Aleshkinsky forest in Moscow: photos, history, interesting places

Upon entering the Aleshkinsky forest, it immediately becomes clear that everything grows here without human intervention. This is a real forest with pristine nature. Its territory is truly vast. Here you can walk, breathe fresh air, swim in the river, grill kebabs or just admire the picturesque nature. There is a variety of vegetation: blueberries, lilies of the valley, lingonberries, birch forests and pine forests. There are a huge number of birds and small forest inhabitants of the animal world. One very ancient legend is connected with this place, supposedly a black monk lives in this forest, who appears only to warn that a traveler will be in great trouble. He is considered the keeper of this place. Aleshkinsky forest is an amazing and mysterious natural complex of the Moscow Region and it is about it that the article will be discussed.

general characteristics

A forest located on both sides of the MKAD, between Kurkino and Northern Tushino. It is part of the Khimki Forest Park. The southwestern part intersects with the Bratovka River. The forest is divided into two parts - external and internal, which is much larger in area, and has more interesting objects (Bolshoye and Maloye Aleshkinsky swamps, the Bratovka river valley, and the hollow).

Aleshkinsky forest

Pine forests and many birch forests and oak forests predominate in the forest. In the northeastern part of the forest, two swamps have survived.

Aleshkinsky forest got its name from the village of Aleshkino, which is now located on the territory of the Northern Tushino park, approximately where Aleshkinsky passage.

The height of the forest above sea level is from 150 to 175 meters. The forest inside seems almost flat. Marshes formed in natural basins.

The lowest point of the Aleshkinsky forest - 150 meters above sea level - at the place where the Bratovka river leaves it.

Flora and fauna

This is a region dominated by spruce and spruce, mixed with pine, oak groves and deciduous species - aspen and birch.

In the place of the forest, spruce forests were once destroyed, the territory was occasionally used for arable land, hayfields and pastures.

The modern history of the Aleshkinsky forest begins at the beginning of the 20th century, when the territory began to overgrow with forest again (there are very few ancient species in this forest). Open areas were overgrown with birch and aspen. In the middle of the 20th century, mountain ash was planted here.

At present, about 30 species of trees and more than 20 types of shrubs, more than 190 species of grassy plants grow in the Aleshkinsky forest.

Aleshkinsky forest Moscow

Of the birds inhabited: wagtail, nightingale, woodpeckers. Of the animals found: common hedgehog, brown hare, forest polecat, field vole, weasel. It should be noted that all animals of the Aleshkinsky forest are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Interesting places Aleshkinsky forest

An interesting and picturesque natural place in the forest is the deep valley of the Bratovka River. It arose from a hollow, since ten years ago the river did not have its constant flow within the forest. Now, a constant flow of water flows through the hollow. In some places, the valley has a canyon-like appearance.

The hollow itself, which has the shape in the form of the letter V, is also interesting.

There are springs in the forest. One of them, for example, near the Moscow Ring Road.

Two swamps are located here. Aleshki swamps are recognized as natural monuments of regional significance, one of the last transitional swamps preserved in Moscow. Many red-book plants and several types of sedge grow here.

The most favorite place for visitors is a large meadow, which is surrounded on all sides by trees. Bright flowers and wild herbs grow here.

The water attraction of the Aleshkinsky forest in Moscow is Lake Vesennyaya, which was formed, most likely, by blocking one of the channels of the Bratovka River. The pond is very picturesque and surrounded by greenery.

Aleshkinsky forest photo

The forest ends with a picturesque edge, which passes smoothly into the meadow.


The problems of the forest are the same as the problems of any forest that adjoins residential areas: damage to grass, fires, garbage, collection of plants, dog walking, motor vehicles. Residential areas adjoin the Aleshkinsky forest in two places, and these sites are not very large. In these areas, the forest is very polluted and needs regular cleaning.

Ecological and natural landmark of Moscow

Aleshkinsky forest is a large forest that is visited by a fairly large number of people. It is very popular with residents of nearby areas. In the future, it is planned to conduct environmental excursions here, as the area has a rich fauna and flora, many species of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia. An ecological trail has already been created in the forest.

In addition, here you can organize study tours for schoolchildren, where you can visually introduce students to the local species of grass, shrubs and trees. You can organize school trips along the Aleshkinsky forest. Since its area is not very large, such school sorties can be carried out within one day. In addition, students can not only get acquainted with forest sights, but also take part in cleaning the territory.

Aleshkinsky forest interesting places

Instead of a conclusion

The picturesque forest located outside the capital is a favorite place for picnics and outdoor recreation among Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region. It stands out for its unusualness, as a preserved corner of pristine nature in a huge metropolis.

Aleshkinsky forest is rightfully the pearl of the Khimki forest park. Just a few centuries ago, the village of Aleshino was located here, on behalf of which the woodland got its name.

Probably every Muscovite has a photo of the Aleshkinsky forest and a picnic against his background. People come here who are tired of the bustle of the city to sunbathe in nature, breathe fresh air, and of course, to relax in the lap of nature with a group of friends.

Aleshkinsky forest history

Lovers of ghosts and mystics come here. According to legend, the forest is protected by a black monk. He wanders among the trees in his black hoodie and appears only to those who need help or in order to warn of trouble. Rumor has it that when it appears, the birds stop singing, the dogs bark, and the forest seems to freeze in anticipation ... True or fiction, it is up to everyone to decide.

Here he is such a beautiful, picturesque and mysterious Aleshkinsky forest.


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