Ordnung - what is it? Translation of the word from German

Remembering the Germans and German culture in a conversation, we often immediately imagine an orderly society in which nothing supernatural happens, since people are not used to breaking laws. Where does this Germans love for order come from, and what does the mysterious word "ordnung" conceal in itself?

The significance of the ordnung in the life of the Germans

What distinguishes Germany from other European countries is the order. It is with the intricate word "ordnung" that the famous German order in the language of its carriers is magnified. The German Ordnung is a distinguishing feature of the entire German people that has been developed over the years and has become the pride of an entire nation. They say that the Germans are so proud of their order, because they secretly envy the rest of the European states for their ability to relax and enjoy life to the fullest. In Germany, such a culture of relaxed pastime does not exist.

Origins of order

The significance of order in the life of Germans has existed since time immemorial, however, in the modern sense, the German order began with the rise to power of Bismarck, and then of Hitler, who put order at the head of their philosophy on the development of the state. The Germans themselves are rather skeptical of such a stereotype regarding their nationality, therefore, it is not worth praising German hard work and love for order once again - this is a natural state for Germans, which does not need praise and close attention.

The world of Germans is characterized by rationality and orderliness: each thing has its own place. Such a rule regarding order applies to everything, including the rather complex German language. The love of organization was reflected in all aspects of life, so the word "ordnung" can be found in many winged and stable expressions, since, for example, "odnung uber alles" is order in everything.

Understanding the Ordnung by the Germans

For organized and able-bodied Germans, the ordnung is not only discipline and orderliness, but also correct and polite behavior that does not violate other people's borders, decent behavior and cleanliness. Having heard the phrase “alles ist in ordnung” from the mouth of a German, be sure that everything is going according to plan.

Worldview Mismatch

Regarding all the matters he deals with with extreme responsibility, a German resident expects the same behavior from others. Having received a poor-quality product that has served less than the promised period, the German will perceive such a situation as a deception on the part of the seller, violation of public order and improper behavior towards the buyer. That is why good service is so appreciated in Germany and high-quality products are produced.

ordnung is

Finding themselves abroad surrounded by disorder, the Germans are puzzled why nothing is being done to change the current situation. They cannot understand why transport is delayed, why people take away their personal time from others, because all this is illogical and violates the rights of each individual person. At home, the Germans do not encounter such problems: the streets are always clean, the house is put in order, the garbage is in the trash can, pre-sorted, and the language is as logical as the behavior of the Germans themselves.

Ordnung concept

ordnung translation

Considering the concept of the word "ordnung", one should turn to its etymology. The word itself came from the Latin word "ordo", meaning weaving and marking of the material. From the very beginning, the concept of "ordnung" meant something exact, consistent with the rules, and has been present in German since the 11th century. Studying the texts of popular authors who lived in the Middle Ages, you can see that the word "order" ("ordnung" in German) existed inextricably with words such as "discipline", "hard work", and became one of the distinguishing features of the German people.

German Order Ordnung

Ordnung is often used in stable expressions, an example of which is “ordnung uber alles” (“Ordnung uber alles” in German means “Order above all”). The phrase itself is a reflection of the type of thinking of the Germans, who prefer that order be fully present in any field of activity and be revered by all members of this society.

The presence of a large number of expressions using the concept of order reflects the value that the Germans put into this word, because for them it is not just a reflection of the temperament and character of the inhabitants of Germany, but also a concept of political and social structure: the ordnung is an instrument for achieving goals, characterizing the situation.

ordnung uber alles translation

In the process of analyzing the etymology of the word "ordnung", several basic concepts can be distinguished:

  • concept of regulatory method;
  • lifestyle characterization;
  • discipline;
  • submission to general rules;
  • law;
  • relationship system;
  • way to achieve well-being.

Religion influence

The German order (ordnung) appeared repeatedly in German literature and in the speeches of famous religious and political figures, such as, for example, Martin Luther: he used the concepts of order and orderliness as a feature of the German people that does not allow Germans to commit such sins as murder, theft and infidelity. For Martin Luther, the concept of order was fundamental to the life of the people.

Also ordnung often in sermons referred to the division of duties between man and woman. The procedure was for each spouse to perform their functions properly. Thus, the concept of order refers to hierarchy. In case of violation of such a hierarchy, the notion of chaos appears opposite to the order, which is not comparable with the normal functioning of society.

Ordnung translation from German

The great German poet and philosopher Goethe believes that order is a fundamental element in the prosperity of a developed society.

Grammar words

Ordnung is a word with many family ties in the German language, among which one of the main is the verb "ordnen", which means putting in order, arranging something or distributing it. In connection with the great meaning of prefixes in German words, their addition to this verb changes the meaning of the word, practically without changing its main meaning.

The concept of order has a consistently positive connotation. Even in the speech of politicians, one can repeatedly find emphasis on the important role of order in the life of Germans, which becomes almost a synonym for the state. In this case, the ordnung reflects a system through which it becomes possible to regulate social life and relationships in society.

Concerning the importance of the concept of the German word "ordnung", a study was conducted revealing the attitude of the Germans themselves to this concept, as a result of which more than sixty percent of citizens expressed a positive attitude towards it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10556/

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