Diuretic tea for edema

Today, there are many different drugs that help get rid of puffiness, while these funds can be found in almost any pharmacy. With their help, you can also get rid of signs that are caused by the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues and organs. However, most people prefer to use edema-based tea made from lingonberries. This is due to the fact that this folk remedy has many advantages over medications that are made on a chemical basis. All drugs have a minimum of contraindications, side effects, therefore, they will not cause harm to the body, but only if we are not talking about a strong overdose. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to prepare lingonberry tea from edema, which are the beneficial properties of this plant.

berries and leaves of lingonberry

Useful properties of lingonberries

If the fruits of this plant in most cases are used for making jam, fruit drinks, as well as for eating in their original form, then the leaves can be used to make various healing broths. Even our ancestors believed that this culture is effective in combating many diseases, which is confirmed by recent studies of modern physicians. Lingonberry leaves contain a substance such as arbutin, which has a diuretic effect. That is why lingonberry tea is used for edema of any localization. In addition, cranberries have a very rare vitamin P, which helps rid the body of excess fluid.

Lingonberry leaf composition

The leaves of the plant contain in large quantities the following substances and elements:

  1. Vitamins of group B. These vitamins act as an antidepressant, increasing in parallel with this endurance in case of psychological and physical stress.
  2. Vitamin E. This vitamin has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus in a woman, which is important during the removal of puffiness during pregnancy.
  3. Potassium.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Manganese.
diuretic tea for edema

Healing action

Lingonberry leaves have a large number of healing properties. It is worth highlighting the most important of them:

  1. Diuretic effect, which is why tea from edema is used.
  2. Lingonberry has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. The leaves of this plant reduce blood glucose, which is very important for people suffering from diabetes.
  4. The plant has a choleretic effect.
  5. Lingonberry has an antipyretic effect, which is why it is often used for colds.
  6. Also, this plant boasts its antiseptic effect.
  7. Various folk remedies based on lingonberries will help strengthen the immune system.
  8. In the case of the use of decoctions and teas based on lingonberry leaves, the risk of developing cancer is reduced.
lingonberry blossoms

Thanks to these features, lingonberries can be used not only as a diuretic tea for edema, but they can also be used to combat various infectious ailments, flu and colds. Due to the diuretic action, harmful toxins are excreted from the human body through the kidneys, as well as waste products that are produced by harmful microorganisms. Diuretic tea from edema also helps to eliminate excess salts, which have the ability to retain fluid in the human body and contribute to the formation of puffiness.

How to apply?

Currently, dried cranberry leaves can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. Moreover, their cost is small. You can dry the leaves yourself at home, using improvised means for this purpose.

diuretic lingonberry

Harvesting raw materials

First of all, it is necessary to harvest the crop on time. The best time for harvesting is early spring, because during this period a maximum of useful substances accumulate in the leaves. The collected sheets should be laid out in the open air, dried, it is best to do this under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not fall on the raw materials. If this is not possible, then the leaves can be dried in an oven.

After this, the raw materials are folded into some kind of container so that the leaves retain a maximum integrity, do not crumble. Shelf life of raw materials is about 2 years, but only on condition that the leaves are stored in a dark and dry room. During this time, they will retain healing properties, so they can be brewed at any time. If more than two years have passed, then the raw materials should be discarded, since tea from edema during pregnancy or in the case of other diseases will not be effective.


As already mentioned, lingonberry leaves help to relieve swelling of various degrees, as well as any localization. In this case, cranberry green tea from edema will be effective even without the use of any additional medications. The exception will be only those puffiness that appeared against a background of serious liver or kidney disease. Tea from renal edema in this case will not be effective.

dried lingonberry leaves

Cooking a remedy is quite simple. If you want to make tea that relieves swelling, then you need to take a small spoonful of chopped lingonberry leaves, pour the raw materials in a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be infused in a sealed container. Insisting continues until the liquid has cooled to an acceptable, room temperature. Then the finished broth is mixed with tea leaves, and can also be used in pure form. The dosage of the healing composition is 50 ml. To use this amount is necessary 4 times a day. The taste of lingonberry tea from edema is quite pleasant, it has sourness. In addition, many simply drink this drink to quench their thirst.

How to brew a pharmacy product?

If you want to get rid of edema under the eyes, tea based on lingonberry leaves will be an excellent solution in the fight against this problem. At the same time, it is not necessary to procure raw materials at home. You can just go to the nearest pharmacy where this raw material is sold. Currently, the leaves are already packaged in bags, which should only be boiled with boiling water, like plain black tea. In such situations, you can not think about exceeding the dosage, because all instructions for the manufacture of the decoction are indicated on the box with phytoconcentrate. In most cases, one bag is brewed with hot water in an amount of 50 ml, after which it is infused for half an hour. Then the bag must be removed from the glass, the prepared broth should be diluted with half a glass of water. The resulting product is used several times a day, while a single dose should be no more than one tablespoon.

how to make tea from lingonberry leaves

Product Efficiency

As a rule, the visible effect after using the decoction can be observed after a few days. This is evidenced by the reviews of those people who use this remedy for puffiness, as well as the doctors themselves. At the same time, many patients notice a decrease in edema, normalization of the kidneys, and immune system. There were also cases where this folk method helped completely get rid of such a serious disease as cystitis.

Can I use during pregnancy?

The problem of puffiness is very relevant for the fair sex during pregnancy. It was at this time that excess fluid accumulated in the body of a woman. Most often this is due to endocrine and hormonal changes. In addition, swelling may occur due to the fact that the enlarged uterus compresses blood vessels in the pelvic area.

You can use cranberry leaves while carrying the baby, but this should be done carefully. Recent studies have proven that decoction of this plant can increase the tone of the uterus, and this is undesirable in pregnancy. For this reason, many experts are against the use of this herbal remedy, therefore they do not prescribe its use for expectant mothers.

Nevertheless, many still include lingonberry leaves in the course of treatment for puffiness, since a safer and more effective remedy does not currently exist. Of course, in this condition, women should constantly be under the supervision of a doctor, and with the slightest deviation, the dosage of the decoction decreases or the drug is completely excluded from the diet.

lingonberry leaves for edema

Many obstetrician-gynecologists adhere to the fact that the therapeutic course should begin with the use of lingonberry leaves no earlier than 20 weeks after the start of pregnancy. It should be noted that this period will be a certain line, and before its onset women in the situation rarely experience puffiness, which means that there is no need for a means to eliminate them.


Even such, at first glance, a harmless folk remedy, there are some contraindications to use. First of all, these include:

  1. Gastric and duodenal ulcer.
  2. Individual intolerance to this plant or an allergic reaction to lingonberries.
  3. Gastritis, characterized by high acidity.
  4. Lowering blood pressure.
  5. Renal failure.

In addition, decoctions based on lingonberry leaves can not be used for children whose age is less than 12 years. If we talk about women in position, then they are allowed to use this tool only after consulting with their gynecologist.


Despite the fact that many reviews suggest that a decoction based on lingonberry leaves is effective in combating puffiness, you should still consult your doctor about this. This herbal remedy is actually able to remove excess fluid from the body without harming the urinary system. However, he has contraindications, which were described above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10569/

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