How much to cook chicken shop and homemade

Chicken is by far one of the most wholesome foods. This is one of the most delicious varieties of meat with unique properties, in addition, it is very inexpensive, especially in comparison with other types of meat - these advantages make chicken meat a popular product. Cooking chicken is also very simple - shop chicken does not require long heat treatment, it almost always turns out to be tender and juicy and unpretentious to spices - almost all seasonings are in perfect harmony with it, however, a number of rules must be observed when cooking it.

Boiled chicken is considered the most dietary option, and based on the resulting broth, you can cook delicious soups, sauces, you can stew meat and make sauces on it. True, cooking chicken is not just an art, but quite often it is done incorrectly. However, this is done quite simply. Chicken should be cooked until the puncture caused by the knife to the bone, preferably where the layer of meat is the thickest, stops oozing blood, and the meat is soft and freely separated from the bone. There are more specific recommendations: in particular, if you purchased it in a store, then in this case you need to cook the chicken for forty-fifty minutes, a maximum of an hour - this is quite enough for the broiler chicken of a standard size to completely boil. How much you cook the chicken depends to a large extent on its size - naturally, the bigger it is, the longer it should be cooking. You should not overdo it - the overcooked chicken will sprawl, its bones will separate arbitrarily, and the joints will fall apart, and portioned pieces will have an unsightly appearance.

Chicken broth is also a product unique in its properties: it contains many nutrients, but at the same time it has a small calorie content. It has long been used as a general strengthening agent during recovery from illness and to maintain the body's strength during it, and some studies have even shown that its unique composition helps not only strengthen the patient's body, but also helps fight disease pathogens.

If you need not only boiled chicken meat, but also a beautiful transparent broth, it is best to first cook the chicken for about five minutes, pre-placing it in cold water, then drain the first broth, pour boiling water and cook until cooked. In this case, everything that makes it cloudy will come out in the first broth, everything that should curl up will curl up and no liquids will pass into the broth. In this way, you can get the right clear chicken soup from any chicken, although it is believed that the right broth can only be cooked from poultry. in principle, if the meat from the broth is not so important to you, and the strength of the broth, on the contrary, matters, then the chicken can be cooked until the desired result is obtained.

And how much to cook chicken brought from the village or bought at the market? There are no exact recommendations on this subject, since many factors will affect the cooking time. In particular, how much the chicken is cooked in this case will depend on its age and lifestyle, so to speak - the older the bird, and the more active it was during life, the harder it will have meat, and the longer it will take to cook. Poultry will always be tougher than the store, so it is suitable only for frying or long stewing. As a rule, cooking domestic chickens takes several hours, sometimes three or four hours, and you need to cook it until cooked, that is, before the meat becomes soft. But the broth from such a chicken will turn out to be excellent, incomparable with that which can be prepared from shop chickens, whatever tricks are used, and its meat is extremely favorable in taste, and is it so important how much to cook the chicken if you get such an excellent result ?


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