Job description of the head of the marketing department: features of compilation, requirements and sample

Marketing is an integral part of any business, both small and large. The difference is the fact that in small businesses, most often the owners themselves are engaged in marketing. In large firms, experts build a system that includes different departments, including the marketing department. Each such department should be led by a professional. But before starting work, he must familiarize himself with his rights and obligations.

So, what is the job description of the head of marketing?

A bunch of documents


The job description of the head of the marketing department is a document introducing a new employee to his rights, duties and responsibilities lying on him. Obviously, this work requires great responsibility and courage in making decisions, so the new employee should think very well whether he will cope with all the tasks prescribed in the job description. At first glance, it only seems that marketers do nothing but advertising, but marketing is a complex process that can sometimes be difficult to keep track of. Therefore, the head of the marketing department must also have extensive knowledge in finance, promotion, market, law.

What are the features of the job description?

Drafting the job description of the head of the marketing department does not require huge efforts. The most important thing is to register all the details. Try to prescribe everything so that there are no questions left. Ask friends who have a marketing department, or employees, what you should first pay attention to the new leader. Remember that he must clearly answer whether he can cope with the tasks.

Describe or even paint a submission system. Who will the new employee report to? Who are his subordinates? This is a very important detail when drawing up the instructions.


Further, the rules of design. On the first page at the top you need to indicate the name of the company, place and date of creation of the document. At the very end, the employee must sign this instruction: with the initials, signature and date of signing.

The job description of the head of the marketing department is not required at the legislative level, but makes the life of a new employee much easier. After all, agree to start work where everything is planned and arranged on the shelves - much easier than intuitively thinking what to do, or remembering training materials each time. And it’s also a plus for the owner of the company, because there is no situation “this is not my responsibility” if a specific task was spelled out in the instructions.


So, what positions must be in the job description?

  1. General provisions, including employee requirements.
  2. Rights.
  3. Responsibilities.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. Working conditions.


A sample job description of the head of the marketing department is as follows.

General Provisions

In general terms, there are facts about the work: the structure of the organization to which the employee submits, information about the deputy, requirements for the employee.

First page

Requirements for a candidate

The requirements in the job description of the head of the marketing department are spelled out in general terms. Candidates for the vacancy of the head of the marketing department are most often required a higher economic education, experience in marketing activities (from several years). This paragraph spells out all the knowledge required of a person in a given position. As it was written above, marketing is an extensive knowledge, therefore, a manager is required to have knowledge of law, finance, product engineering, promotion, management, product distribution, objection management, advertising. Therefore, not everyone can take on such a responsible position. It is also worth noting that good marketing directly affects a high level of sales, and every oversight or small mistake will immediately have a negative impact on the company's income.

After listing the necessary knowledge and skills, you need to specify the deputy chief. The deputy carries out all the tasks that the chief orders him, and is also responsible for the operational activities of the department.


The job description of the head of the marketing department of the trading company also includes a description of the duties of the employee. Due to the fact that this profession requires extensive knowledge, there are also many obligations. From the main: work with documents. This is both the adoption of projects from subordinates, and work with superiors. On what particular issues the head of the marketing department should consult with the bosses, it depends on the structure of the company and is individually spelled out in the instructions of the company. But most often this is the adoption of expensive projects or difficult situations.

The duties of the chief also include:

  • leadership;
  • work with the market;
  • sales analysis;
  • participation in the development of new projects;
  • work with a client;
  • control over service and goods distribution.

In other words, the tasks of the head of the marketing department include all the tasks of the marketer, in addition leadership and control over subordinates, constant contact with the bosses.

Chief Responsibilities


The most interesting thing for candidates is the rights of a leader. Of course, this is the delegation of tasks to employees. Control over the level of fulfillment of assigned tasks, including requesting the necessary documents regarding marketing activities. If necessary, the head can contact other departments of the company. Also participating in various conferences, meetings on marketing, representing the interests of the company.

Executive Rights


What is the responsibility of the head of marketing and advertising? Obviously, any leader is responsible for their results and the actions of their team. To motivate the head of the department to achieve goals, come up with motivation. Prizes, bonuses, bonuses, travels, gifts - what a person will be pleased to receive for his work. Then the employee’s loyalty to the company will increase, and his level of interest in the final results will be higher.

Also, the head of the marketing department is fully responsible for failure to comply with any orders, poorly performed work (including employees), non-compliance with safety rules at work, false information provided to the authorities.

That is, the manager must monitor everything so as not to spoil relations with the bosses, especially at the beginning of the working path.

Responsibility of the head of marketing

Working conditions

The working conditions include: a work schedule, possible bonuses (insurance, gym membership, company car) and so on. At the very end of the instructions are signed by both parties along with the date.

The job description of the head of the marketing department is a multi-page document containing many aspects.

Deputy Head of Marketing

If everything is clear with the boss, what does the job description of the deputy head of the marketing department look like?

The structure of the document is exactly the same as that of the head. But the content is a little different.

Chief Responsibility

Specialist Requirements

Let's start with the general provisions. The boss reports to senior management, and the deputy reports directly to the boss. The requirements for the deputy are the same as for the boss: higher education, length of service. The tasks in this position most often include: coordination of the department, organization of work, discipline of employees, confidentiality of information. Necessary knowledge: legislation, finance, ability to analyze and forecast the market, ability to promote a product and organize advertising campaigns, psychology and perfect knowledge of the internal routine of the company. During the vacation or illness of the boss, the deputy is required to replace him.

Deputy Responsibilities

The duties of the deputy chief are as follows:

  • participation in creating a marketing strategy;
  • coordination of the whole department;
  • market research and its reaction to the product;
  • organization of advertising;
  • ensuring confidentiality of documents;
  • work on training employees (organizing conferences, supplying training materials, promoting the professional growth of subordinates);
  • guidance on the creation of reports and reports;
  • providing the authorities with the necessary documents.

What are the rights of "deputy"?

Compared to duties, the deputy director has far less rights. So, what rights can the deputy chief use?

  1. The right to make decisions regarding the work of the department, especially during the hours of absence of the head.
  2. Consultation with superiors, suggesting improvements in the work of the department.
  3. Participation in decision making.

All other rights in each company are registered individually.

Responsibility of a specialist

The deputy chief is primarily responsible for his work. He must carry out tasks properly, not "hackwork", and follow the orders of the leader. Of course, you can not use the work for personal purposes. The deputy director is also responsible for the timely provision of documents to the authorities and their accuracy. If an employee has violated any of the above, he is liable: administrative, material and even criminal.

The work of the deputy is constantly being evaluated. First of all, the authorities analyze the results of the work of the deputy and additionally conduct certification of the employee at least once every 2 years.

Deputy working conditions

Working conditions are prescribed in the same way as the head of the marketing department: work schedule, informing about possible business trips, additional bonuses.

The tasks of the chief


The job description of the head of the marketing and advertising department is a complex document containing all the necessary information about the vacancy. It is created in order to familiarize the new employee with all the details of the work. The creators of the instructions are guided by the most important information necessary for the employee.

Specifically, this document makes the life of the new bosses easier and reduces the concerns of senior management.


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