How is Botox hair done: stages of the procedure, duration, means

Beautiful and healthy hair adorns any woman. Unfortunately, the frequent use of hair dryers, curling irons and other styling products, the adverse effects of the environment and climatic conditions, stress and lack of vitamins are not the best way to reflect on their condition. To maintain natural beauty and strength, an innovative method has been developed for healing and caring for curls, which will be discussed in this article. We will consider how Botox hair is done, who needs recommendations on the application of the procedure.

how is Botox hair done

What is it, its composition

The name of this procedure for hair does not exactly reflect its essence. Hair preparations do not always contain botulinum toxin. The name β€œBotox” was chosen due to the anti-aging effect of the event, and the procedure is performed using serums and masks. All cosmetic preparations are applied externally. They include intrasilane, a molecule that enhances the effect of the healing complex. Botox is a safe procedure, however, its use is not always recommended.

In some cases, the procedure may be contraindicated during the bearing of the child, but if quality preparations are used, it is quite applicable.

how much botox hair is done

Often people are interested in how long Botox hair is done. The master takes about one and a half hours to do this. For the procedure, two-phase means are used. The mixing of the components is carried out in the process of manipulation:

  1. The first phase - there is a chemical composition that promotes the penetration of nutrients into the hair structure and prevents their leaching. This significantly prolongs the effect of Botox.
  2. The second phase includes the use of a concentrate of natural components, nourishes, restores and gives shine to the hair.

The composition of the funds varies depending on the selected manufacturer. Typically, Botox preparations contain the following components: essential oils, collagen, hyaluronic acid, keratin. Expensive products can sometimes include botulinum toxin.

Which composition is better, how long does it hold?

how long does Botox hair do

The effect of the procedure is more dependent on the drug used, and not on how much Botox hair is made:

  1. Botulinum toxin penetrates deep into the hair and intensively restores it from the inside. The effect of drugs containing it in the composition lasts up to 4-5 months.
  2. Hyaluronic acid and keratin act superficially. The hair after the procedure acquires a healthy appearance, but the result is not so long - up to one month. The number of necessary procedures is from three to five.

Means for home use, as a rule, contain keratin. They are quite affordable, but you should not expect a lasting effect from them. The home procedure is significantly different from how Botox is done for hair in the salon. Professional drugs provide a more noticeable result.

The effect of the procedure and contraindications

In order to understand what the result of the procedure provides, you should consider the composition of the drug and the effect of its components:

  • elastin - restores the elasticity of curls;
  • keratin amino acids synthesize the building material of cells - protein;
  • hyaluronic acid - moisturizes strands;
  • plant extracts - soften, nourish and give shine to hair;
  • oils and vitamin complexes - strengthen curls, make them silky and soft;
  • botulinum toxin - heals and strengthens strands from the roots to the ends.

After the procedure, the hair is easily combed, split ends are restored, the color of the hair becomes more saturated, the styling is better kept. Over time, after repeated washing, the curls begin to fluff, and the glossy shine disappears. Moreover, this does not depend on how long the Botox hair procedure is done. It does not have strict contraindications, however, after its implementation, allergic manifestations are not excluded. This is because the composition contains not only pathogens of natural origin, but also chemical components. Before using the drugs, it is recommended to study the composition for the presence of substances that can cause an undesirable reaction.

The procedure is better to postpone during pregnancy and during lactation. You should not sign up to the master during the period of menstruation, since a change in the hormonal background can affect the final result.

Who needs a procedure?

Often people are interested in the question of what kind of hair Botox is made on. Manipulation of this kind is useful to any type, but is more recommended for those who:

  • split and brittle strands;
  • curls damaged by perms, staining and other aggressive styling methods;
  • the procedure for lightening hair is often performed;
  • naughty hair, which is electrified and fluffed, does not hold hair styling well;
  • weak and unevenly curly locks.

Contrary to popular belief, the procedure does not make the hair thicker and does not eliminate the problem of hair loss. If a person suffers from such violations, then here you need not to be interested in the question of how hair Botox is done, but you should consult a trichologist.

Side effects

Often, in order to save the drug, masters dilute Botox, acquire low-quality products or have insufficient experience in the procedure. In such cases, the client not only does not get the desired result, but may also face undesirable consequences - dandruff, allergic rash, itching, and redness of the scalp.

Obviously, for a qualitative result, the procedure must be performed correctly and using proven drugs. Only then can a healing effect be achieved. Therefore, if it is possible to turn to an experienced specialist, it is better to abandon the independent manipulation. Especially if there is not enough knowledge about how the Botox procedure for hair is done.

The master in the cabin will evaluate the condition of the hair and select the most suitable remedy. If the client wants to get not only a healing effect, but also straighten hair, then use a mixture of drugs for Botox and keratin. As a result, the strands will be straight, shiny and silky. In this case, the volume will be lost, since keratin fills the voids in the hair structure, making them heavier.

