Purple bracelet, or How to change your life in 21 days. Reviews

A few years ago, a purple bracelet appeared on sale that can improve everyone’s life in just 21 days. Is it so?

How did it all start?

purple bracelet

Almost 10 years ago, in the recent 2006, Will Bowen described in his book The World Without Complaints a way to change his life and make it better. The method is as follows: put on a purple bracelet on your hand and wear it on one hand for 21 days in a row. However, the catch is that during this period you should not be angry, complaining, gossiping and criticizing. If this happened, then the bracelet immediately moves to the other hand, and the day counter is reset to 0. Then we start all over again.

How could such a thought have come to the priest? Often no one pays attention to the fact that ministers of the church communicate with parishioners a lot and listen to confessions, so Will Bowen could easily watch visitors to the temple of God. And these observations were not in vain. Over time, he realized that people are mostly fixated on the negative, which spoils a person’s emotions and worsens mood, which causes problems and life does not add up. And the man, not realizing that his own thoughts only made him worse, continued to complain about his “difficult” and “worthless” life, to be dissatisfied with himself, to complain and gossip.

Brilliant thought

purple bracelet 21 days

The priest thought: how will the life of these “unhappy" people change if they remove all the negativity from their heads, stop gossiping, complaining and oppressing themselves? So the idea was born about the purple bracelet. Reviews about this technique are very diverse, but the number of positives is an order of magnitude higher.

Why purple? Just at that time, purple was in fashion, in addition, this color symbolizes goodness and love for one's neighbor.

Idea result

This idea appealed to many people, and the life of those who tried it, radically changed and definitely for the better. The acquaintances and relatives of those whose life has changed, having seen the result, also joined this movement. Thus, about 7 million people changed their lives using a purple bracelet for 21 days. The reviews of these people are the best confirmation of this.

purple bracelet 21 day reviews

Now these bracelets are sold everywhere. And they are not only purple. Red, green, yellow, black - of any color with any inscriptions: “A world without complaints!”, “I want love!”, “I will succeed!”, “I am stronger than fear!”. These words also contribute to the process of self-improvement.

But it’s not necessary to buy these bracelets. You can buy any that you like, and do the same manipulations with it. The only condition is this: he should not be removed until he sags 21 days on one arm. Therefore, he will be on hand during sleep, food, when you take a shower and bathe in a pond. It is desirable that it be rubber or at least not afraid of water, be strong and withstand numerous removals and donning on the other hand.

Pros of this method

purple bracelet 21

As you know, to be successful and happy is a whole range of activities. And if you go through the program “Purple Bracelet - 21 days”, then you can learn a lot:

  • Control your own thoughts. As you know, and much where described, it all starts with thought. You become happier when you think positively, you wish everyone good and prosperity. When all thoughts are only about bad, you consider all villains and see the world in gray colors, a purple bracelet will help in developing control over your own thoughts, with the help of which it will become possible to notice negative thinking and rebuild it for positive.
  • There will be an opportunity to delve into yourself and understand your whole being, as a result of which you can achieve harmony with yourself.
  • A great opportunity to test yourself for strength and find out the limit of your strength, as well as to cultivate in yourself such useful qualities as discipline, stress tolerance, determination. No additional words are needed to understand that these traits are highly valued in man in the modern world.

Underwater rocks

purple bracelet reviews

After reading all of the above, you might think: “It's cool. Finally, just buying a purple bracelet, vilifying it for 21 days, I will become successful, change my mindset, become better with my family and be disciplined. It’s so simple, it takes only 21 days! ”

But do not immediately build castles in the air. There is no doubt, with this method you can really get everything that is described above. But there is one small condition. This will require an incredible amount of effort.

Someone will say: "I am a very good and positive person who does not annoy anything." However, almost always we say this without noticing which flow of negativity we pour out on everything in our thoughts. Therefore, many people do not just not withstand wearing a purple bracelet continuously for 21 days, changing it on the first day several or ten times. And after the first day it becomes obvious that self-improvement will take several times more than 21 days. By comparison, Will Bowen himself took 3 months to do this, and this is a servant of God, following the commandments. What to say about ordinary people.

Yes, not everyone can withstand, say, six months, throwing a purple bracelet from one hand to another. Especially when it happens at the finish. But this does not mean that you should not use this technique. People who quit this process also gain invaluable experience, they know themselves, their limits and weaknesses. Therefore, if there is a question about whether or not to wear a purple bracelet for 21 days, you should read the reviews and ask those who managed to get through the program and those who don’t. Based on this information, think for yourself. The answer comes to mind: "Worth."

How to take the Purple Bracelet course?

purple bracelet or how to change your life in 21 days

In order to pass this test with dignity and come out of it as a winner, preliminary moral preparation is needed. Each person can take a different amount of time - from an hour to, say, a month. In general, in order to take the self-improvement course “Purple Bracelet, or How to Change Your Life in 21 Days”, you need to take approximately the following steps:

  • Understand the reason or purpose: why is it needed. As you know, it’s useless to go “there I don’t know where”, since there is a high probability of coming to the wrong place. Therefore, you need to clearly know and understand why you need to wear. After, when the nerves begin to pass, and hands drop, it is the goal of all beginnings that can breathe new strength.
  • Immediately decide to go to the end - wear a purple bracelet. If you try this technique with the goal of just trying, then it’s worth saying right away - this is the path to defeat, since there is already a mood to move out of this way, if all else fails. Therefore, the mood should be "Stand to death and not give up even in the most difficult times."
  • Believe in yourself. Without this, you should not even start. How can one go to a rather difficult test in which the main adversary is you yourself, without an impeccable faith in yourself. Also, do not listen to others about this and doubt the chosen path, as this is only your test, which will make you stronger in any case.

Do not give up

Also, do not despair that you could not get through the technique. All people are different, and for many this technique may not have produced the desired effect, but cause only hatred and irritation. The main thing is that they tried to do this by opening themselves as loved ones and realizing what they are capable of, where their "boiling point" is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10582/

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