How to go abroad to work and live? Instructions, vacancies

Earnings in foreign currency is a way to make relatively quick money on buying a house, a car or opening your own business in your homeland. Some want to go abroad for permanent residence in order to ensure a higher standard of living for their family. In any case, work experience in foreign companies will allow the applicant to continue to apply for higher positions at home. But how to go abroad to work? Where can Russians go to work or in order to move to permanent residence in the future?

Where to go and how to choose a country for immigration?

How to leave to work abroad from Russia? When planning a move, you need to take into account the current political situation in the world when choosing a destination. For example, moving to permanent residence in Bulgaria is easier, it does not require long preparations or a large number of documents, and it is not so easy to get to Japan, but you also need to know the language well to get a good job in a new place. Some countries are hostile to Russia, so it is better to abandon such directions when choosing a direction, because it may be difficult to get a job or find housing there.

I want to go abroad to live and work

Common Destinations for Qualified Professionals

Where to go to work abroad? Among Russians, the following countries have long been the most popular destinations:

  1. Great Britain. The country has a stable economic and political situation, changes and some difficult situations are not expected, so the UK is often chosen to move. Over the past two decades, almost 200 thousand citizens of the post-Soviet space moved there. It is easiest to accommodate talented individuals, highly qualified socialists, descendants of British citizens, church workers, an employee of international companies, and athletes.
  2. Canada. This is one of the most accessible and immigrant friendly states. The program "Qualified Specialist" is in place, which facilitates the relocation of professionals to some business, emigration is simplified for businessmen, investors and entrepreneurs. There are a large number of humanitarian programs and real assistance is being provided to refugees. Canadians welcome relocation for family reasons.
  3. New Zealand. Migration policy is very similar to Canadian. You can move to New Zealand to carry out professional activities, study in the country or reunite with relatives who are citizens of New Zealand.
  4. Australia. The absence of external threats and a consistently high standard of living attract more and more immigrants from around the world to the continent. They go to Australia to find a well-paid job, find business partners and start a business. There is a humanitarian program that is designed for those who for some reason cannot stay in their homeland: there may be persecution for some reason or a threat to life and health.
  5. USA. Many dream of moving to America. Direct immigration is possible, for which it is necessary to obtain a visa at the embassy (there must be relatives in the States, a person must have outstanding achievements in the field of sports, other abilities, a desire to invest in the economy), or indirect (you need to come on a tourist or work visa, and then change it to immigration).
how to leave to work abroad from Russia

Where can I go to work without qualifications?

Where can I go to work abroad? Foreign companies and private entrepreneurs offer vacancies for unskilled labor. The level of wages is not very high compared with the inhabitants of the country, but people without education and students during the holidays have the opportunity to earn abroad much more than they offer at home. They leave to harvest, work in the service sector or cleaning.

Unskilled workers most often leave for the United States or the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe. In America, there are more offers, and in favor of neighboring countries speak the low cost of crossing the border, a similar mentality and language. Often, Russians choose Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary or the Czech Republic. From the northern regions they go to the Baltic states or Scandinavia, and the residents of Vladivostok - to China.

Important factors to consider

How can I go to work abroad? It is important to analyze some factors in order to choose the right direction and determine the plan for moving. For example, the degree of knowledge of a foreign language. To get a well-paid job, one must have a good command of English or German and the local language of the country where the move is planned. You need to look for work in a certain field of activity.

go to work abroad under a job contract

It is necessary to determine the salary and calculate in advance how much money will be spent on rental housing, food and daily needs. Often, applicants who are going to temporary work for unskilled specialists want to get a job in companies that provide housing and medical insurance, but usually their salaries are slightly lower than in other employers.

Of particular importance is the availability of experience and appropriate education. A diploma from a secondary or higher education institution located in Russia must be quoted in the country where the immigrant plans to go. This will be discussed in more detail below. How to go abroad to live and work? Still need to prepare a resume. Often the employer asks to fill out a questionnaire. All points need to be painted as clearly and completely as possible, because such questionnaires often undergo computer selection, and only then fall into the hands of specialists in the personnel department.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the labor and migration laws of the country selected for immigration. You need to know the laws of the state where the applicant goes both to work and just on vacation as a tourist. In many countries, especially in Asia, traditions (including religious ones) are sacredly honored, and a person who does not know them may be in an unpleasant situation and will even be forced to pay an impressive fine.

Recognition of Education Documents

How to go abroad to work? A Russian document on education will help you get a job in Europe or in the USA. In the Western market, the Russian engineering school, for example, is still priced, and the humanities are also welcome, but they are still a little more complicated. Moreover, it is diplomas abroad that are practically not recognized anywhere. But finding work will still work, if you try.

whether to go to work abroad

First you need to translate the documents into the official language of the country and put an apostille - this is a special stamp that certifies the authenticity of the document, seals and stamps on the diploma. A diploma without apostille (even translated) does not have any power. This procedure can take up to two months.

Then you need to achieve recognition of the Russian diploma abroad. To do this, you need to contact any state university to confirm knowledge. The application must be accompanied by the translated diploma and addendum, and then go to the appropriate department of education. If the curriculum at a Russian university coincides with those disciplines taught in a foreign university, then in a few months the diploma will be confirmed and a certificate of equivalence will be issued.

In theory, everything is relatively simple, but in practice, many Russian specialists are refused a diploma. In Switzerland, for example, this is practically unrealistic. In this case, the specialist will be able to get a job, but one level lower than the Russian one. For example, a chief accountant with experience can only rely on an assistant position. But the restrained ambitions of Russian specialists abroad are fully offset by the high level of wages.

how can I go to work abroad

Work in Spain for women in the service sector and men in the harvest

How to go abroad to live and work, if we are talking, for example, about Spain? More than 40% of immigrants from the former USSR live in large cities: Alicante, Barcelona or Madrid, the least compatriots in Castile and Leon. This distribution of immigrants across the country is influenced by the proximity of the locations of the Russian consulates, the number of vacancies and the opportunity to become part of the diaspora.

