In connection or in connection: how to write? Spelling: in communication or in connection?

In connection or in connection: how to write this word? You can answer the question yourself, but only after carefully reading this article.

make it easy or how to write

General information

In connection or in connection: how to write correctly? Before answering the question asked, you should find out why it generally arises. Linguistics experts argue that certain difficulties in writing this word arise because it is often mistakenly attributed to the adverb and, by analogy with lexical units such as draws, in addition, to the right, blindly and casually, they write together. So how do you spell it? We will answer this question right now.

We determine the part of speech

To understand how to write the word "in communication", you need to find out what part of speech it refers to and what role it plays in the sentence.

In Russian, most of the independent parts of speech obey the morphological principle of writing. In other words, certain lexical units are used with certain suffixes, endings and prefixes, the spelling of which almost always depends on the rules of spelling. But it should be noted that they do not apply to such service parts of speech as prepositions, conjunctions or particles. The latter are written in accordance with the linguistic tradition that has developed over many centuries. Moreover, their spelling should be checked in reference books or spelling dictionaries. The following derivative preposition, “in communication,” has the same peculiarity.

how to write

How is an expression formed?

Make it easy or in touch? Not everyone knows how to write this word. It should be noted that it is formed by combining a simple preposition "in" and the noun "connection", which is in the genitive case and has a second stressed syllable.

Over time, the expression "in communication" has lost its independent lexical meaning. In addition, it no longer functions as a member of a proposal.

As a rule, in the syntactic construction this word is used as a connecting fragment. Such a derivative preposition cannot be asked any question. Although it can be quite easily replaced by the adverbial combination “for reason” or the synonymous pretext “because”. Here is a good example:

  • “In connection with the onset of frost in the rural enterprise, they began an early harvest of open crops” (that is, “because of the onset of frost” or “because of the onset of frost”).
  • “Ticket offices opened about one hour ahead of schedule due to the fact that there were many people who wanted to see the concert (that is,“ because of the influx of a large number of people ”).
    how to write a word in connection

Whether or not: how to write the preposition correctly?

In order to understand how to spell this word correctly, you just need to remember that in any case, such a lexical unit is used separately in the text. After all, the expression “in connection” refers to that group of derivative prepositions, which are always written separately (in connection with the circumstances, in the continuation of the above, in the form of a roll, at the end of a speech, within an hour, etc.).


It should be emphasized that the word "in communication" is not always used in the sentence as an excuse. Indeed, sometimes such a lexical unit is also used as a noun. Moreover, both cases should be distinguished from each other.

If this expression is a noun that is in the genitive case of the singular or in the nominative case of the plural (with the preposition "c"), then this combination should be pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable. It should also be noted that in the sentence a similar word acts as a complement. In addition, it may carry with it some agreed definition. Here is a good example:

  • “There were no random people in Andrei Nikiforovich’s connection” (you can add an agreed definition of “personal connections”).
  • “She was seen in a relationship that is extremely undesirable for the reputation of an honest and decent lady” (you can add the agreed definition of “seen in an undesirable relationship”).

As mentioned above, according to the rules of Russian spelling, both the simple preposition “c” with the noun “connection” and the derived preposition “in connection” are always written separately. Accordingly, the continuous spelling of such a lexical unit is a gross mistake.

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To summarize

In connection or in connection: how to write such a word? A comprehensive answer to the question was given in the submitted article. But in order to consolidate the material covered, it should be recalled what is the difference between these expressions:

  • “In connection” is a derivative preposition, which is an auxiliary part of speech. In the text, it should be distinguished from a combination of the noun "connection", standing genitive case units. numbers or in the nominative case pl. numbers with a simple preposition "c".
  • Separate spelling of a noun with a simple preposition and a derivative preposition “in connection” is the only correct one.


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