on each project, you need to take a serious approach, carefully checking every detail.
  • Creative talent. It would seem that the work of an architect is an abundance of technical nuances. However, this is partly a creative profession. That is why it is so important to have the appropriate talent. After all, in fact, all the drawings are just the embodiment of an idea.
  • Intelligence. In addition to practical experience, a good architect-designer should have an excellent theoretical base, knowing a lot of nuances.
  • The pursuit of excellence allows the specialist to never overestimate his work, check in detail every detail. In the work of the architect, this is especially important.
  • Lack of distraction. When developing a project, the architect should be completely absorbed in his work, not being distracted by extraneous factors. This is the only way to get a perfect result.


The development of technology has led to the fact that the work of the architect-designer has undergone many changes. The main reason lies in the complexity of technology.

work as an architect, designer

Now, the basic responsibilities of architects have been supplemented by the knowledge of some computer programs whose main functionality is 3D design, as well as building modeling. In addition, it is necessary to verify the documentation, making sure that it complies with various standards.

A more accurate list of responsibilities will depend on the area in which engineers, architects and designers work. We list the main ones.

  • Architectural design. What tasks does a specialist in this field carry out? Development, coordination of the project, as well as control over the formation of documentation and subsequent supervision.
  • Town-planning. This is a more global area of ​​design. It involves the development of plans not for individual buildings, but for entire settlements.
  • Landscape architecture. These are all kinds of landscaping works - parks, gardens, personal plots, etc.
  • Interior design. Professionals engaged in this field design interiors, combining functional and aesthetic components.

In addition, the experience and qualifications of the architect, as well as the management policies of the company in which he works, influence the list of responsibilities. If a specialist seeks to build a career, it is very important to create a decent portfolio. It should have complex projects that can interest and attract new customers.

Design Architect: where to study

To start a career in this difficult but interesting field, you will first need to graduate. An appropriate diploma requires a serious theoretical knowledge base. In addition, it will be useful to have practical experience that will interest the potential employer.

engineers architects and designers

Let's get back to learning. Future architects are recommended to choose specialized universities, preferring the most respected institutions. This can be a pass to the profession. Indeed, graduates of prestigious universities are in demand among employers.

That is why applicants need to be extremely careful about the choice of educational institution. Admission to a prestigious university is half the success. Further results will depend on the student’s efforts and ambitions.

Among the most authoritative institutions, in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, others are named. For example, the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Samara and the university with the same name, located in Nizhny Novgorod.


Before training for an architect-designer begins, you will have to go through entrance tests. The more prestigious the university, the higher the competition and the more difficult the exams. However, this is not an occasion for depression, but for more thorough preparation.

The exact list of exams you need to find out at the school. We describe the standard option.

architect designer where to study

Applicants need to go through two stages.

  • The first assesses the results of the exam, which can be passed at school as final exams. Usually you need to submit certificates in mathematics, as well as Russian language and history. Sometimes the last subject is replaced by literature, but this is rarely practiced in architectural universities.
  • At the second stage, applicants are awaiting a creative competition. It is held directly in educational institutions. Applicants are invited to submit for evaluation a drawing, as well as a composition and a drawing.

How to proceed?

Passing entrance exams seems incredibly difficult. However, educational institutions usually in advance as part of a consultation tell what results are expected at a creative competition.

Presentation of all works is usually held on the same day or completely absent. The results of the creative competition can also be communicated to applicants remotely.

Interregional Association of Architects and Designers

It is advisable to find out all the nuances in advance so as not to be subjected to unnecessary stress in the process of admission.

Applicants can submit copies of documents to several educational institutions at once. This increases the chances of success. Even if for some reason it is not possible to enter one university, the doors of another may open for an applicant.


Choosing a profession of an architect for yourself, it is better to learn as much as possible about it in advance. After all, getting a diploma is only just beginning. When the doors of the university for yesterday’s student were closed, he had to decide. What to do next? Where to work and what salary can I expect?

We will name a few places of work for architects.

  1. Construction companies. Typically, such institutions include architects and designers. This is justified by the profile of their work. Construction companies for the most part specialize in the construction of typical buildings. However, this does not make work simple. In the process of working on each project, it is required to carry out many approvals and undergo an examination. A potential architect needs to be prepared for multitasking, as the staff of such specialists is usually minimal. If such conditions are not satisfactory, it is recommended to pay attention to all sorts of alternatives.
  2. Architectural bureaus. Such organizations provide services related to the design, as well as the conduct of examinations and preparation of documentation. Usually in the bureau there is a clear separation of duties between employees. There is no shortage of vacancies. At the dawn of a career, you can apply for a vacancy in an architectural bureau. Yesterday's graduate can easily get a job as a technician and prepare simple blueprints, while absorbing experience and aiming at career growth.
  3. Government agencies. These are all kinds of organizations of various sizes - from municipal to federal. Their main tasks:
  • preparation of general plans for settlements;
  • drafting of documents;
  • coordination of projects;
  • registration of building permits.

Work in such institutions is suitable for those architects who are attracted by stability, as well as the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided for public servants.

It would also be useful for a potential architect to know what the Interregional Association of Architects and Designers is. It is one of the self-regulatory organizations. The Association acts as a kind of connecting link between the state and industry representatives. This allows you to combine the efforts of businessmen and authorities.


Each specialty, an architect, is no exception, has pros and cons. It is very important to carefully weigh them at the start, in order to make a considered decision. Let's start with the benefits.

  • Creative component.
  • The prospect of career growth and, accordingly, high salaries.
  • The possibility of immigration.
  • Kudos to the specialty.


Despite the creative component, the profession of an architect is far from ideal.

architect designer salary
  • Difficult work with high responsibility.
  • Long training. In fact, it does not end even after receiving a diploma. The architect must be constantly up to date with the trends. In fact, this means ongoing training.
  • The presence of stress and overwork.
  • Low salaries for beginning architects.
  • Difficulties with self-realization. Usually you have to work by order, fulfilling the wishes of customers. That is why even the most ambitious projects are not always possible to translate into reality. After all, they need sponsors.

Design Architect: Salary

The financial side is one of the most pressing issues for those who begin to learn the profession.

  • On average, Russian architects earn 25 thousand rubles. However, there are those whose incomes are above or below this figure.
  • For specialists from Moscow and St. Petersburg, higher salaries are provided, 36 and 29 thousand rubles, respectively.
  • In the regions, architects are paid less. A similar scenario applies to those who are just starting to work in this area. Both those and others usually earn 15-17 thousand rubles a month. However, this is a great start for those who have recently graduated from high school.

Young professionals starting a career as a low-wage technician should not be upset right away. You need to be patient. Working in an office team, a specialist has more chances than a freelancer. After 7-8 years of development in a career, you can become a chief architect and expect a significant increase in salary. Such specialists are paid about 100 thousand rubles or more. A freelancer with no real work experience is unlikely to reach such heights.


creative professions

The profession "architect" is created for purposeful and responsible specialists. It is these who succeed. But first, many difficulties will have to be overcome in the form of sleepless nights, unplanned processing and constant responsibility.


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