Detergent "Weasel for black": reviews, description and composition

The modern hostess in her arsenal has at hand a lot of powders and liquids for washing clothes. In our article, we will talk about such a tool as “Weasel” (for black). Reviews about it, cost, composition and benefits will be considered in detail.

Shining colors

weasel for black reviews

Henkel products are widely distributed among our compatriots. Various cleaning products are very popular among housewives.

Twenty years ago, with the advent of powder, the washing process became much simpler. Now there is an alternative to it - a liquid detergent “Weasel: The Shine of Black”. It is included in a special line for things of various colors. It can be used in various types of washing: in automatic type machines, as well as manually.

There are three varieties that will help get rid of stains on linen:

  • "The magic of white." This washing liquid will make your white items dazzlingly clean. It does not contain chlorine, and therefore, accordingly, does not spoil the fabric. Special substances in its composition gently care for your clothes, remove stains of various etiologies. Over time, things do not turn gray. What is noteworthy: linen acquires a rich white shade.
  • "The magic of color." Judging by the name, this variant of the liquid is designed to care for bright things. Unfortunately, many modern powders do not give the desired effect. After some time, the clothes become faded, lose their saturation. With this liquid remedy, such a problem does not arise. Special substances do not allow the dye to leave the fibers, so the color is not lost, and the clothes remain all the same bright.
  • "Weasel: The magic of black." From the user of this tool you can hear pretty positive reviews. It helps maintain color. The main thing is that this liquid does not leave stains after washing, unlike powder. The latter, as a rule, requires additional rinsing. With the “Black Magic” this need is lost, since the liquid product is much more quickly washed out of the fibers of the fabric.


laundry detergent caress shine black

Like any detergent, “Weasel” (for black), reviews of which we will study further, consists primarily of surfactants. The same are contained in the powder, only in a slightly different form. In addition, soap is part of this fluid. As you know, it perfectly cleans any stains, but most importantly, it is rinsed out of the fabric much better and faster. This is a huge plus for those who are predisposed to allergic reactions.

To preserve color, a special dye is used in it. It is he who restores the dark shade, and does not wash it, like other washing powders.

Special enzymes that are contained in the liquid help to cope with pollution of varying degrees.

The fragrance in this tool is quite pronounced, with a somewhat chemical smell. However, it is not at all sharp and practically does not remain after the laundry dries.


weasel black magic price reviews

The effect of using “Weasel: Black Magic” is visible almost immediately. Of the advantages, consumers note:

  • A liquid consistency that is much more convenient to use instead of powder.
  • Convenient volume to choose from: 1 or 2 liters.
  • Universality of application: it can be used in an activator type machine, manually or in a machine.
  • It does not require the use of additional rinse aid after washing.
  • Qualitatively eliminates stains and other contaminants on clothing.
  • Available for purchase in almost all stores with household products.
  • Affordable.

Why do women choose Weasel?

delicate detergent caress black magic

And, by the way, not only them. Men, as it turned out, are extremely comfortable using this tool. It is they who often use dark colors in their clothes. The fair sex, working in office positions, often prefer the classic black for business suits. "Weasel" for black, reviews of which are pretty good, is also convenient because after drying it makes things smoothed out, like after using an air conditioner.

Advertising says that better than this tool, black things do not erase anything else. And this is a fairly truthful statement, since the liquid not only retains color, but also restores already faded tissues.

Instruction manual

Using this tool is much easier than powder. However, it is not always possible to do without the latter. This liquid is recommended to be diluted with another detergent. In this case, the effect will be stronger.

If you are washing in an automatic machine, do not load it more than half. This will achieve the desired result much faster.

Add half the Weasel cap to the powder compartment. The temperature is best chosen based on the information on the clothing labels. The manufacturer recommends using as optimal no more than forty degrees.

Modern cars have a special washing mode called “Delicate”. He gently removes stains from clothing. Set the turns to dry low, as they can stretch things or leave them badly wrinkled.

“Weasel: Magic of black color”: price, reviews

weasel black magic from the user

Having studied the opinion of customers about this product, we can conclude that the tool really works. Black things become brighter with a rich shade. Buyers note that you can wash not only black clothes, but also dark blue, gray and brown. They do not shed, but only become brighter.

According to customer reviews, this tool is convenient to use. Bulk powders often cause allergies, manifested by a runny nose and cough when they fall asleep in the detergent section. With a liquid, this cannot happen.

“Weasel” for black received good reviews for the fact that it can be used as an air conditioner. Even if you are not ready to exchange your favorite powder for a new product, you can simply add liquid to it. Perhaps in time you will completely switch to Laska.

Customers also like the fact that it contains soap. It is believed that all children's laundry detergents are made on its basis. It is well washed out of the fabric during the main rinse, without requiring additional.

And finally, the cost of this fluid is quite acceptable. For a bottle with a capacity of 1 liter, you will have to give about two hundred rubles. For a volume of 2 liters, respectively, twice as expensive.

Since Laska is an economical tool, in the end you will see that it is quite inexpensive.

Precautionary measures

the effect of using weasel magic

Remember that even washing liquid is not safe for humans. Its chemical composition, if used incorrectly, can be harmful.

  • Keep it out of the reach of children.
  • Do not contact for too long with water in which “Weasel” is added.
  • You can not use it to wash wool. This fabric, like silk, should be washed with special means.
  • After the expiration date, it is better not to use it.
  • Do not add too much dosage of this product. This may require rinsing things again.


The gentle care product “Weasel: The Magic of Black” is unique in its kind. He not only qualitatively launders clothes, but also restores those things that have lost their appearance. Before using it, carefully read the labels on the clothes. This will help you choose the right wash mode.


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