The best pharmacy shampoos: list, rating, reviews and photos

Many women and girls just dream of having beautiful thick and healthy hair. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. The condition of our hair is affected by several factors. First of all, a way of life. If you sleep little, eat poorly and do not play sports, then the body malfunctions, especially for hair, nails and skin. Secondly, the hormonal background: if some hormones are not enough or, conversely, there are too many of them, then again problems arise. Thirdly, coloring, lightening and high temperatures. It is because of these procedures that the hair suffers greatly, they become brittle, dull and lifeless. How to deal with these problems? First of all, you need to start with leaving. What is in the first place in it? Right, shampoo. This tool must be chosen very carefully, because it is the basis. By the way, preference should be given only to professional companies whose products meet all quality standards.

Where to find professional and good shampoo? That's right, in the pharmacy. Itโ€™s about pharmacy shampoos that weโ€™ll talk today, we will analyze all the best options, of course, read reviews.

How to choose a shampoo?

So, before moving on to the ranking of pharmacy shampoos, you need to understand and learn how to choose these products.

  1. Pay attention to the type of scalp. There are 4 types in total. Firstly, dry skin. In this case, itching, irritation, dryness and dandruff may occur. For dry skin, you need to choose pharmacy shampoos that will nourish and moisturize. The second type is sensitive. In this case, irritation often appears. Here, too, it is necessary to give preference to shampoos with oils that will soothe and moisturize. The third type is normal skin. This is the best option that is possible. Girls with this type need to choose products that will maintain balance, will not dry or over-moisturize, making their hair oily. The fourth type is mixed. The most problematic option, because one part of the head will dry the shampoo, and the other too moisturize. That is why it is necessary to choose funds with micro-sponges that will cleanse the sebaceous areas.
  2. Dyed hair. If you have an unnatural color, then it is better to choose specialized shampoos that will preserve color, moisturize and nourish damaged hair.
  3. Pay attention to the condition of the hair and scalp. If there are no obvious violations and problems, then it is better to choose shampoos for normal hair. The main thing is that the composition does not contain aggressive detergents.
  4. Pay attention to the type of hair. If straight strands are not too whimsical, then curly hair will immediately fluff from the wrong shampoo.

When do I need to run for shampoo to the pharmacy?

Many will think why I need an expensive pharmacy shampoo if everything seems to be fine with hair. The situation changes when real problems begin. At such moments, a real panic appears. To prevent this from happening, you need to know when to change care from the very beginning.

  1. Split ends. One of the most common problems recently. It happens due to the fact that girls often straighten, dry their hair. Because of this, they become dry, begin to break and exfoliate. This problem can occur with any type of hair. You need to deal with it quickly, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to the length.
  2. Hair loss. The most dangerous problem, which, without proper care, can lead to partial baldness. Pharmacy shampoos will help awaken the "sleeping" hair follicles, accelerate growth and nourish the weakened hair. The main thing to remember is that this problem cannot be neglected. That is why you need to find out what was the reason. In most cases, these are internal disorders in the body that only a doctor can find and diagnose.
  3. Dandruff. The skin on the head is constantly updated and changes, but with dandruff, this process occurs too quickly, so the scales become visible. In addition, dandruff can cause baldness and inflammation.

Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff "Nizoral" and "Sebozol"

Shampoo "Nizoral"

Well, it's time to move on to a review of the best pharmacy hair shampoos. The first 4 products will fight dandruff.

"Nizoral" is a shampoo that has an antifungal effect. He quickly fights against dandruff, because ketonazole is an active substance in its composition. It kills dermatophytes and yeast-like fungi. How to use this tool? It is applied to the scalp with massaging movements, left for 5 minutes and rinsed well with warm water. Before using the drug, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who can prescribe the correct course of treatment.

So, let's talk a little about the reviews about this pharmacy hair shampoo. They said that the drug really solves the problem of dandruff, moreover, all acne and inflammation disappear.