Stages of the procedure

how is Botox hair done in stages

According to experts, she is able to rejuvenate her hair, make her healthy and beautiful. This manipulation is quite pleasant and does not require a lot of time. Phased Botox hair procedure is done as follows:

  1. The strands are thoroughly washed with a deep cleansing shampoo to wash off the remnants of styling products and prepare for further manipulations, lightly dry them with a towel and dry them with cool air.
  2. Reconstructing serum is applied along the entire length of the curls, which helps the nutrients to penetrate deep into the hair. It is kept for 40 minutes.
  3. Then apply a tool to seal the flakes, in this way holding the active components and preventing them from being washed away quickly. Five minutes later, the hair is washed.
  4. At the end, a restoring mask that does not require rinsing is applied, it prolongs the action of reconstructing serum.

How long does Botox hair do? Ultimately, the entire manipulation takes from 70 to 90 minutes. After the procedure, the hair becomes glossy, soft and silky, radiates a healthy glow. The hair looks strong, becomes firm and elastic. Botox makes them obedient, eliminates electrification after combing, the color of curls comes to life, and the coloring lasts longer.

how to make Botox for hair at home

It is worth noting that the beneficial effect of the procedure is not limited to the external effect, as, for example, keratin straightening. Deep penetration restores the damaged structure of porous strands, protects against the adverse effects of external factors.

Recommendations after the procedure

Very often in beauty salons they promise that the result will last for six months, in fact it lasts no more than two. It all depends on the condition of the hair and individual characteristics. Sometimes a whole course of procedures is required. In this case, the master will select the drug and calculate the frequency of its use. On average, the result lasts about 10 hair washes, so it’s better not to do it daily.

how long does Botox hair do: procedure

After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your head with sulfate-free shampoo. Here is the point. Sulphates contained in other products penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair and wash out not only the impurities, but also the nutrients that make up the serum.

Sulfate-free shampoos are in the lines of Loreal, Estelle, Schwarzkopf, Siberica. Some brands also produce specially designed masks and shampoos for hair care after the Botox procedure. It should be noted that organic detergents require following the instructions for use and storage. Sometimes the manufacturer recommends keeping the bottles in the refrigerator.

The effect of the procedure can be extended if the use of wax, varnish and other styling products is limited, since their use requires frequent and more thorough washing of the hair.

Means for home use

For independent use, you can purchase professional preparations or specially designed kits for home procedures. The advantage of the kits is their easy-to-use instructions and ease of application. They usually include:

  • shampoos for preliminary cleansing;
  • botulinum toxin serum;
  • fixing drug;
  • shampoo for aftercare.

You can purchase funds for the procedure in stores for hairdressers. It can be, for example:

  1. Fiberceutic L'Oreal kit including serum, sealant, and firming oil.
  2. Botox H-Brush Therapy is a Japanese-made product consisting of formaldehyde-free shampoo and whey.
  3. A complex of six Kallos ampoules from a Hungarian manufacturer Kallos Cosmetics. The line of products includes shampoo, balm, a mask for Botox, but they are purchased separately.

You should focus on the composition of the drug, its volume and ease of use. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the reviews of real customers who used the product.

How is Botox made for hair at home?

The method of application of funds should be indicated in the instructions. It is important to strictly follow it, and not be limited to general recommendations. A description of how Botox hair is done in stages is as follows:

  1. The hair is washed with deep cleansing shampoo. If you wish, you can make hair peeling, which allows you to remove dirt and residues of styling products.
  2. Hair is dried naturally.
  3. Small strands are separated and a professional preparation with botulinum toxin is uniformly applied, having retreated one centimeter from the roots.
  4. A plastic hat is put on the head, insulated with a towel and held for 15 minutes. Here you can use a hairdryer, turning it on at medium power. To withstand the composition of the set time.
  5. If the sealant is included in the kit, it is applied in the next step.
  6. The composition is washed off without the use of shampoo.
  7. The hair is dried and, if necessary, straightened with an iron. It helps the serum residues to soak into the hair, and the vapor seals and closes the pores.

After the independently performed procedure, the head is not washed for at least a day. It is further recommended to purchase a sulfate-free shampoo. This is a simple description of how the Botox procedure for hair is done.

Sometimes serums that are in the syringe are included in the kit. However, you do not need to enter them under the skin, with its help the liquid is only evenly distributed over the surface of the strands. Some sets require the use of several compounds in strict order. For example, first a serum, and then a mask. Therefore, before the procedure, detailed instructions on how to make Botox for hair step by step are always studied. It is always included.

The nuances of manipulation, subsequent care

how to make Botox for hair in the salon

After the manipulations, it is advisable not to wash the head for 2-3 days, so beneficial substances can penetrate deeper into the hair structure. The subsequent care of curls should not be neglected. It is necessary to wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo, use a rinse conditioner, limit the use of a hair dryer and iron, and comb your hair only after it has dried.

When Botox hair is done, the composition of the drug affects them with a cumulative effect and persists for several months, so it is not recommended to perform the procedure too often. Experts advise taking a month-long break so that your hair rests.

It is recommended to dye the strands a week before the Botox procedure, since the components of the serum can push out the pigment, making the hair color dull. After healing curls, you can use dyes only after two weeks. You can not carry out both procedures in one day.

How long the result lasts depends on hair care, nutrition and weather conditions. Since it is not always possible to pay due attention to caring for hair, the average effect of Botox lasts three months. Such a procedure is a huge step forward in the beauty industry, it provides an opportunity in a short time to improve the hair and improve their appearance without the use of harmful substances. The ease and understanding of how Botox hair is made allows you to perform manipulations not only in the salon, but also independently at home.


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