The fruits of bird cherry: use and contraindications

Bird cherry - a tree or deciduous shrub, grows up to ten meters in height. Her white flowers, collected in beautiful brushes and having a strong and fragrant smell, appear in May. And in the second half of summer the fruits of bird cherry ripen, the use of which will be considered in the article.

bird cherry fruit application


Bird cherry grows in the CIS countries, namely the European part, also in the west of Siberia and Central Asia. She prefers moist soils of deciduous and alder forests, silty - near the banks of rivers and streams. Entire plantations of trees are found in mixed thickets of shrubs.
The fruits of bird cherry have long been known for their healing properties. Their application is proved by the results of archaeological excavations dating back to the Stone Age. Using the product at that time for food, people gradually began to notice its healing effect.

Collection and Harvesting

cherry fruits instructions for use

Bird cherry is harvested in dry weather, in the morning after dew or in the evening. Axial shoots do not cut. Put the fruits of bird cherry in a basket. Application at home is carried out after a maximum of 3-4 hours. Then they are laid out for drying. It is best to use dryers for these purposes at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, not higher.
In sunny weather, bird cherry can be poured onto paper or fabric with a thin layer and left to dry on the street. After the raw materials are ready, brushes and burnt fruits are removed, and then removed to the storage place. Shelf life of fruits lasts up to five years. In addition to them, plant flowers are collected . However, their shelf life is much shorter and is only one year. Tree bark is also used. It is able to be stored longer, up to five years, as are the fruits.


bird cherry fruits medical use

The flesh of the berry contains:

  • 15% tannins;
  • 8% anthocyanins;
  • 1% - pectins;
  • 6% glucose;
  • 6% - fructose.

Also found in it are citric and malic acids, flavonoids and trace elements. The latter include:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • selenium;
  • nickel;
  • others.

The bark, branches, leaves and flowers of the plant also contain a huge number of useful elements that have long been used in folk medicine.

Beneficial features

Consider how the beneficial substances that make up the plant affect the human body.

  1. The tannins contained in the plant acid have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.
  2. Anthocyanins help strengthen blood vessels.
  3. Pectins stimulate the intestinal apparatus, activating the activity of its smooth muscles.
  4. Phytoncides destroy harmful microorganisms. Even unwanted guests such as flies and mosquitoes are sensitive to them. Therefore, the fruits are often used against insect bites.
  5. Vitamin PP along with pectins cleanses the blood.
  6. Vitamin C along with carotenoids and flavonoids strengthens the body, increasing immunity. Also, all elements are an excellent prophylactic against cancer.
  7. Healing bitterness with potassium has a mild diuretic effect, helping the urinary system.
  8. Calcium contributes to the speedy regeneration of tissues.

bird cherry fruits application in traditional medicine

Recommended and with a cold there are fruits of bird cherry. Their use will help relieve heat and have a diaphoretic effect. Constant use will improve potency in men, stabilize the menstrual cycle in women. Bird cherry is also actively used in the treatment of gout, arthritis, rheumatism, headache and toothache and other health problems.


At the same time, one must not forget about caution. Bird cherry is contraindicated in pregnant women. In addition to the beneficial elements, the plant contains hydrocyanic acid. And she is toxic. However, a small dose will not harm even the child (the main thing is not to eat the bones, since it is there that the toxic substance is concentrated in the greatest amount). But for intrauterine development, hydrocyanic acid can have a killer effect. Therefore, it is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women.
It is also better not to keep bouquets from it in the room. Bird cherry essential oils can cause headaches and even poisoning. You can not eat and with constant constipation the fruits of bird cherry.

fruits of bird cherry application and contraindications


From the fruits prepare infusions, decoctions, juice and tea. Consider recipes that help with various ailments.
Let's start with two recipes for the infusion. Use one of them depending on the required amount of daily use.

  1. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of raw materials and pour a glass of hot water. They hold a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then cool and filter. Boiled water is added to the infusion to the initial level and stored in the refrigerator. He continues to have a healing effect, but no more than two days. Take half an hour before eating half a glass.
  2. For another recipe, they take 20 grams of raw materials, brew boiling water in half a liter and leave them to infuse for twelve hours in a thermos. Take the remedy for gastritis, colitis, diarrhea 100 milliliters three times a day.
  3. But how to make a decoction. Take a tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, leave on the fire for 20 minutes, and then filter. Also take half a glass 2-3 times a day for gastritis or diarrhea.
  4. Freshly squeezed juice is taken in half a glass with a spoonful of honey three times a day half an hour before meals.


bird cherry fruit home use

In addition to finding the fruits of bird cherry used in folk medicine, they are also eaten just like that, for example, adding to pies or bread as a filling.
Tasty bird cherry is obtained if you grind it with sugar. For preparation, the fruits are washed, the stalks are thrown out and boiled in a small amount of water. Then they wipe through a sieve, add sugar (one glass per kilogram of raw material), mix.
Kvass from bird cherry has excellent taste. Prepare it as follows. Take 500 grams of dried fruit, pour four liters of water, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for a third of an hour. Then it is cooled in fresh air, 400 grams of sugar are added and left for another twelve hours. After that, add two liters of slightly warmed water, add 200 grams of sugar, 10 grams of yeast and again hold for twelve hours so that the kvass will ferment. After this time, it is filtered, poured into three-liter glass containers. Three days later, you can drink it.

Medicinal properties and use of other parts of the plant

Not only the fruits of bird cherry are used in medicine. Bark, leaves, flowers and roots - all this goes to the service of man. Let's see how to prepare medicinal compounds for various ailments.

If pain in the joints is tormented, take a tablespoon of crust in crushed form and fill it with a glass of vodka or alcohol. The mixture is cleaned in a cool dark place for three weeks. Then they rub the places where pain is felt.
The flowers of bird cherry have a pronounced diaphoretic and diuretic effect. For one and a half glasses of boiling water take 15 g of flowers, fill them and insist for several hours. The medicine is drunk three times a day in half a glass thirty minutes before a meal.
What else is useful for bird cherry? It has a pronounced effect in diseases of the eye, namely barley, blepharitis, glaucoma and conjunctivitis. For cooking, take 15 g of flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. The broth is cooled and cotton pads moistened in it are placed on the eyes.
With pneumonia and bronchitis, bird cherry leaves will help. A teaspoon of raw materials is brewed in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then cooled and taken at 75 milliliters three times a day.

what is the use of bird cherry


Thus, having carefully studied the use and contraindications of the fruits of bird cherry, you can heal yourself with this natural raw material. Of course, it is better to collect them and cook them yourself. However, this is not always the case. Then pharmacies help out. The fruits of bird cherry acquire there. Instructions for use, which is attached to all drugs, contains detailed information about the plant, including how to use it. The instructions should be strictly observed.


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