The next remedy is called "Sebozol". It also helps get rid of dandruff. This drug contains the same active substance - ketonazole. This shampoo should be applied for 5-10 minutes, after which it must be washed off with plenty of water.

Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff "Vichy" and "Tar"

Shampoo "Vichy"

So, let's move on to the last two pharmacy shampoos for dandruff.

The first product was released by Vichy. In this preparation, the active substance is different, it is called bisabolol. This component inhibits the action of the fungus, saving hair from dandruff. In addition, shampoo removes all irritations, crusts and inflammations. If you also have severe itching, then this is the remedy that can soothe the skin. Before use, it is better, of course, to consult with a specialist who will find out how serious the problem is.

So, read some reviews. They say that if you are looking for a pharmacy shampoo for oily hair that will fight dandruff, then this remedy is ideal for you. It will quickly solve the problem, moreover, the hair will remain fresh longer.

Our budget product completes our list of dandruff preparations. This shampoo is called "Tar". The active substance here is tar, which has a disinfecting effect, moreover, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulating and improving blood circulation.

The reviews say that if you are looking for a budget pharmacy shampoo for dandruff, then this is the perfect tool for you. It works quickly and well, while it does not dry hair.

Shampoos for split hair Dove and L'Oreal

Dove Shampoo

So, the next 4 best pharmacy shampoos will deal with the problem of split ends.

The first tool was released by Dove. The line is called Dove Hair Therapy. This medical complex improves the external condition of the hair, smoothing the sticking scales and moisturizing the hair well. After applying the product, the curls become soft, silky. By the way, the drug will accelerate hair growth, stimulating blood circulation.

The product reviews say that if you are looking for a pharmacy shampoo for hair growth that will 100% solve the split ends, then the product from Dove is definitely an option for you. In addition, the tool is inexpensive.

Yes, L'Oreal products are not only sold in cosmetic stores. Their shampoos can be found in any good pharmacy. Their line "Against fragility" is designed specifically to combat split ends. The ceramides that make up soften hair and regulate water balance. By the way, shampoo is well suited to dry hair types, it gently cleanses sebaceous areas, fills hair with strength, making it shiny and elastic.

Lโ€™Oreal Shampoo

Judging by the reviews, L'Oreal shampoo has a high rating. Many girls really liked him very much. They say that after using this product, the hair becomes shiny and beautiful, and most importantly, split ends disappear.

Shampoos for split ends Gliss kur and Vichy

Schwarzkopf Professional Shampoo

So, here we come to the last two remedies that must deal with split ends.

The first tool was invented by Schwarzkopf Professional. The product line is called Gliss Kur Oil Nutritive. Shampoo from this complex quickly smooths exfoliated hair, filling it. After applying the product, the curls become strong and elastic. The composition of the product additionally includes a large number of oils. These components effectively nourish, moisturize and restore strands.

In reviews of pharmacy hair shampoos, it is said that the product from Schwarzkopf Professional really solves the problem of split ends. Moreover, it fights dry hair in general. Curls instantly become soft and shiny.

Completes our list of products that fight with split ends, shampoo from the company Vichy. By the way, we already got acquainted with their remedy, which solved the problem of dandruff. Vichy Dercos is a shampoo with a creamy texture, due to which the product is distributed faster and penetrates deeper into the hair. The composition of the product includes three oils - almond, safflower and rosehip oil. This mixture quickly moisturizes and nourishes hair damaged by coloring and high temperatures, giving them shine, softness and radiance.

Shampoos for restoration of Klorane and Keune Derma

Klorane Shampoo

It is time to talk about 2 shampoos that will effectively repair, moisturize and nourish damaged hair.

