Is it possible to live a life without a girl? Should I get married? How sex affects a man’s health

Women and men treat loneliness differently. Men perceive it less painfully. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to live a life without a girl, they can answer in the affirmative. Much depends on the psychological factors, social status and age of the man. Over time, even the most notorious bachelors begin to think about creating a strong family with all the ensuing consequences.

But the intimate life of people did not go unnoticed by faiths. It is believed that it is closely related to the spiritual aspects of existence. Many religions practice different types of abstinence, reinforced by spiritual prerequisites.

What is a vow of celibacy?

The vow of celibacy, or celibacy, is a form of abstinence from marriage. Interestingly, this phenomenon does not imply sexual relations as such, but marriage. But after the advent of denominations, intimate relationships outside of marriage began to be considered something unnatural. Thus, logically there is a complete abstinence from intimate relationships.

Buddhism and Hinduism also welcome renunciation of sexual relations. The Bible gives the most importance to this. Protestants do not focus on him. And in Islam polygamy is generally welcomed - a man can have several wives at the same time.

A common reason is loneliness and frustration

The Bible of Abstinence

The Bible’s vow of celibacy applies primarily to men, since women are not a priori entitled to enlightenment. It is believed that if a believing man leads a family, then his heart will belong to the woman, and the Lord fades into the background. In other words, refusal to marry is regarded as devotion to God.

Such a postulate is given by the apostle Peter. But no less interesting is the fact that Peter himself got married and most likely did not refuse sexual relations.

The most compelling religious arguments against sex can be divided into three groups:

  1. God's preference for all worldly things.
  2. Restrictions in the secular strengthen strength of mind.
  3. Sexual relationships carry sin, even if they have a place to be married.

It is believed that in fact there are no strict instructions in the Bible about celibacy. This phenomenon arose later, in the Middle Ages. Of course, the initiator was the Church.

Catholic Church requires celibacy

In Orthodox Christianity, celibacy is obligatory for the higher echelons of worship. For example, these are bishops. Priests and deacons are optional. The Catholic Church is more demanding. In it, celibacy is required for almost all ranks of priests. But nevertheless, in both faiths, most priests have the most ordinary marriage relationships.


Sexual energy in itself is an essential part of human life. It is closely connected not only with bodily aspects, but also with psychological ones. and mental. If someone, in search of an answer to the question of whether it is possible to live a life without a girl, has settled on celibacy, then one should know how this affects future life.

Sexual relations are the exchange of energies between a man and a woman. When there is no exchange, it accumulates in huge quantities. Just it should be used for prayers, worship and an ascetic lifestyle.

Hinduism and celibacy

In Hinduism, spiritual seekers who have abandoned marital relations are called brahmacharyas. The word means behavior that leads to the comprehension of the Absolute or God. The requirements are very strict. Not only sexual relations are prohibited here, but also sexual desire in general, including fantasies in this field. Homosexual intercourse, self-satisfaction and other deviations are strictly punished. It is believed that this behavior leads to degradation and completely decomposes the person.

Celibacy or celibacy is characteristic of spiritual seekers

In a broad sense, Brahmacharya implies complete control over emotions and feelings. This should lead to complete liberation - to Nirvana. The main practice for such seekers is yoga. It also helps to calm the mind, which tends to slide towards bodily desires. Yoga gives awareness. With the proper level of awareness, preserving celibacy is very easy. It is believed that the real Brahmacharya, if he touches the female body, his body and mind should not react in any way. In this condition, the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a family does not cause difficulties at all, but rather is used as a means to achieve a high goal.

What does esoteric say?

In esoterics, it is believed that the seminal fluid of a man is the basis of living life. Its preservation is the key to longevity, health and spiritual perfection. Waste, on the contrary, entails long-term malfunctions in the human energy system, the restoration of which can take years of strict practice.

From the point of view of esoterics, when excited, vital energy is activated and concentrated in the genital area. When discharged, it goes outside. Recovery requires the use of dairy products, nuts and other protein foods.

The amount of seminal fluid in the body has its limits. Anyone who has spent more than half of this fluid, is faced with diseases of the nervous system, indulges in anger, fear, laziness and other destructive phenomena.

Esoterics recommends a person to learn self-control in animals. For example, lions, elephants or bulls have a higher level of self-control than humans. A man in the midst of sexual arousal cannot control himself; this is easier for animals. Lions have sexual intercourse once a year. If a lioness is fertilized, then she does not allow herself until the cubs are weaned, and the lioness herself becomes strong and healthy. In the human world, such orders will fail. From this point of view, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime alone will be positive.

Reality example

Surprisingly, there are people who advocate lifelong abstinence, even without being influenced by faiths. A vivid example is the Russian scholar Anatoly Wasserman. He vowed celibacy at the age of 17 and still adheres to it, although he adheres to an atheistic worldview. His motive at that time was simple - sexual relations could distract him from the study of science.