In the summer, it is easier to find unskilled work (especially seasonal) in the service or cleaning sector, but the cost of renting real estate rises. Women are willingly taking such vacancies. Those who know Spanish can find guides or waitresses. In autumn and spring, immigrants go to Spain to harvest. In these works, men are more in demand. In winter, there is no seasonal work, but this is a good time to move for highly qualified specialists, because the prices are slightly lower, and this will allow you to get used to it with less financial loss.

In the first month, we need savings for accommodation, food, transportation. Do not forget about the costs of obtaining a visa, work permit and flight. Depending on preferences and the possibility of self-cooking, costs can range from 250 to 600 euros per person (19-45 thousand rubles at the current rate). To obtain a visa without additional financial costs, it is advisable to get a job under a contract. In this case, the employer assumes responsibility for the immigrant, providing him with work and all the documents necessary for processing the documents.

how to leave to work as a doctor abroad

Unskilled work for Russians and Ukrainians in Poland

Many say: โ€œI want to go abroad to live and work,โ€ but they do nothing to achieve this goal. Usually doubters choose Poland - the country is close, the language and mentality are similar, moving will not cost too much. Many people see this country as a springboard for further relocation to other European countries with higher wages. You should not count on very high incomes - there will be enough money for accommodation and meals, but no more. But with the citizenship of the European Union they will be glad to see a person in other countries, for example, in Germany, Spain, Italy and other states.

How to go abroad to work? There are several options from which you can choose the right one. School graduates can enter Polish universities and receive a European diploma, representatives of creative professions (freelancers, programmers, designers) have a unique opportunity to start a business, get a residence permit for three years and pay minimum taxes, adults can get a new specialty (hairdresser, makeup artist, cook, logistics, educator) in free police schools for a year or two. If you have relatives who are citizens of Poland, you can get a Pole card, which opens up many opportunities for immigrants.

Where to go to work and live a qualified doctor

How to leave to work as a doctor abroad? For doctors, the problem of moving is complicated by the need to confirm a diploma. โ€œI want to go to work abroad,โ€ - doctors often say, who are disappointed with work at home. There are countries where it is almost impossible to confirm a diploma (France, for example), in others you can confirm your qualifications with a residence permit with the right to work (Belgium, Finland, Switzerland, Austria). In Germany there is a clear and understandable scheme by which a physician can quickly begin to work in his specialty. You need to pass German to level B2 and pass a small exam, confirm your education and work experience with documents (translate documents into German and put an apostille).

where to go to work abroad

How to go abroad to work as a doctor if it comes to Germany? Next, the Russian physician in Germany needs to pass a trial period with a minimum wage (450-500 euros per month, that is, 33-37 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate). After the end of the trial period, the payment rises to 1,500 euros (110 thousand rubles) as a doctorโ€™s assistant. Immediately after this, you can apply for a blue card. The method is convenient, but without knowledge of the language it is better to first get a language course for 6-12 months, and during the training start looking for work.

Doctors from the CIS can immigrate to the Czech Republic. A person with a doctorโ€™s diploma is enrolled in special courses, submits his diploma for recognition (it will take at least a year or more), after completing training he passes an exam, and then passes the practical part in the form of a trial period, which is paid, but at a minimum rate. After about 6 months, the immigrant receives the status of a doctor. The advantage of the program for Russians is that you can take part of the exams in English, Russian or Czech language of your choice. Czech is being studied relatively quickly; the state language will definitely be needed to work in a hospital.

In Spain, the demand for Russian-speaking doctors has been maintained for quite some time. Medical tourism is very developed in Spain: women often go there to give birth, including if there are any features, pregnancy difficulties, or surgery is required. Medicine is developed both public and private. Demand remains, by the way, not only for doctors, but also for translators. Relocation scheme for doctors is very similar to that in the Czech Republic. The exam takes place in test form, and then you need to pass a trial period, the duration of which is from six to twelve months.

How can I settle in and find a job in Germany

How to leave to work abroad under a contract? Jobs for Russians are in Germany. The unemployment rate there is very low, but there is still a lot of competition. The price includes owners of technical professions, for example, IT workers and engineers. In relation to labor migrants in Germany, there is a very strict legislation, so a visitor should definitely familiarize himself with all the nuances of moving in advance.

where can I go to work abroad

How to go abroad to work? To go to work in Germany without intermediaries, you need to get permission. A job should be sought before moving, and Germans or EU citizens should not apply for a position, which complicates the job search. Open vacancies are posted on the FATG website. Together with the Office for Migration Affairs, the application is considered, and then a decision is made on the employment of a foreigner. If the answer is yes, the applicant can apply to the consulate for a work visa. A maximum of a week after the move, you need to register at the place of residence and apply for a residence permit.

Work for Russians in Cyprus, features and income

How to leave to work abroad in Cyprus? The average salary there is about 1575 euros per month (166 thousand rubles), this is a common indicator for the EU. Specialists in telecommunications, in the field of IT, programmers and engineers are in demand. There is work in the construction industry, the industrial sector. Qualified specialists can earn up to 2,000 euros per month in such positions (147 thousand rubles). Unskilled workers can get a job in the service sector, hotel or restaurant business.

Should I leave to work abroad? This is everyoneโ€™s personal choice. To get a good job in a new place, you need to know the language and confirm the diploma. Unskilled workers can rely on seasonal employment to supplement the family budget or accumulate funds for some purpose.


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