Left bank of Novosibirsk: district names, schools, shops and all infrastructure

The city of Novosibirsk is located on two banks of the Ob. The right bank is more developed and is considered the center of the city. Left - the so-called industrial. However, this does not mean at all that there is nothing interesting on the left bank of Novosibirsk. Even the story of the appearance of this coast in the life of Novosibirsk is interesting. Learn more about this?

Left Bank of Novosibirsk: History

Initially, Novosibirsk was supposed to lie exclusively on the right bank. However, as they say, a person assumes, and the Lord disposes - and everything did not turn out as planned. However, first things first ...

On the right bank of the Ob began to build a new city Novonikolaevsk, which later became Novosibirsk. On the left bank was the village of Krivoshchekovo with more than two hundred years history at that time. Both settlements lived completely apart from each other, the inhabitants did not communicate and did not meet - there was no pedestrian bridge across the river, people did not have the opportunity to cross. Moreover, they generally lived in different time zones.

Krivoshchekovo village

Residents of Krivoshchekov did not like the new settlers who came to the right bank (Novonikolaevsk was founded by the builders of the Trans-Siberian Railway), and therefore the city did not develop to the second bank, despite the fact that the left bank was more developed at that time. The right bank was, by and large, a wild wasteland, however, due to the hostile attitude of Krivoschekovites, the new settlers began to settle on it. This continued until the thirties of the last century - only at that time the upset Novosibirsk added the territory of the former Krivoshchekov to itself.

Initially, the left bank was represented only by the Kirov region. The whole left bank of Novosibirsk - all this was one large area. At first it was generally called Zaobsky, after the death of Sergei Kirov it was renamed Kirovsky in 1934. Only much later Leninsky was singled out of it, this happened in 1970.

And to this day there are only two districts on the left bank of Novosibirsk - all the same Kirovsky and Leninsky. And the streets, of course, are not an example anymore. It is interesting that it is here, on the left bank of the city, that there is a whole large block of streets named after famous people. There is a street of Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Rimsky-Korsakov and so on.


The underground in the unspoken Siberian capital is, in principle, quite small, there are only two branches and a little more than a dozen stations. And on the left bank of Novosibirsk there are only two of them - “Marx Square” and “Student's”.

Metro "Marx Square"

The first is in the square with the exact same name. This is a peculiar center of the coast, including the transport one. The station was opened in 1991, although its initial launch was planned a year earlier. Due to the changes that began in the country, this was not destined to come true.

The station is the terminal and is located in the Leninsky district of the city. By the way, an interesting fact: it was “Marx Square” that became the very last metro station opened in the Soviet Union. She appeared in July 1991, and a month later the Soviets ordered a long life.

As for the "Student" station, it immediately precedes the "Marx Square" and is also located in the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk, on the left bank. It has been in operation a little earlier - since 1986.


You should definitely visit Stanislavsky Square and take a walk along the street of the same name - it is rich in examples of architecture of the Stalin era. One must also see the Square of Glory - a place where several monuments are located at once: for example, a monument to Siberians who participated in the Great Patriotic War, the Walk of Fame with hundreds of Christmas trees planted in honor of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from Novosibirsk, a stele with the names of more than thirty thousand who fell in the battles of Novosibirsk and much more.

Square of Glory of Novosibirsk

On the left bank of Novosibirsk there are several parks and gardens where you can take a walk and enjoy beautiful views. For example, in the Kirov Garden, in addition to attractions and fountains, there are also sundials. And in the Bugrinsky grove, a park on the banks of the Ob, among other things, there is an observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the bridge of the same name, as well as the right bank. And you can just walk along the streets of the city and turn your head around - this will also reveal a lot of interesting and surprising things.


A ten minute walk from the Student's metro station is the Gorsky City Hotel, which is quite expensive, but, of course, very comfortable and with top-level service. The cost of one night there starts from three thousand rubles. Restaurant, bar, conference rooms, more than two hundred and sixty rooms - all this can be found in this hotel on the street Nemirovich-Danchenko.

A lower rank is the City Hotel on Blucher Street, also not far from Student's. A day's stay in this hotel will cost two hundred rubles less. However, the numbers here are not an example less - only sixty.

City Hotel Novosibirsk

The third possible option among the hotels of Novosibirsk on the left bank is Mirotel. It is located on Karl Marx Square, the cost of living depends on the number of guests and the period for which the room is required.


There is only one theater on the left bank of Novosibirsk, and it is called, surprisingly, “On the Left Bank”. His story begins with an ordinary drama club, whose life changed dramatically in the late fifties of the last century, when a graduate of the Leningrad Theater University was there as a director.

Drama Theater "On the Left Bank"

The drama club turned into a school-studio, in this form existed until 1993 - then the Novosibirsk Philharmonic took it under its wing, the theater began to be called the philharmonic. The temple of Melpomene got its real name twenty-one years ago - in 1997. The repertoire of the theater is mostly dramatic.


There are four cinemas on the left bank of Novosibirsk. These are Aurora on Karl Marx Avenue, Dawn on Sorge, Cinema Park on Karl Marx Square and Kronverk Cinema on Trolleynaya.


Schools on the left bank of Novosibirsk are more than enough. Among them there are ordinary secondary schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums, and there are special correctional institutions. There is even a Siberian cadet corps! In general, you can choose an institution for your child for every taste.

The greatest number of positive reviews gained such institutions:

  • Secondary school number 210 in the Gorsky microdistrict.
  • Gymnasium No. 16 at Parkhomenko (it is considered French).
  • Secondary school number 128 on Vertkovskaya.
  • Secondary school number 49 school on Urmanova.
  • The second Novosibirsk gymnasium on Kievskaya street.
  • Secondary school number 40 on Krasheninnikova.
  • University gymnasium No. 14 on Karl Marx Avenue.
  • Secondary school number 192 on Chigorin.
  • Lyceum No. 136 on the Cosmic.
  • Secondary school number 27 on Plahotnogo.

Shopping centers

There are many shopping centers on the left bank of Novosibirsk. This is Mega - it is located on Vatutin Street and is one of the largest shopping and entertainment centers of the city on the Ob. Directly adjacent to Mega is the only IKEA store in Novosibirsk, where not only residents of this glorious city come, but also neighboring ones.

Ikea in Novosibirsk

Another shopping center is Sun City on Marx Square. It has not only shops and a food court, but also a children's entertainment complex. In addition, it is worth mentioning such centers as Versailles (also on Marx Square) and Continent on the Trolley.


On the left bank of Novosibirsk, on Parkhomenko Street, there is a wonderful Museum of the History of the Development of the Leninsky District. It has both permanent and periodic expositions. Temporary ones are most often thematic, while a constant variety of household items, documents, products of industrial enterprises, photographs and much, much more are presented, which form the idea of ​​the life of this area of ​​Novosibirsk in the early years.

This is brief information about the infrastructure of the left bank of the city of Novosibirsk. Come there yourself and you will love this wonderful city with all your heart!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10536/

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