Cooking homemade plum wine. Recipe with recommendations

Delicious aromatic homemade plum wine, the recipe of which is probably passed on by word of mouth in the family, is always very popular, both among households and among guests. It is not so difficult to prepare, and the result is simply amazing in every sense. The main thing is to strictly observe the proportions

Homemade Plum Wine Recipe
ingredients, as well as the recommendations contained in the recipe.

Making homemade wine from plums is a long process. After all, the drink must be properly brewed and ripened. If you plan to make alcohol by a certain date, then calculate the time in advance. To make plum wine, stock up on the following foods. You will need: half a liter of boiled water, as well as approximately 100 grams of sugar. Plums must be taken exactly 1 kg. Still need to prepare a special sourdough. It will require 200 g of raisins, sugar and water (50 g and 300 ml, respectively). No colorants, preservatives or flavorings. Only high quality natural ingredients. It is due to them that the finished product turns out to be unusually tasty and fragrant.

How to make wine from plums? The answer to this question will tell this recipe. For starters, select the most ripe fruits without diseased barrels and rot. However, they should never be washed or wiped with a towel. On the skin of the fruit are very valuable brewer's yeast, which actively contribute to the fermentation process. It is necessary to get juice from plums. To do this, use a special press or household

Making homemade plum wine
technique. Pour sugar into the resulting mass and pour water. Let it brew in a warm place for several days. After this, the juice can be easily separated from the pulp (pulp).

Next, we will focus on the preparation of sourdough. Homemade plum wine, the recipe of which we are considering, is made on this basis. Raisins should also not be washed. Just fill it with warm water right away. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Grains should completely dissolve. Leave the ferment to roam. The process will end in about 4 days. The resulting liquid must be drained and immediately used for further preparation of an alcoholic beverage.

Homemade plum wine, the recipe of which is meant in this case, is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Best if fruit and you won't

How to make plum wine
buy, and use grown on your summer cottage or garden plot. Mix the infused juice with sugar, depending on the type of plum. The standard proportion is 3: 1. If the wine blank is acidic, the proportion of sugar increases. Ferment is poured into the bottle with must. The container is tightly sealed with water constipation. This will help you determine when fermentation will end (bubbles will no longer come out of the tube). Homemade plum wine, the recipe of which we examined, must be put in a dark place. Ideally, it should be warm enough for the alcohol to ripen. As soon as it stopped fermenting, and the contents of the bottle slightly brightened, the liquid must be very carefully drained without stirring the precipitate. The resulting young wine is stored in another vessel. The neck must be tightly plugged with cotton. We put the bottle in the basement or cellar for 1 day. Next, fill the neck of the vessel with molten paraffin (remove the cotton wool). Wine should be stored in a horizontal position for 3 months. After that, you can safely eat it.


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