Types of skin. Genuine Leather. Leather products

Genuine leather is always in price. This material is popular and in demand. For example, leather shoes will not lose their original appearance for 5 years, and with proper care even more. However, in many ways the quality of the product also depends on other factors, for example, dressing and the type of leather used when sewing a certain thing.

Currently, the skin types are so diverse that inexperienced consumers are sometimes very difficult to make their choice. By studying the range of products, you can see a significant difference in pricing. What is the reason for this? In order to answer this question, you will need to study all the characteristics of this material.

For example, few people know that certain types of skin are worn differently. Some are pleasant to the touch and soft, others wear out quickly, others need careful care, etc.

In our article we will try to talk about the most common types of skin. We describe the methods of dressing. We also show you for what certain things this or that kind is suitable.

Pig skin

types of skin
We begin our acquaintance with the cheapest kind. This is pig skin. It is difficult to call it noble and magnificent. This material is used for the manufacture of budget options for clothing, that is, so-called consumer goods, for example, shoes, jackets, less often raincoats. Unfortunately, this acquisition will not please the owner very much, since this kind of skin does not differ in durability, practicality, and, what is most unpleasant, it quickly and completely gets wet. If we compare the quality, then only artificial leather is second to it.


The skin of a noble wild animal, bakers, is most often used to make gloves. Sometimes you can find shoes, it is very soft and comfortable. Its feature is that the longer you wear the product, the more pleasant the feeling. This material has undeniable advantages - impeccable quality, strength and durability. Thanks to the original appearance, things look gorgeous, but they are unlikely to fit the classic style. However, not everyone can afford to buy such products, as their cost is quite high.


So, like bakers, it is used for sewing gloves, however, products will cost slightly less, which makes them more popular and affordable for more customers. The skin is durable and practical, like many other types of skin. Its distinctive feature is its funny appearance. Capybari leather goods are ideal for everyday use.

Bull skin

Inexpensive, but fairly durable look - bull skin. She is very thick and tough, does not get wet at all. It is very difficult to judge what these qualities belong to โ€” merits or demerits. Everything will depend on which particular product is sewn from it. It is also worth noting that the rustic appearance somewhat spoils the overall picture. It is recommended to purchase belts, bags made of such material, but jackets and shoes will be uncomfortable to wear due to heavy weight and stiffness. Such leather is ideal for hauling furniture, car interiors, steering wheels and seats, as it has a high level of durability.

Cow's skin

The most profitable price-quality ratio is cow leather. It is widely used for making shoes. Such material is strong enough, but it can be a little harsh, especially if the skin of an already elderly animal was used. Compared to the bullish view, the price is slightly higher. But this fully pays off for the appearance, which, of course, is not suitable for branded products, but for the middle range is quite worthy, even noble.


Veal - strong and soft leather, often used to make bags, jackets, shoes. It is very gentle and pleasant to the touch, it is widely used in the manufacture of branded products. Excellent quality fully affects the pricing policy, but there is no absolute certainty that the highest class leather was used in the manufacture of expensive items. Often, embossing is practiced on this type of material, imitating the characteristic skin pattern of exotic reptiles, such as a monitor lizard, snake, crocodile. Of course, such a production can be called a fake, but things turn out to be of high quality.

Deer skin

patent leather
A fairly popular and sought-after species is buckskin. Very often this type is used for the manufacture of men's gloves, as it has the necessary qualities:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • perfectly protects from piercing wind;
  • holds heat well.

This leather is also widely used for shoes. Such models are very expensive, but of high quality and comfortable. Deer suede is in great demand. Even model shoes made of such leather will be worn like slippers.

Sheep skin

Due to the high cost, it is rather difficult to purchase a sheepskin product. And it's not just the price. Manufacturers rarely use such material, most often only for individual orders. It can be used for tailoring jackets, belts, bags, gloves, however, these products will be premium with the corresponding cost. To the touch it is very soft, but strong, the weight of the finished product is small. Elite models are things sewn from the skin of a lamb.

Goat skin

soft skin
A great option for the manufacture of branded accessories is goat leather. Due to the high density and strength of belts, purses, wallets meet the stated requirements. Goatskin gloves are also available. They are very soft, pleasant and comfortable with constant use. However, such characteristics are fully reflected in the price of the goods.

Cordova leather

Famous French, American, Italian and English shoe manufacturers often use horse leather. It is quite peculiar, has a special shine, because of which unknowing people believe that this is artificial leather. Cordovan does not require special care, however, due to the high stiffness, pronounced creases may appear. The advantages of this material are strength and wear resistance, it is also able to retain heat very well, which is an excellent quality for shoes. The cost of such products is quite high.

Crocodile leather

faux leather
Reptile skin types are highly valued. For example, such shoes can cost from $ 1,000. The characteristic of the material lies in a certain pattern, which gives the product originality. It is worth noting that the quality of the crocodile skin is also at a high level - it is ultra-strong, durable, which can not be compared with other types.

This material can be divided into three categories:

  1. Alligator leather is the most expensive option, it is used only in the manufacture of truly elite and exclusive products that have no analogues.
  2. Crocodile skin can be attributed to the middle range. On sale is more common than the first option, however, only a few will be able to purchase products of this level.
  3. Cayman leather in this group is the cheapest. It is characterized by a certain rigidity, which is unusual for other types, and also significantly inferior in quality and durability.

Basically, such a pricing policy is explained by the complexity of dressing and the expensive maintenance of crocodiles.