The first tool was invented by Klorane. It is a brand of professional hair care products. The composition of the shampoo includes aminexil, quinine. In addition, there is oil with vitamin B, which fills the hair, envelops it and protects it from the effects of high temperatures and from aggressive environments. Looking for a pharmacy shampoo for growth, then you need this particular product. In addition to all of the above, in its composition there is still triethanolamine. This component stimulates and accelerates growth, improving blood circulation.

In reviews about pharmacy shampoo from Klorane it is said that the product really has a positive effect on the external condition of the hair. It makes them soft, silky and shiny.

Now let's talk about a product from Keune. Their Keune Derma product is well suited for both women and men. In addition, it restores hair and improves their appearance, giving silkiness, smoothness and radiance. It is worth noting that shampoo is quite expensive, the smallest volume costs about 1000 rubles.

Shampoo Keune Derma

In the reviews, everyone says that the product is worth the money. It nourishes well, moisturizes hairs, gives them shine and strength.

Shampoos of general action "Horsepower" and "Altai Herbs"

Well, now weโ€™ll talk about general-action shampoos that simply maintain good hair condition.

The first remedy is called "Horsepower." Probably, every resident of Russia and the CIS countries heard a lot about this shampoo, because not so long ago it was shown and advertised on all channels. The product is intended for normal hair that does not have serious problems. It cleanses them well, nourishes them properly, without making curls greasy, gives shine, softness and elasticity. Moreover, the shampoo does not cause allergies and is suitable for colored hair.

The reviews said that the tool is good. With it, the curls remain fresh for several days. At the same time, their appearance is significantly improved, shine and elasticity appear.

Few people have heard of the second remedy, but it is sold in almost all pharmacies. It is worth saying that this product is quite budget, but the price does not affect the quality. Shampoo cleanses and rinses hair well, slightly moisturizes them and contributes to easier combing. In addition, it has a pleasant smell of herbs and a not too liquid texture, thanks to which the product is perfectly distributed through the hair.

Shampoo has a fairly high rating of 4.5. In the reviews, everyone says that the product is not bad, it copes well with its tasks.

Shampoos against hair loss VICHY and Alerana

In the end, we will talk about the most serious problem that has recently become too common, and it concerns both women and men. After all, the wrong lifestyle quickly affects the general condition of the body. It is worth mentioning that if you notice that there is too much hair on your comb, then you should definitely contact the specialists. They will prescribe a set of tests that will help to find out what is the cause of this problem.

So, the first remedy was again invented by VICHY. Their tonic shampoo launches "sleeping" bulbs, speeds up blood circulation and starts the growth process. If you are looking for a good pharmacy shampoo for hair loss, then pay attention to this remedy. After all, the product strengthens curls, making them strong and healthy. The main substance that is part of the product is called aminexil. This is a patented molecule that has undergone many studies, now it is ready to eliminate the problem of hair loss.

The reviews about this product say that the tool copes with the task. In addition, it gives shine, softness and significantly accelerates hair growth.

The following remedy was invented by Alerana. Probably, the products of this brand are most often found in pharmacies. They have a fairly extensive line of products that fight hair loss. Active substances in shampoos, masks and serums start the growth process, accelerate it. In addition, they slow down the loss, bring it to the limits of the norm.

Shampoos against hair loss "Onion 911" and "Selenzin"

Completes our list of two more pharmacy shampoos for hair loss.

The first remedy is called "Onion 911". This is one of the most budgetary and effective means. The main active ingredient of the product is onion extract. It is a natural component that activates growth. Onion extract improves blood circulation, restores hair and strengthens the roots. After applying the product, they become strong, strong and healthy.

The reviews say that shampoo belongs to the low price segment, but in terms of effectiveness it is not inferior to many expensive products. The tool has one small minus - it is difficult to find.

"Selencin" is another shampoo that fights the problem of hair loss. The product is based on natural ingredients that are combined with innovative French developments. After use, the curls become soft, shiny and smooth, and most importantly, the problem of loss disappears. Shampoo has a pleasant smell of coffee that invigorates.


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