Indian shampoo "Trichup": reviews, composition, rules of use

Girls always strive to somehow improve their appearance, make it more thoughtful, stylish and original. For this, they have many secrets. For example, in daytime makeup it is better not to let the lower mucous membrane down. Moreover, it is necessary to emphasize either the lips or the eyes, but not together. In pursuit of the ideal, it is worth remembering that beauty is, first of all, naturalness, which, in turn, is based on the health of the body, proper nutrition and balanced care. If you have clean skin, beautiful hair, then it is not necessary to use expensive tonal foundations and make salon hair care procedures.

If many people know how to deal with skin problems, then dullness, loss of strands is more difficult to cope with. First of all, of course, you need to start eating right, go to the doctor who, after consultation, will prescribe the necessary vitamins. To solve hair problems, an integrated approach is needed, so proper care should also not be forgotten. It should be based on a good shampoo. How to choose it, you ask? Now we find out. The topic of our article is Indian Trichup Shampoo. Today we will analyze its composition, read reviews.

How to choose a good shampoo?

How to choose a shampoo?

So, first you need to figure out how to choose a hair shampoo? After all, this is very important: an improperly selected remedy can exacerbate the problem. The algorithm is simple.

  1. Determine the type of hair. First you need to find out what your strands are. This is pretty easy to do. Just look how many days your hair begins to get dirty. 1-2 days - oily hair, 3-5 days - dry. Now, coming to the store, we look at the packaging: we are looking for our type of hair.
  2. Extra features. If there is dandruff, choose a shampoo that fights this problem. Hair dyed? We prefer a specialized tool.
  3. Price. No need to save too much on hair: the cheaper the shampoo, the more harmful components in the composition.

Benefits of Trichup Shampoo

So, before talking about reviews of Trichup shampoos, you need to find out what their advantages are compared to other products. It is worth noting that there are two options for shampoo. The first accelerates hair growth. Let's see its benefits.

Shampoo to accelerate hair growth
  1. Moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. Attention! It does not oily her, but only takes care of her a little and softens her.
  2. It relieves itching and peeling. Solves the problem of dandruff.
  3. Nourishes the creepers with all the necessary elements, stimulating growth.
  4. It makes hair smooth, soft and beautiful.

The second option is struggling with the problem of loss, it has the following advantages.

Anti hair loss shampoo
  1. Prevents hair loss.
  2. Gently and well cleanses hair and skin.
  3. Prevents split ends.
  4. Protects the hair cuticle.

How to use?

Shampoos solve different problems, but the rules for their use are the same. How to wash your hair with Indian shampoo? Let's get it right.

  1. Wet hair with water. Shampoo can only be applied to wet, damp strands.
  2. Pour a small amount into the hands.
  3. Gently distribute the product through the hair with massaging movements. Apply the shampoo only to the roots, as the length is washed with foam when rinsing.
  4. Foam the product slightly. There will be little foam, as the shampoo is natural.
  5. Leave for 1-2 minutes for more effect.
  6. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly with warm water. Do not turn on too hot or, conversely, cold water. After all, this is an extra stress for the scalp.

Composition and packaging

Let's move on to the composition and packaging.

The composition of the shampoo against hair loss is as follows.

  1. Nimes. A natural antiseptic that contains beneficial acids and vitamins.
  2. Bringaraj. Slows down the aging process, nourishes the hair, strengthens the structure.
  3. Coconut oil. Moisturizes strands, restores them, saturates with useful microelements.
  4. Sesame oil. Natural source of vitamins B, E, A, D, C.
  5. Hibiscus. He is struggling with prolapse and premature gray hair.
  6. Amla's oil. Accelerates hair growth, prevents hair loss, moisturizes and nourishes.

Anti-drop shampoo is packaged in a yellow bottle with a green label. The consistency is non-liquid, the smell is pleasant, light. The color is yellowish, with small pearlescent particles.

The composition of Trichup shampoo for growth is as follows.

  1. Aloe vera. A storehouse of vitamins for hair. Mineral-vitamin complex improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism. Moreover, it stimulates hair growth, moisturizes, nourishes, and fights itching and peeling.
  2. Henna. She is indispensable in hair care. Henna solves the problem of dandruff, nourishes and strengthens the hair structure.

Shampoo is packaged in a bottle of the same color. The smell is light, but there are plant notes.

Positive reviews

Positive reviews

So, in the end we will talk about reviews of Trichup shampoos. Means are similar in properties, so we will describe their positive aspects together.

  1. Soft and delicate cleansing. Means well remove greasy shine without injuring the scalp.
  2. Accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Shampoos do an excellent job with their main tasks.
  3. Composition. It really does not have harmful and dangerous substances.
  4. Nice smell. Judging by the reviews of Trichup shampoos, the products smell good.
  5. Economical expense. Due to its semi-liquid consistency, shampoos are well distributed throughout the hair. To apply to all strands, it is not necessary to use a lot of product.

Negative reviews

Negative reviews

Unfortunately, they have their drawbacks. Negative reviews of Trichup shampoos can be found such.

  1. Bad design. The products have a really nondescript packaging that does not inspire confidence. However, it must be remembered that most goods from India have this feature.
  2. Price. Many girls in the reviews believe that the price is still not justifiably high.


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