Snake skin

Just like crocodile leather, snake skin belongs to the premium class, but a little cheaper. It is used in production for the manufacture of exclusive models that are distinguished by designer originality and an informal approach. Such products are not suitable for everyday life, they are purchased for significant events where influential people of society gather. It is worth noting that putting on products made of snake skin, you will produce a stunning effect.

It is soft and pleasant to the touch. For the production of things most often use python or cobra skin.

Ostrich skin

The ostrich skin's elasticity allows it to be used for making comfortable shoes, outerwear, and accessories. All products belong to the class of "luxury". This material is distinguished by the presence of volume and a certain texture, which from afar resembles the skin of a chicken. Ostriches are grown on specially equipped farms. Due to the fact that they have soft skin, wearing products is very convenient and comfortable.

Processing methods

Looking at the products, you can notice the difference in the appearance of the material. Sometimes it is barely noticeable, but it is also very pronounced. Why are the canvases of one kind of skin different from each other? This may depend on the quality of the raw materials. But, as a rule, skin dressing influences this factor. There are a lot of processing methods, it is thanks to them that the canvas acquires a characteristic texture. To list them all is simply unrealistic, and even this knowledge is not needed by an ordinary buyer. Let us dwell on the most basic nuances.

Smooth skin

This is the most common dressing option, represented by a huge assortment of different products. These are shoes, jackets, raincoats, accessories. In care, it is quite simple, does not require certain knowledge. Differs in practicality and wear resistance. Such a canvas is soft, with bodily contact it gives a pleasant feeling, but not very thin, which indicates strength. There is such a thing as skin classes. It is this indicator that characterizes the quality of the product, for example, calf means that the material is good.

Polished leather

The skins of animals, undergoing chemical treatment, acquire a beautiful shine. Their surface is ideally smooth, without a pronounced structure. Such genuine leather, in comparison with other types of finishes, is of less quality and harsh, which makes it not very popular. Also, people who prefer such products are distrustful of shiny surfaces.

Corrected skin

The name itself suggests that during the dressing with the skin, manipulations were performed to hide defects. As a rule, for this, they are treated with different chemicals, and then they are coated with paint. It is impossible to attribute such an option to quality products. The manufacturerโ€™s label should indicate corrected / corrected-grain leather, which gives a clear description of the material. Such products can only be purchased if the price is fully consistent with quality.

Granular leather

Specific leather dressing allows you to give the canvas an original, informal appearance. The quality of such a product will depend on the consciousness of the processing company. It is used for sewing shoes, but grained leather requires proper care. Products can be worn in rainy weather, since, subject to all the rules, the material is quite durable and can last a long time.

Vegetable tanning

leather dressing
This type completely excludes chemical treatment. The skin has a noble appearance and is pleasant to the touch. Very soft, which can lead to scuffing. As a rule, such defects are accompanied by a color change. The cost of products made from such leather is quite high, but this does not mean perfect quality. Vegetable tanned leather requires careful care and respect.

Vachetta leather

This kind of skin is very moody and delicate. It is processed with minimal exposure, in which chemicals are not used at all. Products made of such material are not intended for everyday use. They can not be wet and polluted, otherwise they will deteriorate. The material is mainly used for the manufacture of exclusive accessories, bags, less often belts.

Sanded leather

As a rule, skins of poor quality lend themselves to polishing. To do this, remove the top layer. During grinding, all possible defects are eliminated, and the blade takes on a very decent appearance. Such dressing allows you to use two layers of the skin with benefit: from the upper, high-quality products are sewn, and from the middle - budget shoes. Compared to other treatment methods, sanded leather is the cheapest.


A kind of polished leather is velor. It is distinguished by the presence of fine pile. Can not "boast" of high performance. Afraid of interacting with water and dirt. The service life can be estimated as short-lived.

Patent leather

skin classes
Patent leather is very smooth, with a pronounced shine. This effect is obtained through the use of a certain technology. A special agent (plastic) is applied to the top layer of the skin, which forms such a peculiar surface. As a rule, patent leather is used to make shoes and bags, less often belts. It requires careful handling and special care. You can use such products, subject to some restrictions, for example, the temperature regime (from -10 to +25 degrees), can not be worn during rain. Another disadvantage of such shoes is the low ability to โ€œbreatheโ€.

Patinated leather

A special type of treatment is patinated leather. After dressing, it acquires an aged look. With the right design, it looks quite noble and majestic. The quality of such a material directly depends on the materials used. It is rarely used in wide production, as it has a high cost and a specific appearance that real gourmets can appreciate.


Nappa leather is a special way to process cattle hides. Thanks to this dressing, the skin acquires good elasticity, softness and smoothness of the surface. The canvas is easy to paint. Such leather is suitable for jackets and gloves, and both female and male models are sewn. It is distinguished by a special brilliance, so when purchasing a product you need to be guided by personal preferences. Otherwise, it is quite high-quality material.


This appearance of the skin in appearance resembles suede. It is pleasant to the touch, velvety and tender, quite high quality. Its advantage is good breathability. However, before buying a product, you should pay attention to whether a protective layer is applied to the surface of the skin. As a rule, manufacturers indicate this information on the label. Of course, caring for such material will be somewhat problematic, but if you wear shoes in dry weather, then it will last a very long time. And accessories from such material generally look simply gorgeous.

Suede leather

pig skin
A common form of leather is suede. It is very widely used in the manufacture of sewing bags, gloves, shoes, outerwear and other products. It should be noted right away that you need to take care of it carefully, it can not be washed, but only cleaned with a special brush. However, such material has much more advantages: excellent air permeability, softness, elasticity, etc. The velvety surface gives pleasure when touched. When buying suede products, you must be extremely careful, as there are currently many fakes of different quality on the market.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10539/

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