What is the actual difference: each or every?

English is very firmly entrenched in our lives, and today you can meet less and less a person who would not try to study it. For some, this was part of the school curriculum, while others throughout their lives begin and drop it again. It turns out that even the frequently used words each and every have their own difference. But not everyone will remember the explanation of teachers from school. Therefore, this article explains as simple and accessible as possible what the difference between each and every is.

Similarities each and every

You might think: what's the difference, each or every? For the Russian language - yes, the difference is small. But in English, everything is different. So, let's go ... First, let's see what unites these words.

Words in the English language are divided into those that can be counted, and those that cannot, or uncountable.

So, our words each and every always go in conjunction with those nouns that can be counted, or, literally, countable nouns. But only never can they go in the plural and never with uncountable nouns. This is what is important to remember!

Each / every boy plays with cars. - Each boy plays with cars.

In this sentence, the difference between each or every does not matter. And now there will be an example, how not to say:

Each / every boy plays with cars. Since “boys” is a countable noun in the plural, each (every) should not be mentioned. Now let's see how it will be with an uncountable noun:

Each winter is cold, usually. “It is usually cold every winter.” This is also an incorrect construction of the proposal, because winter as a season is uncountable.

It's always cold in winter

So what's the difference: each or every? More will be next.

From similarities to differences every and each

Despite the fact that in the translation from English pronouns are translated the same way, nevertheless, there is only one small difference between every and each. Which one?

Each in English is used when only one person or one subject is meant.

Every English is used if the speaker means a lot of objects, persons or objects.

Pronouns every vs each

For instance:

Each boy plays with cars (Nik plays with cars / Jon plays with cars). - Each individual boy plays a typewriter.

Every is said when they mean that all the boys in the world like to play with cars.

Every boy play with cars. - Each boy plays with cars.

boys play cars

So: each or every - what's the difference? It all depends on how many persons or objects are in the offer.

What role do each and every play in parts of speech

As mentioned above, each is always in the singular, because it refers to a limited number of objects. Now let's see how it can answer the question of what? which one? which one? and carry the definition of a noun. For example:

There is a vertex on each side of the square. - There is a peak on each side of the square.

You may notice that before the noun side there is no article the or a. The pronoun each replaces it with itself.

Every boy in the class has his own notebook - Each boy in the class has his own notebook.

As you can see, the difference between each and every when replacing the adjective is that there is no need for the article.

Interestingly, the Russian words "each of us, them, you" cannot be translated into English as every. The English say: each or everyone.

The combination every + body, one, thing ultimately gives words that are in demand in English and in translation means "everyone", "everyone", "everything". These can be said universal pronouns in the English language. Substituting body, one, thing to every, you can get words that answer the question of who? what? in a sentence. The predicate in this case will be in the singular. And in combination with where we get the adverb "everywhere."

These universal soldiers are on guard of the English language with a noticeable difference - each and every.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10524/

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