Thus, Wasserman for many years is considered a lonely man in the juice itself, remaining faithful to its principles. Others believe that Wassermann's vow can be more attributed to the vow of chastity than to celibacy. As mentioned above, celibacy involves a complete rejection of the sexual sphere of life. And Wasserman has repeatedly publicly said that he contains a huge collection of video and photo materials of a pornographic nature. And this is not surprising, since the lack of sex in men is often offset by this kind of interest.

Female celibacy

Religions do not require women to make such sacrifices. But there are isolated facts when fans or feminists voluntarily take a vow of chastity. An interesting phenomenon of this nature was seen in Albania. At one time in this country, young girls made a kind of vow of chastity, according to which, she obliged herself to fully accept the male role in the family and in social life.

Experts believe that the motive was not so much religious beliefs, but the social factor - the absence of a man. As a logical continuation, the woman took on their role.

The church does not require abstinence from women

Psychological aspect

A well-known quote says that when you come to an empty apartment in the evenings, everyone chooses whether it is loneliness or freedom. But there is another feature of human nature - to alleviate stress, we give various shades of unpleasant phenomena in our lives. This quote suggests taking this opportunity. And such a solution can help. Someone - to discover new facets of being alone, someone - successfully survive the temporary difficulties in life.

One way or another, psychologists identify types of men whose question of whether to marry is not relevant at all. Due to psychological characteristics, these types of men remain single for longer. Consider each of them.

Can I live my whole life alone?


These men are popular among women. They believe that all the benefits that a woman can give are available without a stamp in the passport. In fact, it is. If it took place socially, has no problems with health or finances, then marriage is considered as a decrease in these achievements: personal freedom is limited, finances have to be shared. This is usually a lonely man in the juice itself who made an informed choice.

Dominant mother

Often in single-parent families, the mother alone brings up children. If this is a son, then he does not see a male model of behavior. The female model involves submission, taking into account the interests of loved ones. In such a situation, the mother will be required to give her son more freedom of action, assign responsibility to him and respect his choice.

But this rarely happens. It is difficult for mothers to disengage from their own patterns of behavior. So a son grows up who does not dare to make a choice in favor of his own preferences. A mother often does not approve of her son’s choice or does not want to share it with another woman, even if the time comes. As a result, the man makes a negative decision on whether to marry.

High opinion of yourself

Another maternal extreme is instilling in the son the belief that he is the best in the world and deserves everything to the maximum extent. He is offended if they offer him something average. This attitude is formed towards everything: starting from a clothing brand ending with a companion. Such a man believes that his woman has no right to a disadvantage, she should be perfect in every way. But these beliefs are far from reality. Casting one girl after another, such a person will be in eternal search or, disappointed, will cultivate a lot of negative beliefs and complexes. But here the question of whether it is possible to live a life without a girl is not worth it. It's about the difficulty of building relationships.


Everyone lives periods of loneliness when there is no relationship with the opposite sex. The cause may be traumatic relationships or personal failures in attempts to build them. Physiological need finds easy ways to discharge: watching erotic films and realizing fantasies alone.

Over time, a man may find that it is safer emotionally. When a real girl appears, he can’t stand the emotional lapping and returns to the world of dreams and virtual joys.


This is a respectable guy who understands the male role in the relationship: the earner and protector. But achieving this level requires some effort. These are usually years of study, work and career growth. Social race is not an easy road. Until a person reaches its heights, decades pass.

When the time comes to build a relationship, it turns out that there is not much experience with the opposite sex. After a series of disappointments and failures, the issue is still resolved, but often not without active actions on the part of more nimble girls.

Motives and reasons

The question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a girl often arises at a young age. The most common reason is disappointment in relationships with the opposite sex. As you know, in many countries and cultures, sexual education is either absent or completely taboo. Teenagers are not able to obtain reliable information on questions of an intimate nature.

Under such conditions, “teachers” are peers who themselves are in a similar position, and open sources like pornographic magazines and websites. But these resources are far from educational.

After several unsuccessful relationships, psychological problems and inferiority complexes appear, young people completely abandon them, and the idea arises of how to live without a girl so as not to injure your psyche in the future.

Is it possible to live a life without a girl if the main goal is enlightenment

What does the medicine say?

Medicine does not give a clear answer to this question. It all depends on the person’s psychotype. If he has naturally high levels of testosterone and is used to having an active sex life, then forced breaks can lead to problems such as nervousness, insomnia, or an obsessive state.

If a man is calm about lack of intimate relationships, then he will also get less harm. About how sex affects the health of men, medicine has long been known. Being a natural psychological and physiological need, it supports the body in good shape, and the mood - in stability.

How to live alone if there is no loved one?

The harm from abstinence also depends on the age of the man. Adolescents during the period of sexual development experience a period of hypersexuality. But according to social norms, they must abstain. This will not harm the body.

If we are talking about an adult man who previously had full-fledged sexual relations, then prolonged abstinence can lead to stagnation in the male reproductive system. The psychological aspect may lead to the idea of ​​how to live alone, and not at all pretend to the resumption of intimate life. But this period should not last too long. Otherwise, diseases such as prostate adenoma, prostatitis or even neoplasms occur. With such an anamnesis, doctors recommend leading a stable sex life to improve health.


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